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Capacity of outgoing march observed to significantly mismatch battle pillage result.  PID 1771164

Capacity of outgoing march observed to significantly mismatch battle pillage result. PID 1771164

24 сент. 2018, 04:0224.09.18

Capacity of outgoing march observed to significantly mismatch battle pillage result. PID 1771164

Observed a bug where the capacity of an attack march sent out does not match the capacity of resources actually collected.  Specifically the battle result from attacking a(n empty) town returns significantly lower resources than the capacity of the march sent out.  Bug confirmed in screenshots below.

Player ID = 1771164 

=> Immediately stopped play and froze hero/inquisitor pending response.  Unknown if bug intermittent, but has occurred more than once.

Sequential screenshots:

Step 1) Spy report of target city prior to attack.  ~17M lumber available

Step 1) Spy report of target city prior to attack

Step 2) Sending attack screen.  Note capacity of march displayed at bottom right corner: ~17M for the 410,100 troops sent.

screenshot of sending an attack march

Step 3.A) Battle result report screenshot 1.  Lumber gathered from empty town was only ~12M (vs. 17.3M capacity)

Battle report result screenshot 1 showing only 12M Rss collected

Step 3.B) Battle report screenshot 2: Confirms that both hero & inquisitor were indeed part of march.

Battle report confirmation that hero & inquisitor were part of march.

Step 4) Follow-up spy report confirming that 5M resources were left behind in the city, despite having capacity to carry.

Follow-up spy report showing 5M resources left behind in city

For now I believe the above screenshots have amply described the bug observed.  As previously mentioned, I have immediately stopped playing and kept hero and inquisitor exactly as they were at the time of the incident.  Only logged in to lengthen shield and transfer a cart of Rss.

Speculation: This bug may not just be about Rss capacity  I am concerned about intermittent reports of players sending attacks assuming one set of march statistics, and observing fishy battle reports that do not seem to match initial assumptions.  Such observations have spiked since the update that added (initially buggy) Arsenal gear for eternal stronghold, and several players I know have slowed or stopped play altogether b/c of it.  To understand how alarming this is, imagine the same error swapping "capacity" for a stat like "siege health" when attacking with all siege.

Please respond ASAP, as I would like to resume playing pending gathering any needed debug data from my account.


24 сент. 2018, 13:4324.09.18

Dear ALBEDO21, thank you very much for providing us with this detailed information.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We understand your concern, but this is a complicated issue and it takes time to resolve it. We assure you that the issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

We appreciate your understanding.

24 сент. 2018, 14:3024.09.18
24 сент. 2018, 14:33(отредактировано)

May I ask if Plarium has identified a root cause?  Or should I keep my account/ hero/ inquisitor as-is for now?

Demonstrating the bug clearly is easier in this simple case of capacity error.  However, (hypothetically) if there were errors in battle report troop statistics it would be much more difficult to identify them clearly.  Especially from a user's perspective, and even more so if the user loses a battle. 

Thank you for your timely reply.