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Help us improve our communities.

Help us improve our communities.

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Lord OberonCharacter
19 янв. 2018, 14:2619.01.18

Help us improve our communities.

Help us improve our communities.

Fill out our survey for your chance to win 3,000 Sapphires: http://plrm.me/2DDzmqj

We need your feedback so we can keep getting better. Make your voice heard!

19 янв. 2018, 20:3119.01.18

When players try to get their voices heard, they get either beaten over the head with forum rules, or they get their voice silenced and banned.  I know its more fun to see positive comments and feedback than critics and upset players, but there is no healthy symbiotic relationship between the players and Plarium, and the ball is not really in the corner of the players to get it rolling. 

Just take a thing such as the becons... Look at Stormfall on Facebook, look at how many level 5 becons there is there... now look at Stormfall here.. NONE..... For the longest time many players asked about becons and changes like the force multiplier... And the response usually been it being forwarded to the devs... Well, we got final answer on that January 11th community chat it seems.. working as intended, nothing to see....

I filled out the survey, as for get my voice heard, apparently I got a big ban hammer a inch from touching the top of my head...

19 янв. 2018, 20:4519.01.18

get rid of the community managers, give us direct access to developers. 

if thats not possible, send community managers to customer relations education.  i think a lot of the bad sentiment towards plarium comes from the string of bad community managers we have had.  They seem to have no respect for the clients.  a lot of the things that are bad about the game could be overcome if the people we interact with from plarium didnt treat us like we didnt matter. 
19 янв. 2018, 21:1019.01.18

IronApex Turok said:

get rid of the community managers, give us direct access to developers. 

if thats not possible, send community managers to customer relations education.  i think a lot of the bad sentiment towards plarium comes from the string of bad community managers we have had.  They seem to have no respect for the clients.  a lot of the things that are bad about the game could be overcome if the people we interact with from plarium didnt treat us like we didnt matter. 

Community managers operate within the guidelines they been given by well, the upper management. They have to respond in a certain way, they can't really tell us the players anything else than our requests and ideas been forwarded. Do I believe they might know that certain requests and ideas being forwarded, might just end up in a trash bin, or is pointless to forward because they know it will be rejected? Sure. But its their job, they are the ones open for stab, they face the blunt force of the players. I doubt anyone feel like go to work and receive one shitstorm after another voluntary.

I acknowledge what they are and what they do, but they are not my friends, they are not my representative, and they do not work in my, or the rest of the players best interest. The community exist in a vaccum of us the players and them, Plarium. There is no WE, at best we should hope for some mutual respect acknowledging one can't exist without the other.  

21 янв. 2018, 01:5621.01.18
these surveys should probably have been happening more often. 
22 янв. 2018, 10:1722.01.18


Please make sure to leave your feedback in the form as it was created specifically for this purpose.

All your thoughts left there will be checked and considered.

Thanks in advance!

22 янв. 2018, 19:0622.01.18

I've played several mmo's such as this one and I think the criticism from others is misapplied.

I do believe the CMs and moderators pass feedback but then it dies.

It seems the devs are completely clueless as to how this game works or they are deliberately killing it.

Many of us spend a lot of time playing, a little consideration that we want to play a good game and have its best interests at heart would be appreciated.
2 фев. 2018, 23:2502.02.18
Limad said:

It seems like they have skipped a few steps in the traditional model of software development. I've worked in QA for 15 years or so and you'd normally have a Customer relationship manager who elicits feedback from clients. Then BA's step in to do some initial analysis on the feedback. Get a high level estimate on how long it would take to develop. If the development time was considered reasonable, assign a Project manager, complete the BA analysis, get an estimate on how long it would take QA to test the changes etc. I've never worked in a company where the Development team get to reject changes outright and get to implement stuff they want to implement. In the real world they are told what to do. It would appear that Plarium developers run the show, which is just bizarre. 

Actually, its more like management, tell the workers. Make us X and Y that make us more money...  working as a programmer, gfx artist etc, give you no real direction power, just a pay check for the work you do. And game based on such premises as Stormfall and similar games, is all about make as much cash as possible. Where you could argue that others would seen bigger value in make a game as many players as possible will play and keep play for a long time, and then let revenue come based on that. 
21 фев. 2018, 12:5421.02.18
21 фев. 2018, 12:54(отредактировано)

roadstar Pitbull said:

How about some feedback from the survey,,and who got the sapphires.


This feedback was gathered for us to improve the communities. Thanks a lot for giving it and sharing your opinion with us! :)

As for the winner, it was already chosen and we got in touch with him via PM.

So, this topic is closed.

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