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Error Error Error , all the time! its risky!

Error Error Error , all the time! its risky!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
21 окт. 2017, 12:1221.10.17

Error Error Error , all the time! its risky!

i just raided an enemy and now my troops were on the way back and i get this  , https://gyazo.com/c5dc105163ecf25c28c54496b42b4cce

why does this happen every day!!!!!

is it too hard for plarium to fix this issue which is occursing everyday since past few months!!

pls work on fixing the issues of the game first which hasnt been fixed since years now including breaking of chat instead of focusing on new features and new hard coa missions to slow the game and make it soo freakin hard for us which mke the players quit the game. than kyou very much

21 окт. 2017, 16:1721.10.17
hi bro i tried but didnt knw my game coords byhearrt and thought it wouldnt work and would be a waste even if i tried to send ticket
23 окт. 2017, 08:0223.10.17

tygareon said:

hi bro i tried but didnt knw my game coords byhearrt and thought it wouldnt work and would be a waste even if i tried to send ticket

The error you are showing is a generic message, your particular problem could have been caused by a huge variety of reasons that we would not be able to investigate here. It's never a waste of time to create a ticket to Support, so if you are having these problem that frequently please contact our team and give them all available information: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new