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Alarm 2 & Alarm 4 remake

Alarm 2 & Alarm 4 remake

6 июнь 2022, 16:1506.06.22

Alarm 2 & Alarm 4 remake

Alarms would fire a hard to spot harmless projectile that phases through walls, on hit.

Will create a fake Mortar (for A2) or Javelin (A4) alert for the hit player

They have only 1 ammo and take 2s to recharge.


Potential uses: https://vidmate.bid/

Freaking out players to use cover to baitnswitch or force an enemy to relocate

Support for robots like M.D that normally are completely useless

And whatever else people can think of.

Not convinced?,

Picture yourself being pursued by a high-dps low hp target that can't risk a jav/mort hit

you happen to have an MD with alarms, which forces them to retreat to not risk damage

The MD gets sometime to repair you and your abilities and weapons CD recovers a bit


You're going a Mortar/Javelin with an alert strat (get good, btw) your enemies know that and are waiting for you to use them so they can hide, you use your alert and after a delay, your artillery

the enemy will get out after they think the first alert is over giving the real artillery a chance to hit.

If you think this is just too good, wait for my javelin and mortar rework suggestions
