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Update News!

Update News!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
31 май 2016, 16:1031.05.16

Update News!

Update News!

Check Out the New Features Now!

My Lords and Ladies,

This week, we’ve fixed some bugs and made the following important update:

- Combining Crystals. We made a major change to how you combine Crystals. From now on, instead of having to combine each pair of Crystals one by one, you can combine all similar pairs of Crystals in a single action. To do this, simply go to the Sanctum of Shards, find the “Sacred Chamber” tab, and select Crystals to combine. If you have multiple Crystals of the same type, you will be prompted to combine either two or all of them.

- We have improved the way in which Resource Packs are applied. Notifications about when you are about to exceed your Resource Capacity will now be more accurate.

- Events icon moved. The Events icon on the Castle interface has been moved to the left side, however the appearance of the icon itself and the Events therein remain unchanged.

- From now on, you can copy the messages sent and received directly from the in-game Chat.

- From now on, if you decide to relocate your Castle while your Units are on their way to another location, you will be notified as to how long it will take those Units to return from to the new Castle coordinates. You will then be given the option to proceed or to cancel the action.

- We have resolved an issue regarding Unit Speed indicators. Travel speed is now consistently and correctly displayed across all interfaces.

- We have updated the system of notifying players about the changes to League Diplomatic Statuses.

- The coordinates of inactive League Members will no longer be shown in the League Members list.

- If you have been using Chat in the game, but have not performed any other in-game actions for more than 5 minutes, the game will no longer time-out.

Now, with haste! Have the horses saddled and the sentries posted. Balur and his minions have not been idle while we've been briefing you!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

31 май 2016, 16:2431.05.16
Nice updates good job, And congrats on 7 years
31 май 2016, 17:5431.05.16
31 май 2016, 18:03(отредактировано)

have to give credit when earned this update is in the right direction 

love the copy from chat feature 

edit : wait i love the combine crystals more 


31 май 2016, 21:3731.05.16


- If you have been using Chat in the game, but have not performed any other in-game actions for more than 5 minutes, the game will no longer time-out.

Alright! It finally came!

Nice updates/fixes.

1 июнь 2016, 00:1901.06.16

Nice bug when viewing a quest that's completed. It completing fills the screen


League activity screen.


1 июнь 2016, 00:2001.06.16


Update News!

Check Out the New Features Now!

My Lords and Ladies,

This week, we’ve fixed some bugs and made the following important update:

- We have resolved an issue regarding Unit Speed indicators. Travel speed is now consistently and correctly displayed across all interfaces.

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Our units still seem to be travelling at 3x normal speed on the Untamed Lands server

Wyverns travel at 24 mph, not 72 mph

1 июнь 2016, 00:5401.06.16
Anyone else missing 1 day Gold production boosts? I think I had around 20-30 of them. I now have no 1 day boosts. Iron and food 1 day boosts are still available, just not gold.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
1 июнь 2016, 10:5401.06.16

Colten Edwards said:

Anyone else missing 1 day Gold production boosts? I think I had around 20-30 of them. I now have no 1 day boosts. Iron and food 1 day boosts are still available, just not gold.

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket: plrm.me/Plarium_Support.

2 июнь 2016, 14:1502.06.16
2 июнь 2016, 14:16(отредактировано)


Update News!

Check Out the New Features Now!

My Lords and Ladies,

This week, we’ve fixed some bugs and made the following important update:

- Combining Crystals. We made a major change to how you combine Crystals. From now on, instead of having to combine each pair of Crystals one by one, you can combine all similar pairs of Crystals in a single action. To do this, simply go to the Sanctum of Shards, find the “Sacred Chamber” tab, and select Crystals to combine. If you have multiple Crystals of the same type, you will be prompted to combine either two or all of them.

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

"you can combine all similar pairs" 

all and stop not only type you select, another nice found  compliments, everything has a dual purpose

better to continue in our charitable actions that you clean conscience

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
3 июнь 2016, 08:2403.06.16
jumy said:

"you can combine all similar pairs" 

all and stop not only type you select, another nice found  compliments, everything has a dual purpose

better to continue in our charitable actions that you clean conscience

Why is that so bad to combine all of them?
3 июнь 2016, 18:3503.06.16

i conserve lv 4 for 


fast change (strategy game no?), now when combine, combine all but ALL, i need wait years for a lv12 and Plarium ask for these crazy amounts?

ah yes a strategy game need attack or defense, i need at least 2 castle same all others........ a great game working against his rules, understand

4 июнь 2016, 17:2904.06.16
hmmm,your hamlets suq the big wee nie,quite being so cheap with your wheel too,you used to have some good ingame rewards,now you're just being greedy.
4 июнь 2016, 23:1404.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:48(отредактировано)

I read this in the "news" item about bug fixes and combining crystals update:

"- If you have been using Chat in the game, but have not performed any other in-game actions for more than 5 minutes, the game will no longer time-out."

This is a joke isn't it?  The game still times out whilst talking in chat.  What's more, the game times out at an even faster rate than before since the Birthday events were launched.  I am being told that I have reports but they don't show up unless I refresh.  I am being told I have no new reports when I know full well that I have, I am being told that I have new mail, but no new mail is visible until I refresh or that I have no new mail - when I know full well that I have!

As I have with other games that I play, I like to keep both servers open in 2 browser tabs.  Should be straightforward?  No.  I added one to favourites - The Dark Planes and added the other to favourites - Untamed lands.  When I click on either one, I would expect the appropriate server game to open.  No such luck and it is always a total toss up which server will open.  So, I go to open the second server (the one not already open) and hey presto! the same server opens and in the first tab I am informed that "this game version is no longer available".  The same is true when refreshing.  I never know which server will pop up even though it SHOULD be refreshing the server that was open in that tab!  What level of incompetence is this?  I am not a programmer, but I know it's not rocket science to direct a "favourite" to the correct web page.

The feeling that I get, is that we are timed out or need to refresh to facilitate the game to flash it's "you cannot conquer alone", or "news" or "today's special offer" 1000 times per day at us.

Well, let me tell you, I have invested heavily financially in this game - against my better judgement - in the short time that I have been here, but when my last investment is spent I will simply leave the game.  I have played other similar kinds of games and never comes across one that is such a blatant rip-off.  When the tutorial constantly urges you to use sapphires that the game won't give you if you play for 1000 years, that is simply disgraceful.

As for the constant exhortation to "invite friends"?  Well, I don't do facebook so haven't picked up a bunch of losers in my life, and there is no way in the world that I would invite my friends from other games to be constantly nagged into spending money on such an unsatisfactory system.  I spend  money on games, but I despise the blatant way that it is constantly thrust at me in this game.  I should spend because I choose to and not be constantly exhorted to.

I haven't even mentioned yet that the constant need to refresh and then change server and the delay that causes wastes time that in the event of an incoming attack, or an attempt to "follow home" could have disastrous results.  If Plarium want us to continue to invest, they should give us the respect of providing a suitable, workable interface and let us get on with the game uninterrupted by unwanted messages.  We should also be informed when they are going to be "messing" with the server and how long it is likely to take so that we don't walk round in circles refreshing and getting blank or white-out screens.

The typing lag in this forum is reminding me that often sending mails or typing in the chat room is virtually impossible.  Invest the money you are fleecing from us on some decent equipment to facilitate the game satisfactorily.  It is just incompetence upon incompetence!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
6 июнь 2016, 08:1006.06.16

susan.a.hornsey said:

I read this in the "news" item about bug fixes and combining crystals update:

"- If you have been using Chat in the game, but have not performed any other in-game actions for more than 5 minutes, the game will no longer time-out."

This is a joke isn't it?  The game still times out whilst talking in chat.  What's more, the game times out at an even faster rate than before since the Birthday events were launched.  I am being told that I have reports but they don't show up unless I refresh.  I am being told I have no new reports when I know full well that I have, I am being told that I have new mail, but no new mail is visible until I refresh or that I have no new mail - when I know full well that I have!

As I have with other games that I play, I like to keep both servers open in 2 browser tabs.  Should be straightforward?  No.  I added one to favourites - The Dark Planes and added the other to favourites - Untamed lands.  When I click on either one, I would expect the appropriate server game to open.  No such luck and it is always a total toss up which server will open.  So, I go to open the second server (the one not already open) and hey presto! the same server opens and in the first tab I am informed that "this game version is no longer available".  The same is true when refreshing.  I never know which server will pop up even though it SHOULD be refreshing the server that was open in that tab!  What level of incompetence is this?  I am not a programmer, but I know it's not rocket science to direct a "favourite" to the correct web page.

The feeling that I get, is that we are timed out or need to refresh to facilitate the game to flash it's "you cannot conquer alone", or "news" or "today's special offer" 1000 times per day at us.

Well, let me tell you, I have invested heavily financially in this game - against my better judgement - in the short time that I have been here, but when my last investment is spent I will simply leave the game.  I have played other similar kinds of games and never comes across one that is such a blatant rip-off.  When the tutorial constantly urges you to use sapphires that the game won't give you if you play for 1000 years, that is simply disgraceful.

As for the constant exhortation to "invite friends"?  Well, I don't do facebook so haven't picked up a bunch of losers in my life, and there is no way in the world that I would invite my friends from other games to be constantly nagged into spending money on such an unsatisfactory system.  I spend  money on games, but I despise the blatant way that it is constantly thrust at me in this game.  I should spend because I choose to and not be constantly exhorted to.

I haven't even mentioned yet that the constant need to refresh and then change server and the delay that causes wastes time that in the event of an incoming attack, or an attempt to "follow home" could have disastrous results.  If Plarium want us to continue to invest, they should give us the respect of providing a suitable, workable interface and let us get on with the game uninterrupted by unwanted messages.  We should also be informed when they are going to be "messing" with the server and how long it is likely to take so that we don't walk round in circles refreshing and getting blank or white-out screens.

The typing lag in this forum is reminding me that often sending mails or typing in the chat room is virtually impossible.  Invest the money you are fleecing from us on some decent equipment to facilitate the game satisfactorily.  It is just incompetence upon incompetence!


I have just checked the Chat issue, and it works perfect. If you're actively typing (at least once per 5 minutes), the game won't time out.

As for the reports and mails, it's a known issue, and our developers are working on it. 

I understand your wish to bookmark each server separately. But our game doesn't work like that. You can add it to Bookmarks, but when you enter the game, you will be on your last server. You can't enter another one from Bookmarks. You can only switch them inside of the game.

I am sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our game and pop-ups, but I can ensure you that they only appear when you enter the game (or refresh it), or when you're inactive for some time. In all other cases you can enjoy the game without additional pop-ups.

If you have any suggestions which could improve our game, you are welcome to share in the Suggestions thread.
6 июнь 2016, 16:5806.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 17:02(отредактировано)
8 июнь 2016, 01:0808.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:50(отредактировано)
Well I just took a screenshot of it occurring at less than 5 mins.  Why the hell would it time out even after 5 mins anyway?  Someone sends a raid and boosts it and the server "times out" - Doh!  not good!  what part of this does the server not understand?
8 июнь 2016, 01:1208.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:50(отредактировано)

Unless, of course, that the server wants to remind you that your can get all sorts of stuff at only $99 !!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, there is no such thing as an actual ! in the chatroom.  Someone is trying to explain that to me in the chatroom and tbh I don't buy it.

8 июнь 2016, 01:1908.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:40(отредактировано)
more incompetence
8 июнь 2016, 01:2908.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:51(отредактировано)

"I understand your wish to bookmark each server separately. But our game doesn't work like that. You can add it to Bookmarks, but when you enter the game, you will be on your last server. You can't enter another one from Bookmarks. You can only switch them inside of the game."

Well, this is not good enough.  And, could it possibly be because there are NOT actually 2 servers, but 1 server divided into 2?  I have no idea really, but 2 different servers supplying the same url?  sounds dodgy to me and that can only smack of saving money at the expense of the "punters".  I hate that term - punters.  I used to be a pub licensee and point blank refused to call my customers "punters" because it implies "losers" and I would not disrespect them that way.

8 июнь 2016, 01:3808.06.16

The word you looking for is "instances"

You spawn a new instance that is basicaly a copy of the current. In most theme park mmo's they keep spawn new instances when server pop reach a certain level.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 июнь 2016, 08:1708.06.16

Hi, Susan!

If you were active in a chat less than 5 minutes ago, and the game timed-out, you can report this issue to our Support Team for further investigations. It does work perfectly for me and for many other players.

As for the servers, they are separate, however, our game client has only one URL. You can change the server only using our game client.