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Unlimited Resource Raiding Bug report

Unlimited Resource Raiding Bug report

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13 нояб. 2017, 12:2113.11.17

Unlimited Resource Raiding Bug report

Dear Soldiers Inc. Mgm. Team,

I have spotted a game bug that a player can raid his rival several times and get 50-100k resource for each raid in short time. The abused example shows a player from Sempre Fi combine raided another player's base 4 times in 10 mins and totally got 250k resource! he firstly reconned his rival and found resource pools was almost full then he started abusing the raiding. The player who got raided is absent from game for a long time.

I heard this bug before, a player may send some resource to his rival and just cancel the convoys before his offense arriving his rival, then he can get 100k resource in one raid. I didn't replay this bug but it does exist. The above example shows that he can get unlimited resource from his rival if his base can hold it!

This cheating play of game violate the game rule which regulate "only 50k resource can be raided from 1 player every 7 days", and infringes the right of other regular players. Attach the screen shots for your validation. Please stop the abusive raiding and correct this bug AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank you for your attention and with salute.

13 нояб. 2017, 12:2913.11.17

I admit that it is a little abused. Well found but I say to rectify too.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
13 нояб. 2017, 15:4013.11.17

Hello, Commanders!

This is not a bug. It is a game secret, which is well known to experienced players. I advise you to refer to Game Discussion thread here, on the Forum. There you will meet players who may share this secret with you. 
24 нояб. 2017, 13:2524.11.17

Ok, I just found the trick ! I'm happy because nobody gave me the solution ! 

26 сент. 2021, 14:5626.09.21

What is this secret!?  Somebody did this to me over 30 times a couple of weeks ago!

AlinaCommunity Manager
6 окт. 2021, 12:4506.10.21
Private Parts

What is this secret!?  Somebody did this to me over 30 times a couple of weeks ago!

Hello, Commander! You might join our official Facebook group to ask it there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/176306229210500/ Good luck! 🤗

Onkel FlamerModerator
29 нояб. 2021, 12:2329.11.21

There is no secret , you can raid using convoys commander