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PROOF: The Bugs Bunny strategy works!

PROOF: The Bugs Bunny strategy works!

23 июнь 2022, 15:2423.06.22

PROOF: The Bugs Bunny strategy works!

In my previous account (that Plarium screwed me on) I did what everybody does, you build up your mechs and weapons, etc.

  - but everybody else is doing that too, so all you are doing is spending resources to keep up.

Mechs, weapons and stats mean nothing in the end, it's about the ability of the person behind the phone and mech. 

Therefore, a person using good tactics could win matches with just a Lancer with machine guns if they play smart - or the right kind of insane...

I wanted to put this to the test and show results.

Tactic: Start with Lancer with machine guns, running around like a maniac, shooting everyone up in the most obnoxious way possible while still hitting targets. If/when the Lancer gets popped, then I bring out a sniper to actually play the match sensibly.

The official results:



(NOTE: In the first heat shown I think I only played once or twice, not any serious effort, so it should not affect the stats much.)

This leaves two possibilities,


 1.  Running around like a maniac in a Lancer with machine guns can be DEADLY as well as a hell of a lot of fun.

 2. I am so good at this that I can essentially throw away mechs, give the enemy an easy kill, and yet still win a match or Tournament.

(Technically, both are true.)
