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Looking for Guild - Average 3.5M Damage Per Attack, Minimum 3 Attacks Daily, 3 Stars Every Day

Looking for Guild - Average 3.5M Damage Per Attack, Minimum 3 Attacks Daily, 3 Stars Every Day

30 июнь 2019, 02:3030.06.19

Looking for Guild - Average 3.5M Damage Per Attack, Minimum 3 Attacks Daily, 3 Stars Every Day

Like my title says, I do an average of 3.5M damage per attack.  I always do a minimum of 3 attacks daily, but usually 4 or 5.

I am also very active and always get all 3 stars every day.

I am looking for a guild that is downing hard at minimum, preferably brutal.  I am progressing quickly (was only doing an average of 2.8M last week).  I will be a VERY valuable asset and committed. :)

Looking to change guilds because my current guild leader seems mentally handicapped.  He complains about the inactive members and ones that don't attack the right clan boss, yet he doesn't boot them and doesn't hear us when we tell them they obviously aren't reading guild chat.  Tired of trying to get someone to listen and would rather go for a guild that has their act together.

I will be checking this regularly, so just let me know what you got going on.  You can also shoot me a text on my Textfree app and I can drop my clan and join yours immediately.  The number is 727-478-6858.  Thanks!!!
7 июль 2019, 20:4507.07.19

If you're still looking I may have a place for you.  It's not an immediate solution, but in the long run I do hope it is.

The Dire community consists of 3 clans all supporting each other yet supporting one main clan. 

The Dire Wolves is the main clan downing the Brutal Boss daily while the other 2 clans The Dire Cubs and Dire Dragons support The Dire Wolves with members that meet it's requirements when they need another member.

In order to get into The Dire Wolves you would have to join our discord server then join one of the sister clans The Dire Cubs or Dire Dragons and then await an opening into The Dire Wolves. Both Sister clans are very active and take down the Normal Boss daily.

If you're interested go ahead and join our Discord Server here:  https://discord.gg/9qdDcmD

Once you enter our discord just say that you're looking for a clan and one of our officers will ask about your CB damage and then hook you up.