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Rack up the Rewards today in the PvE Flash Event!

Rack up the Rewards today in the PvE Flash Event!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Lord OberonCharacter
5 нояб. 2017, 12:0805.11.17

Rack up the Rewards today in the PvE Flash Event!

Rack up the Rewards today in the PvE Flash Event

My Lords and Ladies,

We’re offering you a number of ways to win big in the PvE Flash Event from 6 – 13 November.

Here's a look at what’s in store for you:

- The Super Flash PvE Tournament. This Tournament allows you 5 days to compete and win as many points as you can. The more points you get, the better your Rewards.

- The Battleground Conquest Championship. This Championship consists of 5 Heats – each more difficult than the last – and is open to all players. The more Heats you participate in, the greater your chances of winning incredible Rewards. You can take part in up to three Heats at a time to better your chances.

- A Special Flash Gift. An assortment of Items to help prepare your armies for the PvE Flash Event is yours to claim – FREE.

- A New Flash Pack. Race to the Bank and take advantage of our excellent Flash Offers, made especially for the PvE Flash Event.

This is your chance. Don't miss out on big deals, big fights, and big Rewards this November.

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

5 нояб. 2017, 18:5805.11.17
Win big ... your definition of it is clearly different than mine lately but lets see what you mean by it tomorrow
6 нояб. 2017, 11:3206.11.17

Crookz said:

Win big ... your definition of it is clearly different than mine lately but lets see what you mean by it tomorrow


Everyone has own definition of big, but I hope you'll like ours.

6 нояб. 2017, 14:2806.11.17
"win big" by plarium means "pay big"  , you can not win anything without spending.  nothing new here.
6 нояб. 2017, 22:4806.11.17

Crookz said:

Win big ... your definition of it is clearly different than mine lately but lets see what you mean by it tomorrow

These Dwarves and Paladins are much bigger than our own?

7 нояб. 2017, 08:3907.11.17

Snowgoon said:

Crookz said:

Win big ... your definition of it is clearly different than mine lately but lets see what you mean by it tomorrow

These Dwarves and Paladins are much bigger than our own?

Hi !

Maybe was said because there are multiple heats and from every heat you have a reward - all these rewards accumulated for some players mean something...

Best regards!

7 нояб. 2017, 18:2407.11.17

isacescu_bogdan said:

Maybe was said because there are multiple heats and from every heat you have a reward - all these rewards accumulated for some players mean something...

Best regards!


These pvp and pve Heats are useful for lower level players who only need a few points to collect sapphires from tournament rankings, also Hamlet Harvests can give 1100 sapphires with no effort

but players above level 60 struggle to get anything worthwhile without sacrificing too much
8 нояб. 2017, 08:0608.11.17

Stiletto said:

isacescu_bogdan said:

Maybe was said because there are multiple heats and from every heat you have a reward - all these rewards accumulated for some players mean something...

Best regards!


These pvp and pve Heats are useful for lower level players who only need a few points to collect sapphires from tournament rankings, also Hamlet Harvests can give 1100 sapphires with no effort

but players above level 60 struggle to get anything worthwhile without sacrificing too much

Hello, my Lady.

If you have a high level in the game, it means you're an experienced player already and requirements to get a reward is higher as you can enough skills and resources already to deal with them.

Players on the lower levels are not so experienced yet, and the things that for you seem to be done "with no effort" for them actually require this effort.

8 нояб. 2017, 19:4108.11.17
8 нояб. 2017, 20:32(отредактировано)

Alina Phoenix said:

Stiletto said:

isacescu_bogdan said:

Maybe was said because there are multiple heats and from every heat you have a reward - all these rewards accumulated for some players mean something...

Best regards!


These pvp and pve Heats are useful for lower level players who only need a few points to collect sapphires from tournament rankings, also Hamlet Harvests can give 1100 sapphires with no effort

but players above level 60 struggle to get anything worthwhile without sacrificing too much

Hello, my Lady.

If you have a high level in the game, it means you're an experienced player already and requirements to get a reward is higher as you can enough skills and resources already to deal with them.

Players on the lower levels are not so experienced yet, and the things that for you seem to be done "with no effort" for them actually require this effort.

But this seems to be the opposite of what we were told when they first added the Elite Tier to tournament ranking, which meant that level 54 players were expected to compete against level 104 in 'My Tier' because they had the same level of skill

'Skill' seemed to be relative?

I am very pleased to see that you disagree with this insane view :)

I got 1100 sapphires for only 16 points in hamlet harvest so No Effort  http://prntscr.com/h7ygpq

I think the problem on most servers is that the tier for level 61+ is overcrowded
Better if they added more tiers for level 71-80, 81-90 etc and removed the Elite Tier altogether

I remember the old tier system which was much fairer, much more rewarding and a lot more fun
Ignore player current levels in this screenshot cos they have levelled up since then

[11:58] Oberon: You have placed within the Novice Tier of the Global Quest Rankings. Your rank is number 60 and you have scored 52 points!

Your Prize is 1000 Sapphires!

13 нояб. 2017, 10:5713.11.17

Stiletto said:

Alina Phoenix said:

Stiletto said:

isacescu_bogdan said:

Maybe was said because there are multiple heats and from every heat you have a reward - all these rewards accumulated for some players mean something...

Best regards!


These pvp and pve Heats are useful for lower level players who only need a few points to collect sapphires from tournament rankings, also Hamlet Harvests can give 1100 sapphires with no effort

but players above level 60 struggle to get anything worthwhile without sacrificing too much

Hello, my Lady.

If you have a high level in the game, it means you're an experienced player already and requirements to get a reward is higher as you can enough skills and resources already to deal with them.

Players on the lower levels are not so experienced yet, and the things that for you seem to be done "with no effort" for them actually require this effort.

But this seems to be the opposite of what we were told when they first added the Elite Tier to tournament ranking, which meant that level 54 players were expected to compete against level 104 in 'My Tier' because they had the same level of skill

'Skill' seemed to be relative?

I am very pleased to see that you disagree with this insane view :)

I got 1100 sapphires for only 16 points in hamlet harvest so No Effort  http://prntscr.com/h7ygpq

I think the problem on most servers is that the tier for level 61+ is overcrowded
Better if they added more tiers for level 71-80, 81-90 etc and removed the Elite Tier altogether

I remember the old tier system which was much fairer, much more rewarding and a lot more fun
Ignore player current levels in this screenshot cos they have levelled up since then

[11:58] Oberon: You have placed within the Novice Tier of the Global Quest Rankings. Your rank is number 60 and you have scored 52 points!

Your Prize is 1000 Sapphires!

Hello :)

But I also think that players on Level 60 are experienced enough to fight with the players of the higher Levels 
16 нояб. 2017, 11:3516.11.17
roadstar Pitbull said:

Level 60, and even level 80 is so very much easier to obtain than previously.

And older player level 80 has all researches and such maxed, newer players do not... Just one example...
That's why players are placed into the Tiers that suit their level of experience :)