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I'm done. Arena event is a BIG F joke.

I'm done. Arena event is a BIG F joke.

12 апр. 2019, 13:5112.04.19

I'm done. Arena event is a BIG F joke.

3000 points to get 1 void shard ???

You need to win 1500 arena on silver rank to get 3000 points. You want to scare away new players ? You are doing great job.

Most riddiculous part is that you CANNOT stack arena tokens in your stash to even save "tokens" for that kind of arena event.

1. Challenges are a joke - Getting 3 star % attack gloves/chestplate/boots on stage 2 normal ? Absurd

2. 3 day events with shitty rewards and without possibility to finish them ? In Summoners Wars you have 15 days to finish event and you get MUCH better rewards for that.

This game had great potential but you are short-sighted. You will get your money for first few months because people really want better heroes, but after people find out what this game is really about, all will leave.

12 апр. 2019, 16:1312.04.19
Well you can always just skip an event that you don't want to bother with. No need to freak out about it.
12 апр. 2019, 16:3612.04.19

He is totally correct with the rant and you would be ignorant to say its all fine . The people who designed these events did not put much thought on their completion . If you take a look, all of them follow the 3000 points pattern ,However their completion is less achievable on some of the events at least for the Free to play or even for freemium/low spenders . 

To actually reach even half the required points would mean to actually dig into the pockets a bit, but to complete it .. that's a bunch of currency for refills.

This gets even worse if you compare games of this type ( what they offer vs cash vs time investment ) and a lot of us played at least a couple of gacha games to feel totally unimpressed with the bones that are thrown our way by this money hungry company.

13 апр. 2019, 01:2813.04.19
I agree with the rant.  I dont mind spending money here and there, but some of these contests are simply unreasonable.
13 апр. 2019, 10:2613.04.19
13 апр. 2019, 10:31(отредактировано)
The event isnt realistic anyways, now that arena has been ruined for everyone from all the pay to win asians that flooded the game at release. (No racism intended. But fact remains that this is a provable tendency in mobile games)
13 апр. 2019, 14:4013.04.19

this event is more a joke than upgrade artifacts one that needs 40m to be completed...

13 апр. 2019, 23:3313.04.19

Pretty much every event is unobtainable unless you spend alot of gems or use a bot to enable autoclicker to constantly play for you. i spent hours and gems on alot of events to barely get to half the rewards. most the rewards are not worth the effort anyway. whole thing needs to be revamped. was supposed to add some extra fun in the game and all its brought is animosity because the rewards are unattainable even if you spend alot of money and time.

if i spend 6+ hours a day in a game those events rewards should be mine but i cant get half of them most the time. this is coming from someone who has spent over 1000 usd since i started this game. alot more people feel this way that arent on this forum.
14 апр. 2019, 21:0514.04.19

Yeah, the arena and artifact upgrading events are a joke. Summoning, leveling and dungeon divers events are much more balanced and actually completable if you put some effort into them. And yes, rewards are a JOKE, that goes for ALL events. 20 gems? A couple of brews? Get out of here. Give us more artifacts, not just offense and definitely not 3* ones. Give us double the energy and triple the gems, what the hell is wrong with your sense of rewarding players for their efforts??

15 апр. 2019, 04:0315.04.19

I'm used to obscenely high milestones and rank rewards in these kind of mobile game events. What I think is going to hurt Raid in the long run is the unrelenting schedule they've set. Since the inception of this feature, every event has run back-to-back. There are no breaks in between.

It's all well and good to tell players to sit out events but many of them are getting (or already are) invested in the grind and telling these types to simply sit out means that they are willingly missing out on incremental rewards and bigger payouts.

Yes, the difficulty of some of the upper milestone rewards could stand for a serious review by the Raid economy team but the cadence of ALL the events should also be given proper consideration.

15 апр. 2019, 08:5415.04.19

I agree, I don't like back to back events. There should be a free time between them.  At the moment this seems like a constant job, a big pressure because you have to do everything in freaking 3 days. Also, my 2nd point. There should be more time to do the event.

I am loosing my patient with all these stupid events.
18 апр. 2019, 18:3618.04.19

Im a new player, and reading this stuff makes me nervous, that the money I spent in this game will be worthless

20 апр. 2019, 11:2820.04.19
Admins dont ban cheat accounts buy from asians and after donate a bit a d they will not toch you ...... money always win and they kill game by this  even happy with gold 4 full of cheat accounts
20 апр. 2019, 11:3020.04.19
Dont waste money in broaken game u will nevef win players who can craft accounts champions and items for them
20 апр. 2019, 11:4620.04.19
Yep. Arena and artifact event is a broken hell.  They should changed it into monthly permanent event. 3000 point for 1 month is more reasonable.