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Capture 4 control points without incurring damage and 7 wins in a row

Capture 4 control points without incurring damage and 7 wins in a row

18 июнь 2022, 01:4018.06.22

Capture 4 control points without incurring damage and 7 wins in a row

Are those tasks possible?

I do not think anyone can capture 4 control points without incurring damage.  You need 1000% luck.

7 wins in a row?

Assume you have 80% win chance, you only have 20% chance to make a 7 wins in a row.  I guess a normal player has a 60% win chance, then you only have 2% to make it.

18 июнь 2022, 15:5318.06.22

While the first one can be a pain; same as not letting enemy capture the center was for me due to overly aggressive match behavior for awhile, if you're willing to take a few losses to see it through it's not impossible. Just zoom the nearest two at the start, and camp out in hiding waiting for a rando enemy to take one of those two nearest your spawn, range kill, take, go back into hiding and wait again. This took a number of tries but got it done all the same. 

The latter I found is MUCH easier in 2v2. As outside the rare stompdown joke of a match-up, 2v2 largely allows you to counter idiotic AI behavior and partnering by ability alone.

18 июнь 2022, 17:1718.06.22

While the first one can be a pain; same as not letting enemy capture the center was for me due to overly aggressive match behavior for awhile, if you're willing to take a few losses to see it through it's not impossible. Just zoom the nearest two at the start, and camp out in hiding waiting for a rando enemy to take one of those two nearest your spawn, range kill, take, go back into hiding and wait again. This took a number of tries but got it done all the same. 

The latter I found is MUCH easier in 2v2. As outside the rare stompdown joke of a match-up, 2v2 largely allows you to counter idiotic AI behavior and partnering by ability alone.


I completed the 7 wins in a row.  I won 3 tournament matches and then 4 control points matches.

There were some luck in winning 2 control point matches actually.

I am NOT the one who can wait for the red to capture a control point and capture it back.  😃  I do not have the patient.