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Explain the Health Bars to Me

Explain the Health Bars to Me

22 сент. 2019, 21:4322.09.19

Explain the Health Bars to Me

Title says it all. I understand the red is the health bar, and the yellow is the turn meter (which is not always helpful because it’s not easy to tell who is going next when they all look nearly full).

But, what I don’t understand is the meaning behind the variation in the health bars. Sometimes the bar has a few large sections, sometimes the health bar has a lot of tiny sections. Is each section a set amount? What do the sections mean? Why are some of them small and numerous, while others are few and larger? Why do some have a thicker line between section groups? What does this bold line separating sections on the health bar mean? Why are some grouped in 4 sections while others are in five?

It would be great to get an explanation as the health bar sections apply to champions and the bosses please.

29 сент. 2019, 04:4929.09.19
29 сент. 2019, 05:02(отредактировано)

near as i can tell each section is 1000 health. so the smaller the sections the better as that means more health. may be different for bosses but haven't exactly been testing that theory out but my characters are accurate at 1000 per full section.

edit: the large sections on your champions health are 1000 the smaller sections are 200 just tested this out. enemies except for bosses are 1000 health sections and bosses follow the same pattern as your champions health bars. hope this helps.
30 сент. 2019, 05:2530.09.19

Does that mean in the arena enemy health bars follow a different pattern than your champions? I'm confused, you described one system for the health bars?

My champions

enemy champions


clan boss?

They are 1000 large sections, 200 small sections?
1 окт. 2019, 01:5801.10.19
1 окт. 2019, 01:59(отредактировано)

I don't how anyone could think it would be 1000, but it is 5000 tho, except for clan boss who has millions of HP.

It's pretty easy to see, my Fenax here has 20k HP http://prntscr.com/pd5c5f

And each big section is 5k HP, the small ones are 1k HP: http://prntscr.com/pd5cng (He has a bit more, because Kael gives him 15% HP Aura)

Later on, with more HP, it is still 5k each section, but the small sections are no longer shown and it looks like this: http://prntscr.com/pd5dv2 (occult brawler has a bit over 40k HP + shield of aorund 9k)