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why I didn't receive the support's reply to my ticket?

why I didn't receive the support's reply to my ticket?

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
14 апр. 2022, 21:0614.04.22

why I didn't receive the support's reply to my ticket?

The Support reply always to our email that we have connected with our city. To submit a ticket, we have to add the ID user which is under the guide into our game, as my screenshot showing. You just point at the link with your mouse and click the left button, and the link is transferred to our mouse, and we can paste it to the right slot of our ticket. So, why not just add our coordinates? Because if we will relocate our city for a reason, the support cannot find us.




If we will submit the ticket right, we will receive this cute pic with the notification < your request was successfully submitted>                                                                                                                 Now, after that, if we will go to our email account that is connected with our city, we have to see the Support's autoreply saying that they received our ticket... etc. and the number of our ticket. If the player won't get a reply from an agent under this autoreply, then the player has to contact any mod and to give the number of the ticket so we will ask the manager to check it. Better sent a PM to the mod. 


If you don't have a valid and active email connected with your city, you have to submit the ticket from a valid email and say that you have no access to your city's email, but in this case, you have to prove that the city is yours, like old battle reports, or even better, a pic from inside the city, as only the owners can see, as the bank, the city defence bonus, the tournaments tab  etc.                                                                             



