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Battlegrounds Lifehack

Battlegrounds Lifehack

21 янв. 2015, 11:2321.01.15

Battlegrounds Lifehack

Attack Battlegrounds with basic units and get powerful Units as a Reward!

Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!

All Lords and Ladies know that Battlegrounds may offer you spoils of war, such as Experience Points, Battleground Ranking Points, and Resources. The Saga Quest Battlegrounds also reward you with Soulstones and special Eldritch Units. What you might not know is that Battlegrounds can be used to easily exchange weak Units for more powerful ones.

All players have access to basic Units, such as Pikemen. Compared with stronger Units, Pikemen cost less and are trained much faster. Attacking another Lord with an army of Pikemen would not be a smart move, for they are slow and weak - an army of Dragons would be more fitting for such a task. One might ask: How do I get Dragons if I have not unlocked them? Battlegrounds are the answer!

Send groups of basic Units to repel bands of Balur's forces at the Battlegrounds - the more Units that sacrifice themselves in the name of Stormfall, the higher the reward will be. NOTE: You might need to engage several Battlegrounds before you receive a substantial amount of powerful Units.

Next time when you are thinking of what to do with those hordes of Pikemen and Paladins gorging on your Food at your Castle, send them on a mission to a high level Battleground. You will be reaping the benefits of packs of Dragons, Renegades, Necromancers, or other strong Units further along the Lost Arts tree line.

May Eir guide your hand!

27 янв. 2015, 00:4027.01.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:44(отредактировано)

This game is driven by sapphires. A little to driven. The soldier loss to spoils of war are to small. Especially when it comes to protecting settlements. That's near impossible without spending a fortune on sapphires. Is Plarium willing to make some changes to this large drawback?

28 янв. 2015, 05:4528.01.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:01(отредактировано)

Show us some examples or explain some scenarios versus doing another way to help understand the mechanics of this.

28 янв. 2015, 21:0328.01.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:05(отредактировано)

I'm eager to see who or if anyone replies from the administration. 

I have another question. How do you start a new league?

29 янв. 2015, 07:2629.01.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:06(отредактировано)

joshuadiggin20 said:

I'm eager to see who or if anyone replies from the administration. 

I have another question. How do you start a new league?

Hi, to make a new league you will need to go to League Hall and pay with sapphires. Thanks

1 фев. 2015, 09:4601.02.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:05(отредактировано)

I have seen no evidence of increased rewards of higher level troops using this Life hack gimmick. What I have seen is when conducting an offense, you can launch a wave of Pikes and Pals to reduce the defenders forces. Then you have an option to Send More. If you sent a good number of Inf in the first. Wave, youur heavies and a few Inf (if you have any left) can easily overrun the remnants of the enemy defense and lose very little power. This is my experience, it may not be yours. I suggest you test for yourself.

This Life hack cannot/will not work if you have to defend a battleground. The reason is simple. You get one chance to defend, it's win or lose. Oh, you can try again but all of the enemies forces are reset and you will take losses. In conclusion, without knowing what rewards you "may or may not" get, I'd call the Life hack a poor bet. But we all have to test things until we discover our truth. Fight smart, fight well, and Good Luck.


6 фев. 2015, 21:5906.02.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:43(отредактировано)

Hiro2arc. The defense battleground strategy you discussed isn't entirely accurate. The defense does not return to full strength once you defend and kill off some of the attackers. There is an indicator on the attack and defend battlegrounds which shows the estimated remaining forces in the form of bars. The lifehack isn't the greatest exchange of resources but if all you can build are infantry it's better than nothing.   After you have lost a certain number of them usually hundreds. You will defeat a battleground and be rewarded with higher ranking troops.  I received 17 griffons and 2 wyverns once for instance. Went through 500+ Infantry to get those troops but had nothing else to spend my resources on at the time and it keeps my food production at a healthy level

15 фев. 2015, 05:2515.02.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:00(отредактировано)

hiro2arc you are incorrect about the defense being reset every time.

Mark.hainey you are right.


I still want better info and guidance about this...  I have tried many different things but because it is so random it is incredibly hard to test what is actually working best.

The tips here seemed good, but I even question them after testing them:  http://wiki.plarium.com/index.php?title=Battlegrounds%3A_Tips

Note that is the PC version not mobile.

25 фев. 2015, 14:2025.02.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:44(отредактировано)

Amelia Stormfall said:

Attack Battlegrounds with basic units and get powerful Units as a Reward!


I would like to know if there is a relation between the units you loose at the battleground and the units you get as a reward?

Or is the unit type irrelevant and only the number of resources that went into training a unit relevant?

26 фев. 2015, 09:4226.02.15

Elyssa said:

Amelia Stormfall said:

Attack Battlegrounds with basic units and get powerful Units as a Reward!


I would like to know if there is a relation between the units you loose at the battleground and the units you get as a reward?

Or is the unit type irrelevant and only the number of resources that went into training a unit relevant?

My Lady, you can discuss with other players their experience!

28 фев. 2015, 06:0528.02.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:04(отредактировано)

Im expending much resourses and units for battlegrouns. But i always get 100 gold 100 iron 100 food and insignificant exp. Its once in a blue moon to get a handful of eldrich units and paladins so u cant basically get "profits"in battlegrounds. Its just that oftentimes, wat i get in battlegrounds is somewhat nothing compared to the units im losing, 

3 март 2015, 15:4503.03.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:05(отредактировано)

Battle grounds won't level up if you leave the last 1 or 2 highest ones alive

30 март 2015, 23:1130.03.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:57(отредактировано)

thank you, this is helpful

16 апр. 2015, 11:4516.04.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:06(отредактировано)

i am currently on lvl 44's in the game stormfall age of war, but these games tend to keep the EXACT SAME machanics so 


as ajr said tht is true BUT rewards are much lower u can get a  few hundred / thousand resources a few griffins maybe from below lvl 10/15 but the real units start coming in at around 25 although the amount of units needed is greater approx 30/40k if i remember rightly, i know tht 30s are around 90k/100k



for defence send 1 archer and it well tell u every unit tht is there! usually 1 or 2 will be considerably larger then the other 2 , check what they are and send less of those topes of troops that are weekest against it (IT TELS YOU THE ENEMIES DEFENCE AGAINST YOUR DEFENCE UNITS, E.G 80 cavalry means you need atleast 80 cavalry defence points to defeat it , 40 infantry means 2 archers ) 


for offense send about 3/4k and see what units get killed easiest, and send the ones they are weakest against 


from a level 40 i got 783 demons and 260 warlocks and it cost me about 150k so i got 200k extra defence the yellow quest battlegrounds will only give the units it says and also are only unlocked every 5 levels u increase

17 апр. 2015, 13:0617.04.15

Elyssa said:

Amelia Stormfall said:

Attack Battlegrounds with basic units and get powerful Units as a Reward!


I would like to know if there is a relation between the units you loose at the battleground and the units you get as a reward?

Or is the unit type irrelevant and only the number of resources that went into training a unit relevant?


Personally I haven't noticed something like this. The powerful units I get as rewards do not seem to be connected to the ones I lose. So for example, if I lose nomads at a battleground, I do not as a rule get back more powerful cavalry units, but the "payout" is random. Also, whether one loses offence or defence units does not seem to affect which powerful units one gets in return.


However, what I would like to know is whether losing at a battleground has an affects on whether one gets powerful units as a reward later on. When I started attacking battlegrounds in the beginning, my strategy was to make sure I had a large enough army, and then attack the battlegrounds with full force and destroy them completely at the first attack attempts. And back then I used to get more powerful units as rewards almost every time. Now though when I have reached higher levels, it takes time to build a large enough force to destroy a battleground in one attempt. And because I'm impatient and don't want to wait a whole day just to get enough troops to attack one battleground, I've decided to attack a battleground with several smaller armies. Inevitably, the first attacks lead to me losing, and only after a few attacks do I finally destroy the battleground completely. The problem is that now it feels like I'm not receiving any powerful units as rewards!


Is it possible that the game does not "pay up" if one destroys a battleground little at a time and loses a few times before winning? You, Lady Amelia, say that "the more Units that sacrifice themselves in the name of Stormfall, the higher the reward will be." Is it possible that the game only recognizes the amount of units one uses to win at a battleground, and ignores the units one used in the previous attacks on the same battleground?


An example:

Scenario 1: I attack a battleground with 100 units, I win, and the game rewards me with more powerful units.

Scenario 2: I attack the same battleground five times, with 20 units each. The first four lead to me losing, but the fifth group of 20 units leads to victory.


Does the game ignore the first four attempts (4x20 units) and just think that I won with 20 units (fifth attempt) and that I'm therefore not worthy of more powerful units? Because that's how it feels right now. I'm not getting more powerful units as I did before. Right now I haven't gotten more powerful units from the last seven victories at battlegrounds! All of these victories came after several losing attacks on these battlegrounds.

1 май 2015, 06:3301.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:57(отредактировано)

Hello,  i ve seen that when a quest is active do you not recieve any rewards. Do you have see n the same? 

2 май 2015, 03:1402.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:02(отредактировано)

Brisingr said:

Hello,  i ve seen that when a quest is active do you not recieve any rewards. Do you have see n the same? 

Lord your rewards are in your Black Market, under My Items. Hope this helps. Thanks

3 май 2015, 09:1903.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:43(отредактировано)

No, of any help. I m talking about having powerful units as rewards. I ve lost about 1000 archers and i don't know how many pik having no rewards at all. 

the possibilities in my opinion, are:

1. You do Not receive any powerful unit rewards if a pvp mission (that give you lockets ) is active

2. Otherwise you receive rewards only by attaking the highest level battLeground

3 май 2015, 22:3403.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:08(отредактировано)

Brisingr said:

No, of any help. I m talking about having powerful units as rewards. I ve lost about 1000 archers and i don't know how many pik having no rewards at all. 

the possibilities in my opinion, are:

1. You do Not receive any powerful unit rewards if a pvp mission (that give you lockets ) is active

2. Otherwise you receive rewards only by attaking the highest level battLeground

Lord Brisingr yes you do receive rewards during PVP, GQ when active, You need need to fill your battleground bank before you get the best rewards. Thanks 

17 май 2015, 13:5517.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:51(отредактировано)

Plarium should share more information about BG's, because this way only less then 1% of the players understanding it.

I have searched the internet days and days for some guides, but they are not straightforward. I find this non-sense if the players cannot use it because of lack of informations. I spent lots of hours understanding it, but it is not fun anymore!


What I do not understand clearly:

1) Banking: only the spent (on troops) Gold+Iron counts towards banking or Food is included also? So if I want to calculate resources spent for a given level BG, I need to add Gold+Iron or Gold+Iron+Food? The Wiki and other guides are saying gold and iron, but I'm not sure on that. This is a very important information and it is missing! Plarium should clarify this!

2) When the bank is reset? Or never? The bank is continuous and when a troop reward arrives, the resource value is deducted from the currently accumulated bank value? Example: I have 1000 bank value, I receive reward 200 value troops, my bank value will be 800? Some says the bank will reset to zero when you get a troop reward. I suppose is not resets, only the awarded troops resources are deducted from the bank pot.

3) How can I find out what is the bank value required for a given BG level? Someone linked above the Infestation data (thanks for that), which would show aprox. the required bank value, but I have no idea how can I find out myself? How do I calculate the needed bank value for a given level BG? When I can stop sacrificing troops the get the maximum award from the highest BG?

 I really hope someone can answer the questions (or some of them) above. Why is this secrecy about it, I do not understand it!

20 май 2015, 13:5520.05.15

I think that the biggist problem is that the administrators and moderators don't know either how this exactly works.

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