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Use Urgent Help To Blow Your Rivals Away!

Use Urgent Help To Blow Your Rivals Away!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Lord OberonCharacter
21 сент. 2016, 10:2921.09.16

Use Urgent Help To Blow Your Rivals Away!

New Feature - League Help!

Use Urgent Help To Blow Your Rivals Away!

Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!

We have launched a brand new feature that will allow you to harness the power of your League: League Help. This feature is split into two parts: Building Help, explained in another post, and Urgent Help.

Urgent Help will function as follows:

Urgent Help allows League Members to assist each other by sending Resources, sending Reinforcements, or sending supporting Attacks to requested targets.

Each time you request Urgent Help, your League Members will see your Request in the “Urgent Help” tab of the “Leagues” interface.

There are three types of Urgent Help Requests:

- Reinforcement Requests: If you are in urgent need of Reinforcements, you can create a Request for additional Units in the "Reinforcement Requests" tab. You can only ask for Reinforcements to defend your Castle. Every League Member is allowed to create this type of Request, although each League Member may only have one Reinforcement Request active at one time. League Members may specify how long they wish their Request will be active for.

- Resource Requests: You can ask your League Members to send you Resources. Simply select the type of Resource you require and the amount you need, then create the Request!

- Attack Requests: In the "Attack Requests" tab, you can create Attack Requests. Attack Requests allow you to ask your fellow League Members to assist you by attacking other Castles, Beacons, or League Fortresses. League Marshals are responsible for authorizing Members to create Attack Requests on Beacons and League Fortresses, but all League Members can create requests to attack other Castles.

The League Marshal, as well as other League members they authorize, may also give “High-Priority” status to certain Requests, meaning they will be placed at the top of the Urgent Help Requests list.

Remember, Lords and Ladies, a chain – or a League – is only as strong as its weakest link. Use Urgent Help wisely!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

21 сент. 2016, 14:2221.09.16


Can a marshal remove requests? One of my members has put in an attack request to attack an ally.....
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
21 сент. 2016, 14:2521.09.16
nix said:


Can a marshal remove requests? One of my members has put in an attack request to attack an ally.....
There's no such option. Would you like me do add it to the Suggestions list?
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
21 сент. 2016, 14:2821.09.16
Passed to developers.
21 сент. 2016, 14:3821.09.16
nix said:


Can a marshal remove requests? One of my members has put in an attack request to attack an ally.....
21 сент. 2016, 14:3821.09.16

Thank you 

and good that the embassy is fixed!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
21 сент. 2016, 14:5621.09.16
21 сент. 2016, 15:14(отредактировано)
nix said:

Thank you 

and good that the embassy is fixed!
Yeah. Good news for everyone.
21 сент. 2016, 15:1021.09.16
Love the update.  
21 сент. 2016, 16:1221.09.16
21 сент. 2016, 16:14(отредактировано)

Could they add the option to let league member summon wraiths from this? So no one needs to visit ever ones castle to summon wraiths.

Also could we let league members know if we want castle guards revived? This not a big deal but visiting over a 100 castle to summon wraiths gets annoying
21 сент. 2016, 17:5421.09.16
cat in the hat said:

Could they add the option to let league member summon wraiths from this? So no one needs to visit ever ones castle to summon wraiths.

Also could we let league members know if we want castle guards revived? This not a big deal but visiting over a 100 castle to summon wraiths gets annoying
if you keep an archer in there castle you would know if they get hit then you would also know to revive gaurds or not
21 сент. 2016, 20:4321.09.16

Loving the new features!

I would also add Scrolls. Many leagues have their own scrolls banks. Members could select a scroll they are looking for and a person responsible for Scroll bank, or whoever has a spare could send it to the member in need. 

Furthermore, you guys should really do something with Spies. They are virtually the most useless unit ever. Why not add that to the new feature as well: requesting spy missions against castles, fortresses and beacons. For the latter two, there should be an option for combined league spy mission.

Also consider this, when spies successfully spy why do they leave a trace? Successful spy missions need not be noticed, spies should not be killed. Spies could have a fun feature added. They would have the chance (some percentage) to obtain valuable artifacts and items from Lords and Ladies. The spying player could set a goal such as: attempt to obtain a Relic, attempt to obtain a Crystal, attempt to obtain an item from a Hero's inventory or even attempt to obtain League statistics, attempt to obtain information about a Fortress like knowledge levels, or even disrupt the Darkening at Beacons for days - the latter ones can only be combined league spy missions etc etc. This would use Flag tournament tier restrictions. You could request spy missions against castles with no restrictions. But you could only set spying goals within your league's tier or one tier below and similarly you could only request league spy missions against fortresses and beacons if their league is within your tier or one below.

... ok am I overthinking this ? :-D

21 сент. 2016, 20:4321.09.16

You can help 100 times, Then What? 

21 сент. 2016, 20:5621.09.16
rtoddjohnson1 said:

You can help 100 times, Then What? 

Wait new day and repeat 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
22 сент. 2016, 09:0722.09.16
22 сент. 2016, 09:07(отредактировано)

cat in the hat said:

Could they add the option to let league member summon wraiths from this? So no one needs to visit ever ones castle to summon wraiths.

Also could we let league members know if we want castle guards revived? This not a big deal but visiting over a 100 castle to summon wraiths gets annoying

No, these are different features. Wraiths are summoned for friends, not League members.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
22 сент. 2016, 09:0922.09.16
Fortuneteller said:

Loving the new features!

I would also add Scrolls. Many leagues have their own scrolls banks. Members could select a scroll they are looking for and a person responsible for Scroll bank, or whoever has a spare could send it to the member in need. 

Furthermore, you guys should really do something with Spies. They are virtually the most useless unit ever. Why not add that to the new feature as well: requesting spy missions against castles, fortresses and beacons. For the latter two, there should be an option for combined league spy mission.

Also consider this, when spies successfully spy why do they leave a trace? Successful spy missions need not be noticed, spies should not be killed. Spies could have a fun feature added. They would have the chance (some percentage) to obtain valuable artifacts and items from Lords and Ladies. The spying player could set a goal such as: attempt to obtain a Relic, attempt to obtain a Crystal, attempt to obtain an item from a Hero's inventory or even attempt to obtain League statistics, attempt to obtain information about a Fortress like knowledge levels, or even disrupt the Darkening at Beacons for days - the latter ones can only be combined league spy missions etc etc. This would use Flag tournament tier restrictions. You could request spy missions against castles with no restrictions. But you could only set spying goals within your league's tier or one tier below and similarly you could only request league spy missions against fortresses and beacons if their league is within your tier or one below.

... ok am I overthinking this ? :-D

Please post your suggestions in "Your Suggestions" thread. Thank you in advance!
26 сент. 2016, 15:3126.09.16
26 сент. 2016, 15:34(отредактировано)

Lord Oberon said:

Attack Requests:  All League Members can create requests to attack other Castles.

and these request cannot be cancelled by League Marshals or Officers?


Just like giving a loaded scatter-gun to a six year old.

This power should be reserved for high ranking league officers only
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
27 сент. 2016, 11:3627.09.16
Snowgoon said:

and these request cannot be cancelled by League Marshals or Officers?


Just like giving a loaded scatter-gun to a six year old.

This power should be reserved for high ranking league officers only
I've passed this feedback to our game developers. I hope they will consider making some changes.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
28 окт. 2016, 15:3028.10.16
nix said:


Can a marshal remove requests? One of my members has put in an attack request to attack an ally.....
Hi! Your suggestion was recently implemented in the game! Thank you for submitting it! I sent you 1000 Sapphires to your Castle on server 2 as a reward.
28 окт. 2016, 16:3628.10.16

I have no use for this help business it's just a waste of time.  Follow one and you'll be sending resources to brand new players under level 15 at most who are probably just clicking the 'request help' button without knowing why.

However... explain how this helps me.

I now cannot speed up my construction because I have a BIG blue help sign instead of boost.

How do I change it back?

28 окт. 2016, 16:5928.10.16
jinix90 said:

I have no use for this help business it's just a waste of time.  Follow one and you'll be sending resources to brand new players under level 15 at most who are probably just clicking the 'request help' button without knowing why.

However... explain how this helps me.

I now cannot speed up my construction because I have a BIG blue help sign instead of boost.

How do I change it back?

From what I can see if you press on the Blue Help it adds you to the building Help. As soon as you do that the normal Boost reappears. I hope that answers your question.
28 окт. 2016, 17:0728.10.16
hello indeed