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Need Urgent Advice

Need Urgent Advice

26 фев. 2019, 09:2226.02.19

Need Urgent Advice

Hey everyone :)

So I have crossed level 37 and have all starred normal & hard mode using 5/50 Exe and 5/50 Zelotah (both are fully ascended). I am halfway through brutal.

I deal 900k damage to easy clan boss in one go (have a 4/40 coldheart, 5/50 elhain (5/50), zelotah (5/50), exe (5/50) and spirithost (4/40)).

Today I opened 10 rare shards and got the following:

and right after, I opened him from sacred shard:

Now I am really confused who to work on. I don't have a good red champ so oathbound is a must for me. I need help with how to gear him for max output. 

Zelotah and Spirithost are my main supports in every game mode.

Also, I need to ramp up my damage to CB. Is jotun worth? If yes, how to gear him?

Seeker as far as I understand is a God in arena OR is he worth investing to 100% brutal too?

If there's any rare i've pulled and am not looking at, please state so.

All help will be much appreciated :)

