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making the game more attravtive

making the game more attravtive

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
24 июль 2019, 05:5124.07.19

making the game more attravtive

Many pyaers do not protect there castle anymore, because with upgrading the catacombs builded troops do not stay in the castle.

Since most of active players are swimming in resources and have thousands of troops lined up to be build anyway. It should become

more attractive to protect the castle. Also troop building is a bit slow. So i suggest you make a Totem of Weor. Like the Altar of

Weor it can be knocked down, but only in a troop attack. It cost 10 days to build up lvl 1 and an ammount of scetches, then 5 days for each next lvl and more scetches too. It gives at lvl 1 20 % faster infantry building, lvl 2 20% faster cavalry building, lvl 3 20% occult building and

lvl 4 20% faster bestiary building...

AlinaCommunity Manager
24 июль 2019, 09:0124.07.19

Bert van Dijken said:

Many pyaers do not protect there castle anymore, because with upgrading the catacombs builded troops do not stay in the castle.

Since most of active players are swimming in resources and have thousands of troops lined up to be build anyway. It should become

more attractive to protect the castle. Also troop building is a bit slow. So i suggest you make a Totem of Weor. Like the Altar of

Weor it can be knocked down, but only in a troop attack. It cost 10 days to build up lvl 1 and an ammount of scetches, then 5 days for each next lvl and more scetches too. It gives at lvl 1 20 % faster infantry building, lvl 2 20% faster cavalry building, lvl 3 20% occult building and

lvl 4 20% faster bestiary building...

Hello, Bert!

Thanks for this suggestion. Our game team has some thoughts on how we can speed up troop building. Just stay tuned!