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Brotherhood Adventures: Evaluate and Improve Brotherhood Chemistry!

Brotherhood Adventures: Evaluate and Improve Brotherhood Chemistry!

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Anne BonnieCharacter
22 апр. 2015, 13:2322.04.15

Brotherhood Adventures: Evaluate and Improve Brotherhood Chemistry!

Brotherhood Adventures: Evaluate and Improve Brotherhood Chemistry!

It has only been a month since t’ Brotherhood Adventures feature was released in Pirates:Tides Of Fortune, but it already be making some noise over the Seven Seas. Piles of questions have been addressed to us on t’ subject, such as “How do I get these Adventures?”, “What are the rewards?”, and many scurvy others. I will hereby address ‘ese issues!

Completing Brotherhood Adventures results in rewards for one and all – no Brotherhood  Member is left without a reward! Still, some scurvy lads find fit to ask: "What’s to be gained from doing Brotherhood Adventures?"

To put it simply, matey, Brotherhood Adventures are based on t’ principle of teamwork. One of us ain’t good as all of us! Should a few players, or a single player, contribute, the Brotherhood  would get measly basic rewards – nothing particularly noteworthy. But if everyone in t’ Brotherhood contributes, t’ potential exists to receive a much greater Reward Pack! So gather yer Hearties and full speed ahead!! Build troops, smash the Presidios up or complete the Daily Quests. There's room for all ye scurvy dogs to prove your worth!

So, what are t’ benefits of the Brotherhood Adventures completion? Here be a little overview:

1. Raising team spirit — ‘ese challenges be a great way to unite all yer Brotherhood members with one common goal.

2. This game element allows t’ Brotherhood Leaders to monitor the activity of their warriors on a daily basis and to determine who be pulling their rightful weight – and who ain’t! These Adventures also have t’ potential to “wake up” players who might be “hibernating” fer some time, as the whole Brotherhood will see if someone ain’t contributing, and can urge ‘em to take part...or keelhaul ‘em!

3. Regular rotation of different Adventures- the Seven Seas encompasses hundreds o’ thousands o’ Captains who each have different preferences and tactics. Every player, and every Brotherhood, will have different strengths, and with this system they can choose to partake in t’ Adventures that suit them t’ best!

4. Among 'ese new Brotherhood Adventures be some that do not require the sacrificing of yer Units – fer example, one requires ye to train yer Units, another the to complete t’ scurvy Daily Quests. So, in fact, players effectively receive t’ Resources, Units and Boosts that be th’ rewards fer these Adventures fer free! Ye can go on to use ‘ese Units and Resources in Brotherhood Wars and t’ more battle-centric Brotherhood Adventures, thereby making yer Brotherhood stronger and stronger every day!

5. The Adventure rewards are shared evenly between everyone in the Brotherhood; no player is forgotten. Should yer Brotherhood be successful, even players who didn’t participate during t’ quest shall receive rewards.

6. Rewards be received in t’ form of Adventure Chests, which can be claimed from t’ Smuggler's Den for maximum convenience.
Now, let’s discuss a few of the nuances of this feature, which have caused players some confusion:

1. Brotherhood Adventures are not issued to everyone. Some Brotherhoods may not have ‘em available at a given time. If yer Brotherhood be currently involved in a Brotherhood Challenge, and there be an active PvP Quest, Global Mission or Discount/Promotion, then ye will not be able to take part in a Brotherhood Adventure that be issued. If t’ global event finishes, or yer Brothergood Challenge comes to an end, and t’ Brotherhood Adventure be still active, the Brotherhood Adventure will suddenly become visible to ye and ye can take part for t’ remaining time.

2. At first glance, t’ rewards may not seem so impressive compared with t’ scale o’ work Brotherhood Adventures require o’ Brotherhoods. However me hearties, when one takes into account that every Brotherhood member gets an Adventure Chest, and multiplies the reward by the number of Brotherhood Members, it turns out to be very worthwhile!

3. When the Adventure Chest be first opened, the various contents are immediately sent to their respective places: the Units report to t’ Harbor while t’ Resources, Boosts and other game items are shipped directly to t’ Smuggler's Den. This may seem unusual at first, but ye only have to open yer prizes at t’ Black Market to reap t’ benefits!

4. All good things come to an end, me hearties, and Adventure Chests be no different. These scurvy boxes expire after just 3 days. This still be plenty of time to grab yer reward so don't miss yer chance!

5. Some of t’ Brotherhood Adventures require sacrifices to be made. It’s up to t’ players, w’ t’ guidance of their Brotherhood management, to make tough strategic choices with regards to putting their armies at risk fer a chance at t’ biggest rewards or playing it safe and missing out. This ain’t be some mere social network-based farm development game - this be a might a war strategy MMO, in reality!

T’ bottom line be that this feature will change both individual and team gameplay, and every player and Brotherhood can and ought to develop their own strategies and policies for Brotherhood Adventures task completion. Do not miss out on ‘ese scurvy opportunities!  

Wet sails and top speed to ye all!


25 апр. 2015, 00:3725.04.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:55(отредактировано)

It has only been a month since t’ Brotherhood Adventures feature was released in Pirates:Tides Of Fortune, but it already be making some noise over the Seven Seas. Piles of questions have been addressed to us on t’ subject, such as “How do I get these Adventures?”, “What are the rewards?”, and many scurvy others. I will hereby address ‘ese issues! 

Completing Brotherhood Adventures results in rewards for one and all – no Brotherhood  Member is left without a reward! Still, some scurvy lads find fit to ask: "What’s to be gained from doing Brotherhood Adventures?"

To put it simply, matey, Brotherhood Adventures are based on t’ principle of teamwork. One of us ain’t good as all of us! Should a few players, or a single player, contribute, the Brotherhood  would get measly basic rewards – nothing particularly noteworthy. But if everyone in t’ Brotherhood contributes, t’ potential exists to receive a much greater Reward Pack! So gather yer Hearties and full speed ahead!! Build troops, smash the Presidios up or complete the Daily Quests. There's room for all ye scurvy dogs to prove your worth!

Anne BonnieCharacter
1 май 2015, 12:4101.05.15
26 авг. 2015, 08:22(отредактировано)

Ahoy me Hearties!

Keep in mind, that rewards for Brotherhood Adventures are given to players after completing each step of the Quest. In order for a reward to appear at the Smuggler's Den any change in your Brotherhood must be performed, for example, one of the members from your Brotherhood must log in to the game or refresh the page.

If you do not see any Chests at your Smuggler's Den, it means that you have already used them. Do not forget that the Adventure Chests have the expire time of 3 days. Make sure that you activate your rewards before they expire.

6 май 2015, 21:4106.05.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:50(отредактировано)


6 май 2015, 22:4806.05.15
12 май 2015, 09:33(отредактировано)

Pompah try this forum might help you out Russian - http://forum.plarium.com/en/search/russian/


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24 июнь 2015, 11:1524.06.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:56(отредактировано)


24 июнь 2015, 14:1224.06.15

Eh there Matey nils1974

if you need help with anything please ask away welcome to the forum

13 авг. 2015, 04:2713.08.15
even for lv 50s like me the payout is enormous,getting brigantines and ships of lines for free,basically doing nothing,especially if you are in a powerful BH
22 авг. 2015, 05:0222.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:42(отредактировано)
RagstoRiches123 said:

even for lv 50s like me the payout is enormous,getting brigantines and ships of lines for free,basically doing nothing,especially if you are in a powerful BH
Not so powerfull anymore eh?
25 авг. 2015, 04:5625.08.15
29 дек. 2018, 16:58(отредактировано)
