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Played for 3 hours straight, here are my thoughts:

Played for 3 hours straight, here are my thoughts:

9 июнь 2022, 07:0909.06.22

Played for 3 hours straight, here are my thoughts:

Good intro, love the dynamic map design, but I feel like it caters to Jumpers too much. Juking enemies with the jump is very easy and making getting away a cakewalk, while ground bound mechs have to always take the long way.

Actually gameplay is solid on a base level, individual weapons, decent lock on, I don't mind the sniper not being lock on, for how much damage it deals. However, I can't say I'm a fan of how the controls are laid out, especially on my phone. I find myself tapping the firing controls way too much when I just want to look around, and this often results in wasted ammo or wasting my ability when I could need it at any moment https://vshare.onl/

The inability to select spawn locations while waiting on your death timer is also extremely frustrating. Time spent finding a spawn location, even a few seconds, is very critical in control matches, and first waiting just to get to that point really messes with me.

I like most of the weapon variety, but unfortunately sensed some quick balance issues. Reload times are always very long and that breaks the flow of gameplay to me. Thermal Lance is something I just really dislike, being Marked for Death selectively feels terrible, both recieving and doing it to others, and having multiple mechs running it cheeses almost any match. No challenge, no fun. The Autocannon also felt completely useless once I got Plasma Cannons, as they are both very similar, but one does https://omegle.onl/ significantly more instant damage at optimal range.

The ambush and backstab mechanics feel fun and encourage more thoughtful gameplay, both in finding your way around a battle and defending yourself with good movement and watching your back, while being mindful not to expose your back to an enemy. However, this mechanic is very easily exploited with the Killshot mech, who's ram charge can easily 1-shot medium and lightly damaged heavy mechs with just the 50% side damage boost. This is incredibly frustrating when positioning is already extremely hard, and I feel forced to face these enemies head on to avoid being instantly destroyed, but in almost every scenario that means I am exposing myself to other enemies.

Again, Thermal Lance combined with Killshot negates the very idea of using that mech's mobility, when you can just apply a debuff in less than a second with a gun that never needs to reload. It makes playing with him feel very mindless rather than opportunistic, which is how I imagine it was designed to be.

I have not accessed higher tiers of weapons, but do find myself being matched against what feels like very superior mechs and technology, while as a F2P I am stuck with basic equipment I can only upgrade every 5 matches or so.

Which then leads into my final point: Combat Points. The game already has a plethora of deals and "A-Point" (microtransactions) mechs and weapons, so gating how long I can play with more A-Points just feels very scummy and outright disrespectful, particularly if you want newer players to stay. It was pretty fun, even with the other issues I've explained, up until I realized that right when things got fun and I was hooked, I'll have to actually pay to play. You are given a small stock of A-Points at the start, but earning in-game A-Points through "achievements" is abysmally slow and tedious, and this is clearly another try at charging people to actually play your game...kinda defeats the purpose of having it "Free to Play," right?
