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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Lord OberonCharacter
31 окт. 2017, 12:2431.10.17

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

It's a Halloween party! Leave the candy on the table and celebrate with your fellow players!

31 окт. 2017, 13:0031.10.17
31 окт. 2017, 13:14(отредактировано)
you ruined attack requests and reinforcement requests and Resources requests they can only be put up for 4 hours now all for this flashy sign unacceptable fix Your darn flaws already and stop ruining the game for these darn flashy signs and ticking everybody off do your darn job right already halloween was going great before you ruined the game again With this darn flashy sign if nothing was ruined by this darn flashy sign everything would been okay as gets on this game just another plarium trick to all of us and no treat again
31 окт. 2017, 16:0231.10.17
And how, exactly, is this "leave candy" done?
1 нояб. 2017, 10:3101.11.17

gogo giant god said:

you ruined attack requests and reinforcement requests and Resources requests they can only be put up for 4 hours now all for this flashy sign unacceptable fix Your darn flaws already and stop ruining the game for these darn flashy signs and ticking everybody off do your darn job right already halloween was going great before you ruined the game again With this darn flashy sign if nothing was ruined by this darn flashy sign everything would been okay as gets on this game just another plarium trick to all of us and no treat again


The issue with Attack requests as well as the issue with Reinforcement and Resources requests were forwarded to devs already.

In this post we just wanted to congratulate players with the Halloween and wish them a good party.
1 нояб. 2017, 10:3301.11.17

laurlee said:

And how, exactly, is this "leave candy" done?

Hello :)

We meant that you can just leave the candy on your table near laptop while playing the game 
1 нояб. 2017, 13:3601.11.17
OH MY..... I'm just going walk away...... LOL
1 нояб. 2017, 20:2001.11.17
1 нояб. 2017, 20:32(отредактировано)

Why didn't you give us customizable avatars for haloween?

Just vanity avatars, or could actually wear the hero equipment

This was from Vampire Wars, but should give you the general idea

All equipment, weapons, beard, sunglasses, backgrounds and animal familiars were custoized

I'm sure players would love to create their own avatars, and collect the wardrobe from special events - much better than half eaten chocolate bars lol  http://prntscr.com/h4zl8x

2 нояб. 2017, 10:2702.11.17

toggit said:

Why didn't you give us customizable avatars for haloween?

Just vanity avatars, or could actually wear the hero equipment

This was from Vampire Wars, but should give you the general idea

All equipment, weapons, beard, sunglasses, backgrounds and animal familiars were custoized

I'm sure players would love to create their own avatars, and collect the wardrobe from special events - much better than half eaten chocolate bars lol  http://prntscr.com/h4zl8x

Nice idea. 

This year designers couldn't create such variety of Halloween style things as they had a lot of the task with the higher priority.

I hope they will be able to add them next year ;)