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Unable to send Recon units with offensive and defensive forces to capture tapsites

Unable to send Recon units with offensive and defensive forces to capture tapsites

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19 июнь 2018, 21:5619.06.18

Unable to send Recon units with offensive and defensive forces to capture tapsites

I'll make this short.

For the past month, I have been unable to send recon units WITH my defense (and usually one offense) units to capture tapsites.

Both for vacant AND occupied tapsites, it does not matter. In the 'capture tapsite' pop up screen, recons simply fail to show up at all.

For example:

This what I have just pulled outside of my bunker. Note the Interceptors, one offense unit (needed to take any tapsite) and the recon units.

Also note this is the 'send to bunker screen' ; All the shown units are indeed my own units, and not reinforcement units from other sectors.

However, when I go to take a tapsite, this is what I see (I did not send anything to the bunker)|


One offense unit

Recon units
Unaccounted for.

And no, if I scrolled down, they would not appear in the bunker either


Yes, once my offense unit and defense units have captured a tapsite, I AM able to send recon drones as reinforcements.
I just cannot send them initially, which is quite bothersome.

If this is not a bug, I am curious as to why such a minuet and bothersome change would have been made?

Agent PavelTechnical Support
20 июнь 2018, 10:1920.06.18

Hello, Commander!

This is not a bug. Recon units can be sent only as reinforcements or intelligence. This is why they are not displayed in the Capture window. 

26 июнь 2018, 18:0626.06.18
Agent Pavel said:

Hello, Commander!

This is not a bug. Recon units can be sent only as reinforcements or intelligence. This is why they are not displayed in the Capture window. 

It used to be possible to send them with the capturing forces though.  I'm not sure why this was changed, it's rather annoying because now you have to wait for the capturing forces to arrive at a tapsite then send the recon units separately.