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Lancer-Sniper vs. Lancer-Machine guns: Hunting Juggernauts for sport...

Lancer-Sniper vs. Lancer-Machine guns: Hunting Juggernauts for sport...

21 июнь 2022, 14:4121.06.22

Lancer-Sniper vs. Lancer-Machine guns: Hunting Juggernauts for sport...

My stats took a dive when I started charging Juggernauts with my cute little Lancer with cute little mini machine guns.

No surprise?

  - But it was fun!

I upgraded my Lancer to carry the Longarm 8.

It works, lots of potential sniper nests, I can get the scores, I just need to refine my targeting, because snipers don't get those flexie hit boxes and partial tracking or explosion radius, etc. That other weapons do.

I have to be able to hit a pixel exactly to get a good hit on someone at a distance, and when it only takes a couple shots to take someone out, I have to try to hit a second or third target with the left-over bullets.

  - But I miss charging with that Lancer!

There is nothing like charging down someone with machine guns blazing, but even better is getting right into a Juggernaut's face, pushing them backward, shooting them right in the face, circling around them faster than they can turn, getting in behind them, and sawing then down through 2 shield cycles until they panic and then POOF! DUSTED!

I don't like re-configuring my mechs for matches, so it's kind of a temporary choice.

I can be cold, calculating, systematically assassinating the enemy, or I can have real fun and get killed more often, but laugh so hard I have to take 5 before getting back in a match.

My stats have suffered and will suffer more, and people will never see how good I am except those in the match, but I kinda like the idea of hunting Big Game in my little Lancer.

I especially love the way Juggernauts react to a little Lancer sawing then down, lol...I especially love the way Juggernauts react to a little Lancer sawing then down, lol...

( I had to write this in a word processor first because the terrible text editor in this forum is an ABUSE of players! )

FlooCommunity Manager
22 июнь 2022, 14:1522.06.22

Thanks for sharing it! 😍 Hope you will find a perfect nest for your sniper Lancer across all Mech Arena maps!

We’ll forward your note about the text editor 👌 

23 июнь 2022, 14:5223.06.22

Naw, choice has been made.

I now have three snipers in my hangar, so for now my Lancer will remain the maniac machine Gunner.

I decided to try this on Tournament - Running around like a maniac shooting up everyone just to be obnoxious.

First mech was always Lancer/Machine guns/mania, sometomes for the whole match. If and when the Lancer got taken out, then I actually get serious and bring out the snipers.

Strategy: Play like Bugs Bunny

