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My day with prize please tell me if I am correct

My day with prize please tell me if I am correct

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2 фев. 2017, 21:5002.02.17

My day with prize please tell me if I am correct

Alright so I went back and looked at all my battles in the prize yesterday and added them up and came up with this. Can someone please tell me if it is correct.

ship values Juggs 24,277 Sol 19k Frig 10,610 brig 7823 sub 7.5k GB 5k MoW 5.3k schooner 18.2k Lugger 5.4k


jugs 3,382

sol 5,182

frig 5,785

brig 5,322

sub 11,929

mow 19,990

gb 5,945

schooner 274

lugger 229


jug 3,348

sol 4,065

frig 5,.532

brig 5,280

sub 12,646

mow 18,355

gb 5,499


lugger 215

I went and did the math of what I gained and lost from the totals.

lost 34 jugs, lost sol 1,117, lost 253 frigs, lost 42 brigs, gain subs 917, lost 1635 MoW, lost 446 GB, lost 190 schooner, lost 14 luggers

So now the bank value of what I lost and what I gained.

 lost 575,396,070

 gain 480,825,656 IE got paid out

bank owes me 94,570,414 + 11,348,449 interest of 12% comes to a total of 105,918,863

Is this calculation correct? If so I should be getting paid with lot's of goodies. right?

I would like them in Jugs please. 4362.9 of them or half juggs half subs will do.... lol.

Had to come back and add a few things. This was done in level 49 prize highest level. My biggest payout was only 2k+ MoW ship wise. However I remember calculating 1 payout and it was close to 20 million. My thoughts are you are limited to a certain amount of interest per day. If not then I would have earned 4k+ in Jugs in 1 day. But I came out with less ships then I started with. So yes things are lost in prizes or I might be wrong and my bank value is still just sitting there and not paying me out. If this is true you can earn ships faster than building them with prizes. So I should stop raiding for resources and building ships and just get ships by doing prizes.

3 фев. 2017, 19:0203.02.17
Sigh.... No replies to whether or not my calculation is correct or not. I know there are people out there who know's but is not wanting to answer my question. Who know's maybe my post doesn't make sense. Well I guess I might quit doing prizes since I lost many ships and did not gain anything from it except the prize rewards from the event. All my precious ship of the lines gone, going to be raiding with bonnies to get resources now.
3 фев. 2017, 21:5903.02.17

Xike said:

Sigh.... No replies to whether or not my calculation is correct or not. I know there are people out there who know's but is not wanting to answer my question. Who know's maybe my post doesn't make sense. Well I guess I might quit doing prizes since I lost many ships and did not gain anything from it except the prize rewards from the event. All my precious ship of the lines gone, going to be raiding with bonnies to get resources now.

High ship values but... You do not specify if they were all plain sent in and if the rewards sent to you were plain or brethren.

I won't go into the real ship value for the bank as being what they cost to build and not their face value.

Using info I have caught... If you send in 1,000 brethren Jugs and if you get paid in 500 plain Jugs, you were paid 100% Rather confusing but it is meant to be that way.

In short, the type of unit sent in is very important to ascertain what you really did get paid.

Why I am always writing to just send in plain units and to put the special D units in presidios or bastions.

With O, it gets a bit nasty but we are just talking three O units that will pay back as brethrens.
3 фев. 2017, 23:2003.02.17

All of the units I sent in were white sails. No brethren, veterans, or pardoned units. Now I am deep in the hole from where I first started. I don't believe this really works. All the units I lost I did not even get back. Not to mention there is supposed to be a bonus value to everything you lose to the lighthouse prizes. Yesterday after the calculations I had high hopes of getting my units back today plus a little extra from the interest but nope. I came out even more short than I started with. If this keeps up everyday I will just keep losing and losing until I have nothing left.

I want to talk a little or maybe a lot about the interest you get. So the guide says there is a 12% interest. So that should mean that for every 100 Juggernauts I lose to the lighthouse I should have in the bank 112 juggernauts worth of resources correct? So all those tens of thousands of ships I lost to the prize should have accumulated lot's of interest. Just the MoW ships alone I lost to the lighthouse was close to 20,000. That alone should have accumulated around 2,400 worth of MoW in interest. Yet I have no MoW left. I know the payout is random in types of ships but the interest and the payouts are nowhere close to what it should be. I did not even break even. After 4 months of playing and some hundreds of $$$ spent I think it is time to call it quits if I don't break even in like a week.

4 фев. 2017, 02:1104.02.17

Xike said:

Alright so I went back and looked at all my battles in the prize yesterday and added them up and came up with this. Can someone please tell me if it is correct.

ship values Juggs 24,277 Sol 19k Frig 10,610 brig 7823 sub 7.5k GB 5k MoW 5.3k schooner 18.2k Lugger 5.4k


jugs 3,382

sol 5,182

frig 5,785

brig 5,322

sub 11,929

mow 19,990

gb 5,945

schooner 274

lugger 229


jug 3,348

sol 4,065

frig 5,.532

brig 5,280

sub 12,646

mow 18,355

gb 5,499


lugger 215

I went and did the math of what I gained and lost from the totals.

lost 34 jugs, lost sol 1,117, lost 253 frigs, lost 42 brigs, gain subs 917, lost 1635 MoW, lost 446 GB, lost 190 schooner, lost 14 luggers

So now the bank value of what I lost and what I gained.

 lost 575,396,070

 gain 480,825,656 IE got paid out

bank owes me 94,570,414 + 11,348,449 interest of 12% comes to a total of 105,918,863

Is this calculation correct? If so I should be getting paid with lot's of goodies. right?

I would like them in Jugs please. 4362.9 of them or half juggs half subs will do.... lol.

Had to come back and add a few things. This was done in level 49 prize highest level. My biggest payout was only 2k+ MoW ship wise. However I remember calculating 1 payout and it was close to 20 million. My thoughts are you are limited to a certain amount of interest per day. If not then I would have earned 4k+ in Jugs in 1 day. But I came out with less ships then I started with. So yes things are lost in prizes or I might be wrong and my bank value is still just sitting there and not paying me out. If this is true you can earn ships faster than building them with prizes. So I should stop raiding for resources and building ships and just get ships by doing prizes.

I took your numbers and put them in my spreadsheet. If I am correct, your loses came to 514,938,570 and your gain was 480,825,656 a difference of 34,112,914. Also, going by the numbers you gave, your gain was only 717 Subs. Not 917. Also, I don't know anything about the interest. I just keep a running log of my losses and know when to expect a payout. Usually comes when I'm about 13 mil in the hole. Let me know if you get it figured out.

4 фев. 2017, 18:5004.02.17
Alright so I did some more prizes this time counting every battle by battle 1 by 1. From all my losses and small payouts. I loss roughly around 18 mil in resources and my big payout including all the small payouts before the big payout came out to be to around 13 mil. When I first started to do the prizes I had 7 mil total offense and 1.3 mil def. Now I am down to 6 mil offense and 800k def. No gain just losses. 3 days before I had 10 mil offense and around 3 mil def. As each day goes by my numbers dwindles. I hope and am thinking it is saving up for a huge gigantic payout that will blow mind away or at least give me back to what I had 3 days ago.
13 фев. 2017, 02:1713.02.17
I figured out the problem now. My prize level was kind of low so when the bank paid me out I would still have a lot of banking points in it. So after getting to higher levels the bank paid me out and I got back what I put into the prize game except in different units.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
13 фев. 2017, 11:5413.02.17
Xike said:

I figured out the problem now. My prize level was kind of low so when the bank paid me out I would still have a lot of banking points in it. So after getting to higher levels the bank paid me out and I got back what I put into the prize game except in different units.

13 фев. 2017, 12:5613.02.17
13 фев. 2017, 12:57(отредактировано)
Xike said:

I figured out the problem now. My prize level was kind of low so when the bank paid me out I would still have a lot of banking points in it. So after getting to higher levels the bank paid me out and I got back what I put into the prize game except in different units.
great work just becareful you can lose them as fast as you win them
18 фев. 2017, 11:3318.02.17

One part of your calculation was incorrect though. Its what you owe the bank you add the 12% to not what the bank owes you.Consider it like a home loan. You pay off the loan plus interest. If you sell the home(ignoring housing market) and then pays you the gains you made of the sale. All the little payouts are you refinancing your home loan. 

Oh one other thing I don't know if you included in your calculations, when you get resources as part of the payout you need to include that in your bank not just the units. This is why when anyone explains the lighthouse they say to have no less than 75% of your warehouses capacity.
21 фев. 2017, 00:5921.02.17

Icy said:

One part of your calculation was incorrect though. Its what you owe the bank you add the 12% to not what the bank owes you.Consider it like a home loan. You pay off the loan plus interest. If you sell the home(ignoring housing market) and then pays you the gains you made of the sale. All the little payouts are you refinancing your home loan. 

Oh one other thing I don't know if you included in your calculations, when you get resources as part of the payout you need to include that in your bank not just the units. This is why when anyone explains the lighthouse they say to have no less than 75% of your warehouses capacity.

Alright so the 12% interest thing is just a little extra the bank pays you but in the end you have to pay that 12% back before you can start banking points again correct? So really if you look at it there is no interest gain since you have to pay it all back anyways.

I think Xike was thinking you get 12% interest for everything you lose in it. For example if you would lose 1000 frigates in the prize you would have earned 120 frigates worth of resources towards your banking and not have to pay it back.. If it was true people would get ships so fast and easy. 
21 фев. 2017, 09:5821.02.17
No the 12% isn't whats paid to you, Its what you owe. But each prize level does increase your payouts. Like the 70s give you 10k or better in Fleet then in the 100% you start getting 10k of def and Off in Armada. But something to note is once you pass level 85 about we've noticed you stop getting prizes in the 30 or 40s. In the 100s where I am the lowest is in the mid to high 60s
21 фев. 2017, 17:1221.02.17

What do you mean Icy that 12%  is owed? Does this mean that after every payout you owe the bank 12%. What I mean by payout is when you get that huge sum. I can already calculate at what level how much you will need banked up to get paid out. If you go here http://pirates.playtamin.com/infestations.html  you will see on the right side where there is a payout list. It shows subs and sol's. The way you know how much  you need banked for that level is you take the subs value multiply it by 7.5k and the sol instead of using 19k use the jugs value 24,277. Multiply that up and add up the total then add  about 500k to a mil to it and that is what you need banked up to get a payout at that level. I have it written down 2 of the big payouts level 54 roughly 20.4 mil  level 65 close to 30.2 mil. I hate most the payout that gives thousands of marines, some luggers, and schooners. Well just hate the marines and luggers but the schooners are cool since they move fastest that you can build.

Back to the 12%. Alright so you said we owe the bank 12%. So does this mean that when the bank pays out it gave you an additional 12% that made you owe the bank? If not then we would be losing 12% every payout. why not just get rid of the 12% in the conversation since we would break even in the end. The only thing gained would be the prize event items, fame rubies and 8 hour protection if you can compete up there. When I look at all this and plarium said nothing is lost in prizes. I better not be losing anything because I only use white sails and my resources are full to the rim. If it isn't the prize will still pay you in resources if you still have room for some resources as it has happened to me many times when I do the prizes and am short like 300-500 to max limit. If I can recall correctly I was short like 2 gold to max and it gave me 2 gold as reward also and by the time my ship came back I was full and lost that 2 gold (like it really matters).