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New features are now available on Plarium.com!

New features are now available on Plarium.com!

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22 апр. 2016, 12:2222.04.16

New features are now available on Plarium.com!

New features are now available! We've streamlined and updated a few things to make your gaming experience more social and enjoyable. Here's what's new:

- You can now find a "Log out" button in the bottom left corner of your Profile page.

- You can now tell fellow gamers a little bit more about yourself by filling in the "About" section on your Profile! Simply click on the "Profile Information" subtab, open Edit mode, and use the “About” field to tell the world what makes you tick!

- A link to your Public Profile is now available in the "Profile Information" subtab. You can easily copy this address and share with other players. Finding Friends has never been so easy!

- From now on, it is possible to go straight to the Profile of any other player on your Friends List directly from your “Friends” tab.

22 апр. 2016, 15:5322.04.16
22 апр. 2016, 15:54(отредактировано)
getting frustrated  in collecting sketches in the game making most of them to leave the game after reaching a mark in their game so please do change it drachmas in high number
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
25 апр. 2016, 11:4825.04.16
thilakraj said:

getting frustrated  in collecting sketches in the game making most of them to leave the game after reaching a mark in their game so please do change it drachmas in high number
Greetings. Unfortunately, we are not planning to change the price. But the good news is that the new levels of buildings are optional. You can simply stop at the old ones if you wish.
26 апр. 2016, 23:5326.04.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:55(отредактировано)
Jason Bullet said:

New features are now available! We've streamlined and updated a few things to make your gaming experience more social and enjoyable. Here's what's new:

- You can now find a "Log out" button in the bottom left corner of your Profile page.

- You can now tell fellow gamers a little bit more about yourself by filling in the "About" section on your Profile! Simply click on the "Profile Information" subtab, open Edit mode, and use the “About” field to tell the world what makes you tick!

- A link to your Public Profile is now available in the "Profile Information" subtab. You can easily copy this address and share with other players. Finding Friends has never been so easy!

- From now on, it is possible to go straight to the Profile of any other player on your Friends List directly from your “Friends” tab.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
27 апр. 2016, 08:4127.04.16
nikolai_dacev said:

Hi. Do you have some questions regarding this new feature? Please feel free to ask.