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Roster Advice Please: Who to take to 60 next?

Roster Advice Please: Who to take to 60 next?

15 авг. 2020, 20:2815.08.20

Roster Advice Please: Who to take to 60 next?

I'm fairly new, and very cheap to play. I haven't pulled any legendary heroes yet, but I do have a fair number of epics from blue shards. My current roster is as follows:

At 60: Elhain, Stag Knight, Shaman and Warpriest

At 50: Apothecary, Warmaiden, Reliquary Tender, High Khatun, Corpse Collector, Relickeeper, Sikara, Fang Cleric, Sandlashed Survivor, Veteran, Kael, Athel, Galek, Spirithost, Hyria, Lightsworn, Zargala, Ghrush the Mangler

At 40: Seneschal, Hordin, Jizoh, Justiciar, Elhain 2, Executioner, Diabolist, Mistress of Hymns, Occult Brawler, Warden, Skytouched Shaman, Ursine Ironhide, Teshada, Zargala 2, Taurus, Stag Knight 2, Painsmith, Jotun

I know that Apothecary is going to 60, and soon, but I only have one damage dealer at 60. Would you take one of the hitters to 60 first (Zargala, Athel, or Kael most likely), or would you do Apo first and a hitter second?  Or is there someone else here that needs to go to 60 before either of those?
15 авг. 2020, 21:0115.08.20




15 авг. 2020, 22:5015.08.20
Brawler? I haven't done much with him, but he hasn't impressed me so far. What's the best way to gear him up, and where does he shine?
15 авг. 2020, 22:5515.08.20
15 авг. 2020, 22:56(отредактировано)
NPNKY said:

Brawler? I haven't done much with him, but he hasn't impressed me so far. What's the best way to gear him up, and where does he shine?
Brawler for CB, Dragon20 and Golem20. Poison kills.  Needs high ACC (useless if poison gets resisted).  Want him as tanky (HP%/DEF%) as possible of course and fast (speed on boots).  DO NOT USE EPIC BOOKS on him, he doesn't need any.
16 авг. 2020, 05:1116.08.20

I would add Lightsworn and Stag Knight to the list.

Lightsworn is pure awesome, and Stag Knight is great for Arena.
16 авг. 2020, 14:0116.08.20
WatchdogCZ said:

I would add Lightsworn and Stag Knight to the list.

Lightsworn is pure awesome, and Stag Knight is great for Arena.
Oh yes. Stag knight would probably be in the top 3. For early game you can use everywhere (all dungeons, cb, arena). Endgame i use in Stag in all dungeon 20. Good catch watchdog. He needs lots of books. Your dupes may be needed there. Sucks if you leveled them to 40 though. 
16 авг. 2020, 19:3716.08.20

I'd add Reliquary Tender to the list - Shaman and Warpriest were a waste of energy tbh, at least I hope you didn't waste epic books on Shaman? 

As for who first, it depends a bit on your priority list - and on your minotaur progress. If you can very quickly get your new level 60 full masteries, that's an argument in favour of CB champions like Occult Brawler. If not, or if you just don't think CB is a priority for you right now, Zargala and Apo will be useful in more content even without necessarily having full masteries yet. 
16 авг. 2020, 21:5516.08.20
I can get to around Minotaur 11, but I just learned the trick of getting four champions maxed, then using them to feed the fifth. I'm going to work on that now 
16 авг. 2020, 21:5716.08.20
In my defense, I maxed them before I knew what I was doing 
16 авг. 2020, 21:5716.08.20
NPNKY said:

I can get to around Minotaur 11, but I just learned the trick of getting four champions maxed, then using them to feed the fifth. I'm going to work on that now 
Going to waste lots of nrg on mino11. Get champs to 6 first