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I loath my bot team

I loath my bot team

9 май 2022, 05:4509.05.22

I loath my bot team

So, I have come to hate my bot teammates. It has slowly festered over time. The countless times they have ambled into my well placed volley of missiles. To see them turn away from the enemy that has locked on me, just to fire their guns into a blank wall. Oh the frustration as a lumbering bot, pushes me out of cover, into a malstrom of enemy fire, then dully turns away from my smoking wreckage. No longer do I provide support, yes I could save you with my Shock Pulse, but tonight you sleep in hell. As the enemy’s Arcs slowly eat away your armor, just know. I see it, and I’m gleefully laughing at your demise. I take personal comfort knowing, it was I, who assisted in sending you to the dark abyss. https://speedtest.vet/ https://showbox.tools/
