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What is  Tier 25 8 hour   reward ?

What is Tier 25 8 hour reward ?

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8 июнь 2018, 13:5708.06.18

What is Tier 25 8 hour reward ?


Now is a PVP legacy tournament.  On reward page, we can see a new kind of reward.  'Tier (25%) 8 hour'.

-What is this exactly? I mean, how do we use it? 

-Is it some special item for the new champion units (primus , enforcer)?

-Is it only for facebook players?

-If we can;t use it yet, can we  get it  from the tournament still ? I mean, it will go to the market, but we can only use it later after some update.

Thank you.

Here is a screenshot    http://prntscr.com/jstorc

9 июнь 2018, 09:1509.06.18
without my glasses on (hey I am getting old ok? lol) They look like unit XP enhancers 
9 июнь 2018, 09:5809.06.18

morteeee said:

without my glasses on (hey I am getting old ok? lol) They look like unit XP enhancers 

No, this is not XP booster. Plarium moderators as usuall sooo well informed.... 

Thi is XP booster:

While this is new boost reward from current legacy PVP tournament:

9 июнь 2018, 19:5309.06.18

Com.Server: It is Phalanx training speed booster 25% for 8 hours

9 июнь 2018, 21:4609.06.18
9 июнь 2018, 21:47(отредактировано)

misotisa said:

Firstly I did explain I didn't have my glasses on so no need to be rude

Secondly the ones above you posted are XP Enhancers NOT Unit XP Enhancers, they are 2 different things  

this is an example of the Unit XP Enhancer, 

Which without my glasses on looks very similar to the one you posted in a very small picture even when I clicked on the link 

However now Drag has very kindly posted a pic of the Training Speed Enhancer up which is big enough to see properly it is most likely one of those (as Ioannis also kindly confirmed) 

so long and short of it, the mystery item has been identified 

10 июнь 2018, 02:0110.06.18

OK.  Thank you everyone for the information.

 I use the website to play.  But no special training boost items  at the market. 

Maybe after next update,    we can see  training boost items too.  

I guess those items   could be good for    recruit tournaments.

10 июнь 2018, 09:1310.06.18
10 июнь 2018, 09:18(отредактировано)

 it is as usual another mess up from plarium that keeps making mistakes forgetting our server does not have what the rest have.

that item is not the first time they put as reward but we dont have it, we the ones from plarium.com glorious valley we are still waiting for all this things promised year and a half ago  (i remember i joked with alyona saying, would we get them for 2018? and she said yesssss lol no comments .... still no increase of xp units.... )

for those in glorious valley a tip to know if that item is for us or not.... when you put cursor over it, if we have them you can read what it is .... if not, it means they messed up with an item not for our server :)

apart of elias, how many moderators play glorius valley plarium.com? (that is the server with more problems and reason to come here to forum most of the times)
10 июнь 2018, 09:2910.06.18
10 июнь 2018, 09:30(отредактировано)

nothing has changed, still bad info, still asking patience year and a half later. 

i know you do your best drag and i personally i apreciate your moderation skills,  you are always trying to help in a positive way, but i dont thnk you realise how different are both servers. maybe that way you would realise why we get so upset.
10 июнь 2018, 09:3210.06.18
Drag-Theseus said:

kjm said:

OK.  Thank you everyone for the information.

 I use the website to play.  But no special training boost items  at the market. 

Maybe after next update,    we can see  training boost items too.  

I guess those items   could be good for    recruit tournaments.

Same here, I don't have them in market so my guess would be that we can get these boosts only as tournaments reward.
do you have the xp increase in units in facebok server? 
10 июнь 2018, 14:2310.06.18

we still dont have that in our server ... like many other things promised over a year ago when fb got it first.

11 июнь 2018, 15:0811.06.18

we are playing now the version of plarium of "where is wally", but the version of where all this things that we win or we are promised go.... any bets?

13 июнь 2018, 12:1713.06.18

Hello, Archons!

This Item received to the reward by mistake, sorry for it :( Feature it should be used for is not present on plarium.com servers yet (but it will be added in the very near future).

We reported it to devs yesterday and they removed it from the Reward for those players who haven't finished with the Tournament yet.