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Having 100 percent debuff chance still miss

Having 100 percent debuff chance still miss

20 апр. 2019, 14:3720.04.19

Having 100 percent debuff chance still miss

What is the point of upgrading a skill debuff chance to 100% when it can still get resisted?? Like wtf? xd You spend tomes on heroes to upgrade a random skill, a debuff chance to 100% and it still isn't 100% lol...this game gets confused with its own stats...this is like a scam srsly...
20 апр. 2019, 16:4920.04.19

well, if you upgrade to 100% activation rate then the effect activates with 100% chance ...  you even said it got resisted, so it activated

resistance has nothing to do with activation rate

there are 2 checks ... 1st is activation rate, if the effect (debuff) activates then it goes to 2st check - acc x res check

20 апр. 2019, 17:5620.04.19
20 апр. 2019, 17:56(отредактировано)
Which makes upgrading the % completele useless and a waste of tomes....if it says it's applied 100% i don't wanna read got fckin resisted..wtf is that
20 апр. 2019, 22:3320.04.19
20 апр. 2019, 22:35(отредактировано)

Getting to 100% activation rate is far from uselsss...it makes you "skip" the first requirement step of activation, now you only have to get past the enemy resistance. Accuracy can help with that. Tough the only sure way to land a debuff is with a 100% activation rate with the additionnal mention "this debuff cannot be resisted".

A good exemple is Delver (epic dark elves). Her 2nd skill, if used on a target with the heal reduction debuff, will always apply the weaken debuff, as it's clearly said that it cannot be resisted once she is awaken to 3 stars.
22 апр. 2019, 16:0022.04.19

Its funny when anticolour gets extra resistence from debuff but buffs applyes to him without any penalty. So bufs vs debuffs is buffs>debuffs. Anticolour champions must have resistance against buffs too