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Accountants versus gamers pleasure or priorities

Accountants versus gamers pleasure or priorities

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
8 июль 2019, 03:4808.07.19

Accountants versus gamers pleasure or priorities

You, Plarium, brag a lot about listening to our suggestions and wishes.... but I bet there hasn't been a single player, asking for more irritating banking pop-ups, yet that's what we're getting

Your accountants seem to assume, we gamers are all to dumb to find the banking button, whenever cash is burning in our pockets

Thus, they destroy a fair bit of un-interrupted gaming pleasure and probably do more harm than good to your balance sheets

Do, what you're good at, and let game-makers prevail over the short-sighted accountants, both for us and for you
8 июль 2019, 11:5008.07.19

Waan_Zin SM said:

You, Plarium, brag a lot about listening to our suggestions and wishes.... but I bet there hasn't been a single player, asking for more irritating banking pop-ups, yet that's what we're getting

Your accountants seem to assume, we gamers are all to dumb to find the banking button, whenever cash is burning in our pockets

Thus, they destroy a fair bit of un-interrupted gaming pleasure and probably do more harm than good to your balance sheets

Do, what you're good at, and let game-makers prevail over the short-sighted accountants, both for us and for you

Hi! It is up to you to decide whether or not you will be making purchases in the game. The periodic pop-ups are justified by the fact that a lot of our deals are temporary and we want to show them from time to time on the screen so that the players who may be interested do not miss the opportunity to acquire them while they are still available. 

12 июль 2019, 06:5412.07.19
12 июль 2019, 09:22(отредактировано)

Boris my man. 

You can't justify something by claiming it's a solution to a problem you created (if you believe it's a problem or not doesn't matter in this case, this is a customer relations response) . The pop-ups are intentional and designed intentionally for a few reasons; scarcity and making it bright and flashy and playing on the fear of missing out weighs heavily on psyche, you know that. 

The pop-ups are way to sell more sapphires, which is fine, businesses need to make money to survive, but that's not something you can spin, it just looks bad from a PR and CS perspective. 

Let's assume that the main supermarket/grocery store in your country, buys up all the competition, and there is only 1 company left that sells food, because of this, the company intentionally raises their prices knowing their is no competition, people complain about this because the cost of living goes up, their response to the complaints would be 'we can't afford all the new stores we bought so we raised the prices to cover the cost of all our news stores for your convenience.' 

People wouldn't be happy with that response, because they are the ones that are paying the price for a problem that company made, but that problem was sold as a direct positive to the consumers. 

Blizzard had a similar PR disaster several years ago with the whole 'you think you do but you don't', this isn't a direct comparison, but they had a community uproar when they tried to tell the community that they weren't doing something the community was begging for because they believed it was the opposite of what the community wanted and tried to spin it as they were ignoring the communities requests because they didn't want what they said they wanted. 

Again, *my post* has nothing to do with selling sapphires, it's just about how you could improve and reflect upon your CS skills and learn, if you take my advice or not is up to you not me, but these are just my opinions. 

I think my problem is with the word justified, if you said 'the pop ups are a way to display the sales and specials we currently have as they are temporary and disappear'. When you say it's 'justified' you are admitting that it's a problem and then trying to spin it as a problem,

'I stole some bread and it's justified because I was hungry' Great, but you still stole some bread.

I hope you take this as a critical post and at the very least think about what I said, and not as me just trying to ruin your credibility or 'defaming' you. I would of messaged you, but, turns out you can't private message CM's anymore.

12 июль 2019, 12:0912.07.19

Mehnslayer said:

Boris my man. 

You can't justify something by claiming it's a solution to a problem you created (if you believe it's a problem or not doesn't matter in this case, this is a customer relations response) . The pop-ups are intentional and designed intentionally for a few reasons; scarcity and making it bright and flashy and playing on the fear of missing out weighs heavily on psyche, you know that. 

The pop-ups are way to sell more sapphires, which is fine, businesses need to make money to survive, but that's not something you can spin, it just looks bad from a PR and CS perspective. 

Let's assume that the main supermarket/grocery store in your country, buys up all the competition, and there is only 1 company left that sells food, because of this, the company intentionally raises their prices knowing their is no competition, people complain about this because the cost of living goes up, their response to the complaints would be 'we can't afford all the new stores we bought so we raised the prices to cover the cost of all our news stores for your convenience.' 

People wouldn't be happy with that response, because they are the ones that are paying the price for a problem that company made, but that problem was sold as a direct positive to the consumers. 

Blizzard had a similar PR disaster several years ago with the whole 'you think you do but you don't', this isn't a direct comparison, but they had a community uproar when they tried to tell the community that they weren't doing something the community was begging for because they believed it was the opposite of what the community wanted and tried to spin it as they were ignoring the communities requests because they didn't want what they said they wanted. 

Again, *my post* has nothing to do with selling sapphires, it's just about how you could improve and reflect upon your CS skills and learn, if you take my advice or not is up to you not me, but these are just my opinions. 

I think my problem is with the word justified, if you said 'the pop ups are a way to display the sales and specials we currently have as they are temporary and disappear'. When you say it's 'justified' you are admitting that it's a problem and then trying to spin it as a problem,

'I stole some bread and it's justified because I was hungry' Great, but you still stole some bread.

I hope you take this as a critical post and at the very least think about what I said, and not as me just trying to ruin your credibility or 'defaming' you. I would of messaged you, but, turns out you can't private message CM's anymore.

Hello, Mehnslayer. First of all, thank you for such detailed feedback. Sure, I see your point and I will gladly pass your feedback to our game team. 

I'd like to highlight the process of passing suggestions briefly so you can see the picture in general. 

Our team gathers the feedback from our players from forums and our official communities. After a certain period of time, we pass all the suggestions and feedback to our developers. Then there is always a meeting with our community team and developers where we discuss all the suggestions/explain how the players see them.

After that our devs have a certain list of suggestions and then they start working on it. Some of the features are implemented in the game in full, some become parts of other features, some are declined. As a result, lots of features and improvements that we launched, were based exactly on our players' feedback. From what one can conclude that we always try to listen to our players and encourage their reasoned critics and well-grounded suggestions.

I don't know if we're going to change the pop-up deals system in the future but you can be sure that your thoughts will be heard by our devs. 

Good luck in the game!

12 июль 2019, 23:5012.07.19

Boris, what I said wasn't a suggestion, or needed to be directed to anyone. 

I was pointing out your choice of words and how it could look bad, customer support and relations is like navigating a minefield, you need to step carefully to avoid upsetting people....Although then people complain you sound to robotic, so what do I know lol
AlinaCommunity Manager
15 июль 2019, 12:2115.07.19

Limad said:

Boris Shevchenko said:

Waan_Zin SM said:

You, Plarium, brag a lot about listening to our suggestions and wishes.... but I bet there hasn't been a single player, asking for more irritating banking pop-ups, yet that's what we're getting

Your accountants seem to assume, we gamers are all to dumb to find the banking button, whenever cash is burning in our pockets

Thus, they destroy a fair bit of un-interrupted gaming pleasure and probably do more harm than good to your balance sheets

Do, what you're good at, and let game-makers prevail over the short-sighted accountants, both for us and for you

Hi! It is up to you to decide whether or not you will be making purchases in the game. The periodic pop-ups are justified by the fact that a lot of our deals are temporary and we want to show them from time to time on the screen so that the players who may be interested do not miss the opportunity to acquire them while they are still available. 

Boris, any plans to make the "periodic" Vampire Hamlet pop-up go away? I've read it a bunch of times at this point. I'm aware it's there. Yet, it's still popping up. Is there anything I can do to stop it? Can I buy a garlic based unit troop, maybe? Or a cross or something?


Thanks for your question! I really like your ideas and sense of humour  However, since Vampire's Hamlet is a new feature that was added in the recent update, you will be notified about it as long as it's considered to be news. I hope you can still concentrate on the battles and wish you good luck!