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Crystal Updates and News!

Crystal Updates and News!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
Lord OberonCharacter
17 дек. 2015, 18:4017.12.15

Crystal Updates and News!

My Lords and Ladies! 

The rules governing Crystals have been updated! Your Sanctum of Shards is now upgradable! Henceforth, upgrade your Sanctum of Shards to use higher level Crystals. Do not underestimate the importance of these upgrades, My Lord, for they are necessary in order to use higher level Crystals. 

Lest you forget, my Lord, Crystals provide many benefits to your armies. With the proper Crystals you can boost the statistics of your offensive and your defensive Units, ensuring you an enviable advantage in battle! The higher the level of the Crystals you have, the better your Units shall perform, and the better the bonuses you receive shall be! 

Closed Activation Slots may be unlocked with the help of a Seal of Weor. These may be purchased at the Black Market or acquired at the Daily Loyalty Roll. 

Upgrade your Sanctum of Shards, use Crystals to boost your Units, acquire Seals, and rule Stormfall! 

Lord Oberon  

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

18 дек. 2015, 14:1918.12.15
26 окт. 2020, 12:00(отредактировано)
Hello, there is a change also to wands... people now must alwayst destroy level 1-4 crystals?
18 дек. 2015, 14:5918.12.15

Before - I can have any crystals I want.

Now - The need to upgrade your SOS to enable you use crystals. 

I don't get your enthusiasm in telling us that you've updated Stormfall with a downgraded update. 

What next  "Its great news Plarium has upgraded Stormfall so that all troops take twice as long to train and take twice the resources"?

18 дек. 2015, 16:3018.12.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:43(отредактировано)
I have a feeling this was added because of the development tournament and some players complaining they have nothing left to do.
18 дек. 2015, 17:1018.12.15
There has to be a better way to combine all the crystals (of the same type of course) at the SAME Time instead of clicking and clicking and clicking...
28 дек. 2015, 05:4428.12.15

Lord Oberon said:

My Lords and Ladies! 

The rules governing Crystals have been updated! Your Sanctum of Shards is now upgradable! Henceforth, upgrade your Sanctum of Shards to use higher level Crystals. Do not underestimate the importance of these upgrades, My Lord, for they are necessary in order to use higher level Crystals. 

Lest you forget, my Lord, Crystals provide many benefits to your armies. With the proper Crystals you can boost the statistics of your offensive and your defensive Units, ensuring you an enviable advantage in battle! The higher the level of the Crystals you have, the better your Units shall perform, and the better the bonuses you receive shall be! 

Closed Activation Slots may be unlocked with the help of a Seal of Weor. These may be purchased at the Black Market or acquired at the Daily Loyalty Roll. 

Upgrade your Sanctum of Shards, use Crystals to boost your Units, acquire Seals, and rule Stormfall! 

Lord Oberon  

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Am I missing something?  It sounds to me like you're saying that we have to pay more for the same bonuses we already had and that this is somehow a good thing?

I was hoping for an actual improvement like being able to auto combine to highest level crystal you're able to make rather than eternal laggy click, click, click.  With all the lag, making higher level crystals is a time hogging nightmare.
Lord OberonCharacter
28 дек. 2015, 09:5128.12.15
My Lord, the interface improvements to the building will also be introduced as soon as possible. As for the update itself, it adds one more upgradable building, which I think is a good thing during the upgrade challenges, especially for those Lords and Ladies who have ran out of them. 
31 дек. 2015, 08:1331.12.15
Lord Oberon said:

My Lord, the interface improvements to the building will also be introduced as soon as possible. As for the update itself, it adds one more upgradable building, which I think is a good thing during the upgrade challenges, especially for those Lords and Ladies who have ran out of them. 
It is one more upgradable building, but its paying resources for something we already had.  It would be much nicer if we got new buildings or new functions from upgrading old buildings.  How about more levels to infirmary that let us recover % of troops lost outside the castle?  How about a building or more levels to pre existing building to increase troop build speed?  How about building upgrades that reduce sapphire cost of guards/walls?  How about defensive upgrades that reduce damage from fireballs?  There are lots of functions players would love to see added, rather than just giving us additional cost for what we already had.
Lord OberonCharacter
4 янв. 2016, 12:1204.01.16
4 янв. 2016, 12:13(отредактировано)
Lord Red, we're already working on a feature that would let Lords and Ladies upgrade their other buildings by more levels.
6 янв. 2016, 00:5306.01.16

Lord Oberon said:

Lord Red, we're already working on a feature that would let Lords and Ladies upgrade their other buildings by more levels.

Lord Oberon,

It seems like your response missed part of the point.  Upgrades that add something new would be nice.  That is paying resources for expected gain, which makes sense.  Adding upgrades that take away function we used to have until we pay more resources to get it back is lame...arbitrary theft in my book.  

I can understand there are lords who ran out of things to upgrade.  They are rewarded with that awesome castle skin that looks like yours for their achievement.  I can understand that it is cruddy that they can't participate in the development tourney due to already being maxed.  So, rather than stealing from all players and telling us we have to pay more resources to get it back, lets see building upgrades and new buildings that add something to the game.  I can get excited about that, but not about having to buy back what I already had.

Lord OberonCharacter
6 янв. 2016, 09:1206.01.16
My Lord, If for instance all resource buildings were added some levels and produced more resources, would you consider this gain?
6 янв. 2016, 11:0906.01.16

Lord Oberon said:

My Lord, If for instance all resource buildings were added some levels and produced more resources, would you consider this gain?

It already take me 2-4 days to get enough resources to upgrade just one farm deppending on successfull raids and so on. I don't think adding more levels to pour resources into for little gain back is good.

Raise a farm from level 18 to 19, give a increase of 500 food per hour.. After 388 DAYS, it have recovered the resources needed (in just food) to get to that level.

I would rather want to see a system where, if you attack people of similar levels, you gain bonus. and if you hit smaller guys, you get penalities. Could help protect newer players a bit.

8 янв. 2016, 07:1408.01.16

Gadheras said:

Lord Oberon said:

My Lord, If for instance all resource buildings were added some levels and produced more resources, would you consider this gain?

It already take me 2-4 days to get enough resources to upgrade just one farm deppending on successfull raids and so on. I don't think adding more levels to pour resources into for little gain back is good.

Raise a farm from level 18 to 19, give a increase of 500 food per hour.. After 388 DAYS, it have recovered the resources needed (in just food) to get to that level.

I would rather want to see a system where, if you attack people of similar levels, you gain bonus. and if you hit smaller guys, you get penalities. Could help protect newer players a bit.

If the goal is to give older players more to upgrade, then yes, it is a gain.  One complaint though:  If you do add it and keep the insane high cost to upgrade, you unfairly raise the bar for others who have not yet maxed everything.  That's why I'd rather see new buildings or new functions added to existing buildings.  If it costs several million more resources for newer players to achieve the same reward for maxing that older players already have, that's really not right either.

How about adding more levels that increase production by a % rather than by a flat amount?  When you consider that at highest levels for farms, you are just about having to max warehouses and barns to afford even one upgrade, the flat increase really doesn't pay back what you spend to get it.  

I can understand the need to add stuff for older players to work on, but make it beneficial, not stuff being added just for the sake of adding it.
5 фев. 2016, 02:5305.02.16
Gadheras said:

I would rather want to see a system where, if you attack people of similar levels, you gain bonus. and if you hit smaller guys, you get penalities. Could help protect newer players a bit.

One of the best feature that Plarium can do, but we both know answer on that idea - at least, no one reply to this. 
10 апр. 2016, 21:2410.04.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:42(отредактировано)
The scenario should be put on the 3 servers on fb also