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Player Survey: Clan Feature

Player Survey: Clan Feature

12 сент. 2018, 09:0812.09.18

Player Survey: Clan Feature

Greetings, Warriors!

In just two months that Raid: Shadow Legends has been in soft launch, we’ve already seen our players banding together, discussing tips and strategies, and forging strong bonds and friendships. Strengthening this sense of community and giving you an opportunity to play the game together is one of our top priorities.

As such, it should come as no surprise that we are planning to introduce one of the most important multiplayer features - Clans.

This will be a large update to begin with, and it will only get bigger over time – we’re planning to eventually roll out a huge variety of cooperative challenges and achievements that will require teamwork, planning, and strategy to complete.

But, first and foremost, this is a feature that is made for all of you. And we want to hear your expectations, ideas, and wishes. What would you like to see? What do you NEED? What features would make cooperating with your Clanmates the most fun and engaging? Remember, all your feedback will be gathered and relayed to the Dev Team, so don’t miss out on a chance to be heard!

12 сент. 2018, 09:1912.09.18
12 сент. 2018, 09:24(отредактировано)

Ну я бы лично хотел видеть:

Гильд-квесты, ачивки или что то подобное

Магазин гильдии

Рэйд гильдии

Возможно пвп(но это зависит от кол-ва человек на сервере, ну и в дальнейшем между серверами)

Какой то аналог great hall, плюшки от которых будут увеличивать статы в контенте гильдии

Рейтинг гильдий по пвп/уровню/общей силе участников

Ну и естественно чат гильдии

12 сент. 2018, 09:5612.09.18
  • пвп
  • магазин
  • рейды

я тут начал писать, чтобы я хотел видеть в ги, но мне пофиг, я свободный игрок

12 сент. 2018, 10:0012.09.18

🤩 so excited. Hoping for clan features like:

Daily donation system: 

personal contribution and clan cion. donate silver/gems to gain contri & coin aswell as by reaching certain quest requirements similar to daily quests to gain extra contribution points & coin, 

Clan buildings: (leaders use clan coin to upgrade buildings/features) 

clan shop - using contri gained to buy items like shards, pots, gear etc

Stat bonus upgrading - use contri to upgrade stat levels for adding bonus stats. 

Lucky wheel - x amount of daily spins to gain items

Clan dungeon raid maps - similar to dungeons but doing as a max of 4-5 member groups using only 1 champion each. Certain limit of attempts daily

Clan boss - ultimate boss where each member uses team to deal as much damage to the boss. Rewards based on % of damage dealt and a final killing blow reward to the member that kills the boss.

Hoping that campfire is tied into clan feature maybe a exp gaining feature where we all gather round the fire for a time and cook smores gaining exp based on member #'s present 😍

And of course dying for a Clan war feature😍😍😍😍

Possibly a Simple map style. your base, enemy base, towers to capture for bonuses. Members enter war with 1 selected champ, countdown then everyone runs to kill enemy base tower.  tap on enemy to initiate battle as u run passed each other, max of 3 more members can join the battle by tapping if they see fighting sword above the players. First to take down enemy tower in given time eg.30min wins

Personal rewards for damage to enemy base tower.

Just what i am imagining clan war may be like hehe.

but what ever comes im sure will by amazing and cant wait 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

So much more things pop to mind but as is time to clock out for the night.

Look forward to what the Dev have planned.


12 сент. 2018, 10:3112.09.18
12 окт. 2018, 21:14(отредактировано)

Clans sounds great. Im looking forward to what it brings. 

Hoping for plenty of team events. Team campaign perhaps.  

Can we also have ranks like cheif(leader), hunter, sharman ect. All come with a few perks or buffs. 

I think between 40 and 50 ppl per clan is good any more and it gets too busy

12 сент. 2018, 10:5312.09.18
12 сент. 2018, 10:53(отредактировано)

Looking forward to this feature.😁 Hopefully some well thought events and challenges are created. Very important to ensure awards are correctly allocated to effort put in, not nessararly based on the best players. Also maybe connect daily, weekly and monthly pve as part of party awards. Most importantly balance is very important otherwise people get pissed very quickly. Thanks Devs, great game so far.  Ps please introduce a day where it is free to remove your artifacts 😁

12 сент. 2018, 11:2412.09.18

На первое время достаточно:

а) клан рейды

b) клан магаз

c) клан чат (ну это само собой)

d) уровни клана с различными плюхами (можно, как пишет Фолли, что-то в стиле Great Hall, а можно раз в неделю и т.п., через чек-ин. вариаций для реализации тьма)

можно запилить клан-квесты (как вариант дополнить ежедневки, в стиле "сделать 2-100500 ранов по гильд рейду").

В дальнейшем клановые войны. ачивки оттуда, войны могут выглядеть различным образом: от захвата и удержания локаций до массового пвп-рубилова (надо смотреть ближе к делу).

Магазин можно будет распилить на две составляющие: за ресурсы с войны и за ресурсы с рейда.

Ну это что с ходу на ум приходит

12 сент. 2018, 11:5912.09.18

For the update, id just like to see tomes have more drops. I find their are to many characters to try and fully reach their max capacity but lack of tome drops cause me to ignore champions as i dont have enough tomes for everyone.

Also if possible somehow nerf the champions so that any viable play style could be just as competitive as another team. Eg( 3dps 1 support vs 3 support 1 dps) Assume all champions are equal in lvl rank ascend etc. Would be nice to see a 3 support 1 dps team be as equally challenging as the 3 dps 1 support team.

Hope that made sense and i hope i posted to right place lol.
12 сент. 2018, 12:0312.09.18

Привет, поддерживаю все что написали ранее, чем больше будет функционал тем лучше)), но кроме всего прочего, хочу отметить тот факт что важно сделать какоето соревнование с призами между гильдиями, понятно что что-то мега крутое сразу запилить врятли удастся, но как вариант можна, например чтоб онлайн бои шли в формате 3 на 3 или там 5 на 5, ну чтоб в другом любом чем сейчас есть на арене 4 на 4, чтоб все не свелось к тупому и нудному набиванию чего либо или к тому чем дольше бьеш тем лучше, короче нужен особий формат + ограниченное время или количество заходов и розделить по сложности, и естественно баланс соблюсти, хотяб так чтоб 6* воевали с 6*, а 5* с 5*, ну или чтоб подбирало по силе персов ( на арене ж есть в послебоевой статистике)

12 сент. 2018, 12:3012.09.18
12 сент. 2018, 12:45(отредактировано)

Привествуем воины ! 

В течении этих двух месяцев , которых игра находится в стадии софт запуска , мы успели заметить , что игроки обьединяются друг с другом , обсуждают стратегии игры , налаживая прочные связи и дружеские взаимоотношения 

Укрепление , такого рода,  духа сообщества и предоставление возможности наслаждатся игрой всем вместе - один из наших главных приоритетов 

Исходя из этого , думаю ни для кого не будет сюрпризом , что мы планируем внедрение одной из наиболее важных сосавляющих многопользовательской игры - Кланов

Планируется большое обновление , которое будет только увеличиваться - мы запланировали внедрение большого кол-ва различных совместных заданий и достижений , которые потребуют от игроков совместной командной работы , планирования и выработки совместной стратегии 

Но в первую очередь , все это делается для Вас . И мы хотели бы услышать ваши идеи и пожелания . Что именно Вы , хотели бы увидеть в игре ? Чего не хватает, на Ваш взгляд  ? 

Введение каких функций сделало бы обьединение с другими игроками наиболее приятным и интересным ? Помните , что все Ваши отзывы и пожелания будут собраны и переданы команде разработчиков . Поэтому не упустите шанс быть услышанным !)

Marius said:

Greetings, Warriors!

In just two months that Raid: Shadow Legends has been in soft launch, we’ve already seen our players banding together, discussing tips and strategies, and forging strong bonds and friendships. Strengthening this sense of community and giving you an opportunity to play the game together is one of our top priorities.

As such, it should come as no surprise that we are planning to introduce one of the most important multiplayer features - Clans.

This will be a large update to begin with, and it will only get bigger over time – we’re planning to eventually roll out a huge variety of cooperative challenges and achievements that will require teamwork, planning, and strategy to complete.

But, first and foremost, this is a feature that is made for all of you. And we want to hear your expectations, ideas, and wishes. What would you like to see? What do you NEED? What features would make cooperating with your Clanmates the most fun and engaging? Remember, all your feedback will be gathered and relayed to the Dev Team, so don’t miss out on a c

12 сент. 2018, 12:3312.09.18
29 дек. 2018, 17:01(отредактировано)

Here are some ideas that I would like (even though Dazed Angel wrote a very good post about it already) :

Clan Siege - Towers that have multiple defenses that have to be taken down, each set by a different player.  This could be a good feature where we have to use more then 1 team (each hero can be only used once on def and attack).  Maybe faction specific towers (undead, lizard, etc..)

Clan Buildings - building that improve with clan level upgrades...Silver Mine, Faster Energy Regeneration shrine, Clan Shop (better items with clan level), XP Shrine, Summoning Shrine (improves the summoning rates by a very small amount).

Clan Race - Maybe have each clan belong to a faction where it gives small bonus to that certain faction heroes only (like 1-5% att, def, hp) that improves with clan levels.  

Clan Raid - Some dungeon where each player can make 3 raids per day, for various rewards to all clan members.  Maybe make items drop that can change substats of artifact gear (tied to specific artifact type).

Clan Chat

12 сент. 2018, 12:3712.09.18

Добавлю от себя : не хватает клановых походов на боссов , которые бы появлялись рандомно либо в определенное  время . 

Также хотелось бы видеть совместный фарм подземелий или что то в этом роде 

Ну и клан войны - естественно , контроль територий кланами , захват каких либо замков которые будут давать гильдиям какие либо преимущества , бафы , ресурсы и т.д 

Ну и ивенты - куда же без них )
12 сент. 2018, 13:2212.09.18

The only thing that this game needs is to finally fix the server connection problem and it would be awesome 

12 сент. 2018, 13:4812.09.18
Hey, guys! A lot of awesome ideas so far, keep them coming. I do like things like a Clan Shop and Clan Wars, among others. Though using the campfire to make smores is probably my favourite so far. 

Michael Stoker said:

The only thing that this game needs is to finally fix the server connection problem and it would be awesome 

Hm, the major issues have been fixed. It's possible you've been caught by the maintenance since we were performing it quite frequently in recent days (we post in the chat every time it happens). If you keep experiencing game crashes, it may be a good idea to contact our Support Team and have them investigate. 

12 сент. 2018, 14:1912.09.18

Clans is an excellent idea! I've been playing raid since the first week it hit the Google play market and, to my wife's dismay, it's been very addicting. My biggest issue so far is with the lack of multiplayer and cooperative play. You have all these raid players from around the world chatting with each other in the menu chat, but no actual interaction with players. The arena was a good start but I feel because of the lack of player interaction the game can feel stale after a while. 

I would love to see clans have full LIVE player interaction. And the ability to add players in game as a friend, or possibly trade artifacts and coins between players. I'm hoping clans will bridge this gap and bring players closer together and ultimately closer with the game itself. 
12 сент. 2018, 15:4712.09.18
12 сент. 2018, 15:54(отредактировано)

Marius said:

Hey, guys! A lot of awesome ideas so far, keep them coming. I do like things like a Clan Shop and Clan Wars, among others. 

Надо бы разделить клан контент на пве (в виду онлайна его можно раньше запустить) и изюминкой затем станет пвп контент, на данный момент запиливать с места в карьер кланвары, при том, что от силы наберется 2-3 более-менее сбалансированных клана и десяток мертвых - как-то не актуально.

Плюс под КланВары надо делать разные лиги, чтобы гильды новичков не абузились "старичками" и т.п. Но, повторюсь,  я считаю, КВ можно отложить, а сначала сделать пве-контент

З.Ы. хоть и офф-топ, но лучше сюда вставлю предложение, чем целый пост пилить. Не помешало бы ввести условную "Башню Испытаний" - где куча этажей, на них награда, герой если умер - не воскрешается, хп на след уровень не восстанавливаются - вот этой штуки не хватает и обновлять ее раз в неделю/месяц :)
12 сент. 2018, 15:5612.09.18

Marius, you're an excellent moderator. I'm excited for the upcoming clan feature. But what I really want is another 150-200 slots for champions. I like to collect them all, but there is currently only space for about half once the capacity is maxed out to the limit of 100. This means I've been caught short of space when trying to summon when buying extra blue crystals packs. I'm sure the Devs could easily increase the capacity. It's a shame not to be able to collect all the characters, the design team has made such a good job on them all. 

Also, who is the hero in red with the hammer on the loading screen to the arena? You have him as your forum avatar. I've looked but can't find him. Is he from the unreleased factions? 

As for clan features, please include clan chat channels and a notice board for clan leaders to inform members of raiding times and required party set up for any more technical battles. 

Another idea is to allow clans to share champions. So in special battles, a member can allocate guild mercenaries to accompany their team into battle. For example, placing a high level hero into a guild building that slots into a Merc only slot on a different guild members team. That Merc could earn experience, silver, guild upgrade points and so on but be unavailable to the player who owns it until collected and swapped out. 

Certainly, there also has to be a sense of accomplishment. Guild members should feel encouraged to participate and contribute. Upgrades and perks for both individual members and the guild itself will achieve this. 

Thank you for including your player base in the development of the game, Plarium. It makes the experience all the more enjoyable and that's what keeps me interested. Games are about fun after all!

And thanks again to you as well Marius. Keep up the good work. 

12 сент. 2018, 15:5712.09.18
Marius said:

Greetings, Warriors!

In just two months that Raid: Shadow Legends has been in soft launch, we’ve already seen our players banding together, discussing tips and strategies, and forging strong bonds and friendships. Strengthening this sense of community and giving you an opportunity to play the game together is one of our top priorities.

As such, it should come as no surprise that we are planning to introduce one of the most important multiplayer features - Clans.

This will be a large update to begin with, and it will only get bigger over time – we’re planning to eventually roll out a huge variety of cooperative challenges and achievements that will require teamwork, planning, and strategy to complete.

But, first and foremost, this is a feature that is made for all of you. And we want to hear your expectations, ideas, and wishes. What would you like to see? What do you NEED? What features would make cooperating with your Clanmates the most fun and engaging? Remember, all your feedback will be gathered and relayed to the Dev Team, so don’t miss out on a chance to be heard!

12 сент. 2018, 19:5712.09.18

All excellent ideas so far guys! I definitely like the idea of a Clan shop, Clan Wars, World Boss, ability to challenge other clan members in PvP (to see how you match up, get ideas, tips etc.), maybe clan buildings or research of some kind (increase sparring pit trg speed, market discounts, boosts similar to great hall but used in clan wars/world bosses/clan dungeons etc...). Dazed_Angel really covered it all pretty much lol.

Oh... Clan "Rent a Champ"...You can set one champion aside for 1 day and others could rent it to use (helps with finding out if they like the champ or to get by a really hard stage) and the person who put it up for rent gets silver or clan cash to use in the clan shop. While your champ is in the renting pool, you are unable to use them yourself.

Excited to see this new feature. Keep up the great work dev team!

12 сент. 2018, 21:0612.09.18
Please add a way to Contribute Mystery Shards into the Clan Shop with a max limit. Feels like i'm getting more then i can burn.
13 сент. 2018, 00:4813.09.18

Hi Marius,

This is awesome. I'll try to keep this in bullet point format.

Clan Forge:
Clan members pool resources and work together to craft a high-value Artifact before time runs out

  • Clan leader and officers pick from a randomized pool of high-end Artifacts to craft
  • New Artifacts available during special event-driven period or on a weekly or monthly basis
  • Selected Artifact must be crafted with contributions donated by Clan members
  • High crafting requirements: combination of Clan Currency (TBD), Silver, Gems, Potions, special Crafting Materials that can be farmed from Clan events/modes
  • There is a limited period of time available to craft the Clan Artifact
  • Once crafted, the artifact can be bought by all clan members in the Clan Shop for a limited time
  • Failure to craft the artifact within the available time limit will forfeit the artifact for this round

Clan Shop:
Exclusive shop items tailored specifically for progression and advantage in Clan events

  • Introduces new boosts and other items that can help with Clan events and modes
  • Can also feature high-value items for individual progression such as Potions and Skill Tomes
  • Must use Clan Currency or Points to purchase from the Clan Shop
  • Clan Currency and/or Points earned from Clan Wars, Clan Raids and more

Clan War:
Team vs. team asynchronous battle mode

  • Clan drafts a 8-player team to combat the opposing Clan's team
  • Asynchronous mode with a time limit and using AI opponents piloting the enemy team's battle moves
  • Matchmaking system to pair up Clan teams 
  • Each player on a team brings in their 4-champion party just like in Arena (total Clan champion count = 32)
  • Battle takes place on a map interface on hexes or nodes connected by paths
  • Each Clan starts with a Base and Territory (made up of Control Points) on either end of the map, with some neutral space in the center
  • Clan War match broken up into 2 phases: Defend & Attack
  • Defend: teams assign 4 players to post their champion parties to the Base for defense or to various Control Points within their home Territory
  • Defend: teams also assign 4 players into offensive lanes in preparation to attack the enemy's Territory and Base
  • Attack: players on offense move forward to engage enemy team's offensive champion parties and try to capture Control Points from defending parties
  • Attack: players on defense can stay put, move to other Control Points or to the Base or move into neutral space to fight AI bosses & champion parties (creeps?), similar to jungling in a traditional MOBA
  • Benefit of fighting creeps is to gain temporary boosts to assist with attack and defense for that match only
  • The rate of moves taken by players is governed by War Energy - this means players can only make so many moves on their turn before needing to wait.
  • Actual champion battles play out just as they do in standard Arena
  • Awesome rewards for winning and strong incentives for participating (even if your team loses)

Clan Dungeons / Clan Raids
Solo Dungeons but on steroids

  • Very similar to the Dungeons we play now but allows for Clan members to team up in groups of 2 or 3
  • The Dungeons stages themselves would not be linear but represented as an overhead map (like in War) with branching paths
  • Players have a limited time to defeat minion mobs in order to disable buff towers that grant extra power to the Dungeon boss
  • Dungeon culminates in a battle with the boss - each surviving player must reach the boss and has one attempt to defeat. Boss takes cumulative damage so it's important for players to coordinate order of attack.
  • As with War, really cool and useful rewards for defeating the Boss & solid incentives for playing even if you fail