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Learn more about Whirlpools o' Relocation, Captain!

Learn more about Whirlpools o' Relocation, Captain!

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Anne BonnieCharacter
11 сент. 2015, 17:2411.09.15

Learn more about Whirlpools o' Relocation, Captain!


We have compiled a practical list of answers to common questions, so that you can relocate your Haven with confidence.

Whirlpools o' Fate and Whirlpools o' Chance are powerful tools, and it is important that you know how to use them. Let’s begin!

Basic Questions about Whirlpools o' Fates and Whirlpools o' Chance

Question (Q): What are Whirlpools o' Fate and Whirlpools o' Chance? How are they different?

Answer (A): Whirlpools o' Fate are special items used to relocate a Haven to the coordinates of your choice on the Map.

Whirlpools o' Chance are used to relocate a Haven to RANDOM coordinates on the Map.

Q: What is a Vacant Lot?

A: Vacant Lots are special zones where other Havens can be moved. Vacant Lots cannot be raided, scouted, etc. When a Haven relocates, its original coordinates turn into a Vacant Lots . If a player is inactive for an extremely long time, their Haven will turn into a Vacant Lot. When that player logs in again, their Haven will be automatically relocated.

Transportation of Units & Galleons to and from Relocated Havens.

(Q): What happens to another Player’s Units that are moving to my Haven while it is being relocated?

(A): If another player sends Units to your Haven while it is being relocated, they will be returned to their owner’s Harbor. Capt. Anne Bonnie will inform the other Player of any returned Units in a special message.

Q : What happens to another Player’s Units (Blockade Forces/ Reinforcements) that are in my Haven while it is being Relocated?

A: Reinforcement Units, and Units actively invading your Haven, will Relocate to the new coordinates along with your Haven.

Q: What happens to my Units that are moving to another player’s Haven at the time of my Haven’s Relocation?

A: Your Units will continue traveling to their destination. Travel time to their destination will not change. However, the travel time of their return will be calculated based on the new location of your Haven.

Q: What happens to my Units (Blockade Forces/Reinforcements) that are in another Player’s Haven while my Haven is being relocated?

A: They will stay at the target Haven and remain unaffected.

Q: What happens to Units (Blockade Forces/Reinforcements) in my Haven, if their owner’s Haven is turned into a Vacant Lot?

A: Such Units will stay in your Haven and remain unaffected.

Q: What happens if I send Units and/or Galleons to a Haven that becomes a Vacant Lot while they are travelling there?

A: Your Units would return to your Harbor immediately. Galleons that were NOT sent via the Market will continue travelling to the new location of the target Haven (this may cause travel time to increase). They will deliver their supplies and return to your Haven, empty.

Q: A player creates an offer at the Market, then Relocates his or her Haven. Where do the Galleons go when the offer is accepted?

A: Galleons sent via the Market will always travel to a Haven using the coordinates which are indicated at the moment of the trade offer’s acceptance. If those coordinates are a Vacant Lot by the time the Galleon arrives, the Resources and/or Sketches will be delivered to an empty space, and no one will receive them. The Galleons will then return, empty, to their senders.

Q: What happens to another player’s Galleons that are on their way to my Haven while I am Relocating?

A: Provided that the Galleons were not dispatched via the Market, the other player’s Galleons will travel on to your Haven’s new coordinates. This may cause travel time to increase. The Galleons will deliver their cargo and return empty to their sender.

Massed Attacks

Q: What happens to my Units that are participating in a Massed Attack at the time of my Haven’s Relocation?

A: Your Units would continue moving to the target. Units’ travel time won’t be affected.

Q: What happens to my Units that are returning from a Massed Attack at the time of my Haven’s Relocation?

A: Your Units would continue moving to your Haven. Units’ travel time won’t be affected.


Q: What happens to Fireships fired at my Haven while it is being relocated?

A: The Fireships would return to their owner’s Haven.

Q: What happens to Fireships I fire at other Havens while my Haven is being relocated?

A: The Fireships would reach the target, and their travel time would not be affected.

Prizes and Adventures

Q: What happens to my Units travelling to or from Prizes and Adventures at the time of my Haven’s Relocation?

A: Your Units’ travel time to and from these destinations will be unaffected. Infested Sites and/or Campaign Mission objectives will move along with your Haven. When you reach your new coordinates, these locations may appear to be located differently, but the distance between them and your Haven will stay the same.

About Battle Reports

Q: I have a Battle Report on a Haven that is relocated. What happens to the data on this Report?

A: If a battle takes place before Relocation is completed, the Battle Report will contain the target Sector’s old coordinates. If a battle takes place after Relocation is completed, the Battle Report will contain the target Haven’s new coordinates.


Q: What happens to my Bookmarks for Haven that Relocate?

A: Your Bookmarks will automatically update to reflect the Havens’ new locations. This data should update within 10 minutes of a Haven’s Relocation. If it does not, try refreshing the page.

Q: What happens to my Bookmark of a Haven that is automatically turned into a Vacant Lot due to the owner’s inactivity?

A: These coordinates would remain the same. Because the owner of this Haven is inactive, when you click on the coordinates, you will see a Vacant Lot. In the future, these coordinates will be displayed as question marks, i.e., x: ??, y:?? .
