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More Information On Update 8.20.0

More Information On Update 8.20.0

We are increasing your chances of summoning Perfect Souls for specific Champions on your Wishlist, as well as rebalancing Blessings. See the full breakdown below.

Increased chances to summon wishlisted Perfect Souls

We’re increasing the chances of you summoning Perfect Souls for Champions on your Wishlist from x2 to x8. We’ve also increased the odds of summoning Souls for Legendary Champions from each type of Soulstone, as well as the odds of summoning 6* Souls. You can view the new odds in the Default Summoning Chances window of the Soulstone Summon tab of the Altar of Souls.

Blessings Rebalance

We have rebalanced almost all Blessings to make sure that all of them now give bonuses to HP, ATK, DEF, C. DMG, RES, ACC, and SPD, depending on your Champion’s Awakening Level.

8 Blessings have had more extensive reworks - see the breakdown for them below.

Lethal Dose

Old version:

1* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 25%

3* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 50%

5* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 100%

New version:

1* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 50%

3* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 100%

5* - Increases the damage enemies receive from [Poison] debuffs by 200%

Dark Resolve

Old version:

Has a chance of blocking any [Freeze], [Provoke], and [True Fear] debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion. (1 Turn Cooldown)

1*- 5% chance of blocking debuffs

3* - 10% chance of blocking debuffs

5* - 15% chance of blocking debuffs

6* - 25% chance of blocking debuffs (no cooldown)

New version:

Increases the damage inflicted by this Champion according to the number of dead allies on their team. Doesn't increase the damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Bomb] debuffs. (1 Turn Cooldown)

1* - +1% damage for each dead ally

3* - +1.5% damage for each dead ally

5* - +2.5% damage for each dead ally

6* - +5% damage for each dead ally


Old version:

Debuffs placed by this Champion's default skill will ignore a percentage of the target's RES.

1* - Will ignore 5% of the target's RES

3* - Will ignore 10% of the target's RES

5* - Will ignore 20% of the target's RES

6* - Will ignore 40% of the target's RES

New version:

Increases the damage inflicted by this Champion according to the number of buffs on them. Doesn't increase the damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Bomb] debuffs.

1* - +0.5% damage for each buff

3* - +1% damage for each buff

5* - +1.5% damage for each buff

6* - +2% damage for each buff

Iron Will

Old version:

Decreases the damage this Champion receives from enemy skills activated by other skills or when enemies inflict damage when it is not their turn.

1* - Decreases the damage received by 5%

3* - Decreases the damage received by 10%

5* - Decreases the damage received by 18%

6* - Decreases the damage received by 30%

New version:

Decreases the damage this Champion receives according to the number of debuffs on them. Doesn't decrease the damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Bomb] debuffs.

1* - Decreases the damage received by 0.5%

3* - Decreases the damage received by 1%

5* - Decreases the damage received by 1.5%

6* - Decreases the damage received by 2%

Indomitable Spirit

Old version:

Has a chance of blocking any [Stun], [Sleep], and [Fear] debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion. (1 Turn Cooldown)

6* - 25% chance of blocking debuffs (no cooldown)

New version:

Has a chance of blocking any [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], and [Provoke] debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion. (1 turn cooldown)

6* - 30% chance of blocking debuffs (no cooldown)

Faultless Defense

Old version:

This Champion will receive less damage from each subsequent hit from multi-hit skills. The damage reduction increases with every additional hit.

1* - 5% damage reduction per hit

3* - 10% damage reduction per hit

5* - 20% damage reduction per hit

6* - 35% damage reduction per hit

New version:

Whenever an enemy attacks an ally under an [Increase DEF] buff placed by this Champion, reflects a portion of the damage back to the attacker.

1* - 3% of damage reflected

3* - 6% of damage reflected

5* - 9% of damage reflected

6* - 15% of damage reflected


Now, [Sheep] debuff placement only occurs once per enemy turn.

Emergency Heal (formerly Carapace)

Old version:

This Champion will receive less damage when under [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Petrification] debuffs.

1* - Decreases damage received by 10%

3* - Decreases damage received by 15%

5* - Decreases damage received by 20%

6* - Decreases damage received by 30%

New version:

Heals this Champion whenever a [Shield] buff placed on them expires, is removed, or is broken by an enemy attack. The value of the heal is equal to a portion of this Champion's MAX HP. (1 Turn Cooldown)

1* - Heals this Champion by 3% of their MAX HP

3* - Heals this Champion by 6% of their MAX HP

5* - Heals this Champion by 9% of their MAX HP

6* - Heals this Champion by 15% of their MAX HP

That’s all! Good luck, and happy raiding!


8 фев. 2024, 13:2108.02.24
8 фев. 2024, 14:0208.02.24


"Everything you liked, we nerfed/removed.

Everything you hate, we added even more of.

And we've quadrupled the popups. 

Now buy more damn packs or we'll make the game even WORSE!"

8 фев. 2024, 14:0808.02.24

Ещё бы матеиатику поправили!!! Бы ло бы хорошо...

8 фев. 2024, 14:2908.02.24


8 фев. 2024, 18:2408.02.24

Wait, so you completely changed everyones blessings, some changed ENTIRELY, and don't give us the ability to CHANGE THEM FOR FREE? You have got to be joking.

8 фев. 2024, 21:0508.02.24

Wait, so you completely changed everyones blessings, some changed ENTIRELY, and don't give us the ability to CHANGE THEM FOR FREE? You have got to be joking.

from the official server:


10 фев. 2024, 04:1810.02.24

I understand if you create new blessing but why so drastically change existing ones? Poison got enormous boost, while Iron Will is nerfed to nothing. And stupid DK which overflows all Arenas will be healing even more by 15% like he does not heal enough already to make all battles even longer to go to DK lovely 30 mins limit

10 фев. 2024, 04:2110.02.24

Can we please nerf DK healings and infinite mass revivals to pristine state? :)

12 фев. 2024, 13:5612.02.24

Can we please nerf DK healings and infinite mass revivals to pristine state? :)

Hi there, and thanks for the detailed feedback; we will definitely consider it!