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What can you do with an inactive Leader

What can you do with an inactive Leader

15 сент. 2018, 01:4015.09.18

What can you do with an inactive Leader

What can you do with a leader that has not been active for several weeks? I would like to see the order still exist and members continue. Can leader be removed after several attempts of reaching out to the leader? 

18 сент. 2018, 03:4218.09.18

Apparently not. You're stuck.

But, it largely doesn't matter. The only thing the Master can do that a Counsellor cannot is change the Order Code (but Counsellors can change the Order Info), and the Master can change rank or expel a Counsellor.

So, in theory, you could put a note in the Order Info to see the current Order Code somewhere else, and otherwise everyone keeps just getting on with their day.

However, this also means that any OvO rss awards to the Order for winning the event remain inaccessible.
3 окт. 2018, 01:4003.10.18
with this being a cash game it doesn't seem right that you the developers can't remove an inactive master.  you need to fix this.
9 янв. 2019, 12:3009.01.19

It is very upsetting that the inactive master cant be booted; why not have them (master) booted automatically when inactive

for more the 1 month. Then the order can go to the most active person and if they dont want it they can assign it to whomever. 

Its a great game but is frustrating at times. Thanks 
11 янв. 2019, 00:2111.01.19

The inactivity timeout is a really good idea.

Warn, say, after 1 month of inactivity. Send to e-mail of record.

After 2 months, automatically assign it to the next earliest appointed Counsellor.

OR ...

As part of gaining master, require an alternate to be designated, then, to receive mastership after inactivity timeout of 2 months. (Or something.)
13 янв. 2019, 23:0413.01.19

an automatic transfer of mastership would and could be troublesome. My thought would simply be a way to expel the master after a certain period of inactivity.

Either that or start a new one or join another active or merge...
14 янв. 2019, 10:2814.01.19
vvictory said:

with this being a cash game it doesn't seem right that you the developers can't remove an inactive master.  you need to fix this.
Of course they can. They just refuse to.
14 янв. 2019, 10:4014.01.19

I Am Khan said:

an automatic transfer of mastership would and could be troublesome. My thought would simply be a way to expel the master after a certain period of inactivity.

Either that or start a new one or join another active or merge...

Your comments indicate you have not been playing long enough to have seen this problem reoccur frequently. To the great pain of all involved.

> My thought would simply be a way to expel the master after a certain period of inactivity.

And ...? How is that different than the suggestion - master would have to go to {someone} {somehow}, with the problems already noted.

> Either that or start a new one or join another active or merge...

The point is Citadels are WAY too expensive to willy nilly start another one, let alone leaving the current one taking up the space.

Merging does not touch upon the problem - the old Citadel/Order is still present, and still masterless.

> an automatic transfer of mastership would and could be troublesome.

Less troublesome than the current untenable situation.
29 янв. 2019, 01:2629.01.19

This has happened to our Clan. Leader and about three other players stopped at about the same time. Since then we have lost one or two players a day for a week. This means no money for Plarium - they are gone and others are following. Allowing a change of leadership would mean at least some players staying - and potentially paying money!

17 фев. 2019, 13:5317.02.19
Solution is easy. Force the Master appoint one or 2 reserves, after one week of inactivity the reserve become master until the original master log back on. should not be very difficult