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please   i need help

please i need help

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
14 окт. 2017, 03:5914.10.17

please i need help

ok    i was in tabarnak  cause a buy for 500 gold 1 assasin grec     the gold was missing and i never recevied  or.see. my assassin grec   on my acropole         and my acropolde was not safe for my soldier      cause a lose alls my army last year  10000 mens   but for sure i taking the time to make my troupe safe on my acropole safelie      big mistack             i want compansation for this fun time passed on this games  for losing all for noting     

14 окт. 2017, 06:5514.10.17
14 окт. 2017, 06:56(отредактировано)

Ton assassin grec n'apparait pas dans ton Acropole mais dans ton conseil de guerre, tout en bas de la page.

Your Greek Assassin is not in your Acropolis but in your War Council, at the bottom
17 окт. 2017, 07:2317.10.17
antoinegascon said:

ok    i was in tabarnak  cause a buy for 500 gold 1 assasin grec     the gold was missing and i never recevied  or.see. my assassin grec   on my acropole         and my acropolde was not safe for my soldier      cause a lose alls my army last year  10000 mens   but for sure i taking the time to make my troupe safe on my acropole safelie      big mistack             i want compansation for this fun time passed on this games  for losing all for noting     

You will not see the Greek Assassins if you click on the Acropolis, but you can view them in the War Council menu under "Political units" tab. Additionally, your name has been changed as profanity is not allowed on the forum.