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20 апр. 2022, 07:0920.04.22





(exemple 99€ for 14 000 A-COINS)

AFTER MAGIC (current patch)

(exemple 99€ for 8000 A-COINS /13500 the first purchase

After the first purchase, you have 57 % of what you could have before the magic tips)


This is magic tip from Plarium !! Congrats for that show 

Yeah, they did success nerf their own purchasers and incomes : D 

They didn't lower the value of a coins by reducing the amount needed to purchase things + quantity from purchases, no no no no no, they have increased the value of a coins but lowerer the quantity we can purchase for the same amount of money


24 апр. 2022, 14:4724.04.22

I am pretty much fed up with your actions, never mind your words. You continuously cater to the credit cards. You implement stupid abilities and weapons while offsetting this overpowering with weak defense mechs. In close combat cramped area, stun and shock are death. No defense for it. Just who can hit stun or shock first. Takes a lot of skill for that push button. But the credit card boys can buy it all the way to lvl 7 on everything and stun or shock all the way across the map. That makes it so much fun. 

And your answer to the ACoin mess. Doesnt matter. You have shown your base mentality. Get money. Get money. No matter what. a $70 USD item in any Android game is just sick. Mentally sick. And then i saw what turned my stomach. $100 ACoin offering and then you lowered the amount of ACoins it bought. You can spew words all day and night but nothing shows who you are more than those actions. I love this game. It WAS fun. But now I am high enough level I keep getting matched up with the credit card boys and its off to the stun shock races almost as soon as my mech materializes. I am really good at this game and have obviously caught the ire of some of the players who have bad tempers and get triple and quadruple teamed, so now even on my toughest mech its just a few seconds and its Stun Shock Stun Shock. 

You say to stay tuned for exciting new updates. Well, when I see that message, my stomach turns over, because by what you have done already, it will just be another credit card boy trick starting at $50 USSD or 14,500 ACOINS. And btw, just because you offer it in the store for Acoin doesnt make it not a P2W Item. If it takes 2 months of constant tourneys and grind to upgrade one level on one weapon and your mech, pilot and other weapon need the same amount to upgrade, that means you are sucking a credit card boys no no spot. Just keep on bowing to the dollar. It will make all your dreams come true. ANd all your happiness and love and rainbows and unicorns. Meanwhile RL left you, left you behind or probably hates you. Greed is the worst of all sins. 

24 апр. 2022, 15:1124.04.22

Why would you bring in a weapon that immobilizes everything? Thats about as close to cheating as you can get. That allows the other players to control my mech. Same for the stun ability on whatever the name of that midget mech is. Contolling or disabling is not skill. Avoiding, covering, teamwork, blasting away, strafing......those are skills. Pushing a button to use an ability which automatically stops the opposing teams from competing or even playing is not skill. It is the way of the worm. I can take defeat if I am defeated. Taking my control from me over my mech is not defeat, it is the way of the worm. The way those who bomb people in malls and grocery stores do. 

I now see whole teams of nothing but midget stun mechs with arc torrent weap-ons suddenly appearing. That is the first sign of out of balance overpowered and abused game feature. If everyone is switching to it, it is probably op. I cant take the abused power very well. And to see it for sale angers me. I dont need more stress. \

I know that this is exactly what you are after. Anger. Anger = Action   Action = Money Spent. You make a person angry about a specific thing and they can do something about it, they will out of anger, including spending money irrationally and impulsively, which is what you are counting on. Its not that everyone will buy one, because at $70 - $100 USD only the well off can afford to buy one at leisure. But a very angry person will impulse buy it for revenge, even if it were rent money or grocery money because people cant control themselves anymore. Luxury impulse buys are dangled in front of them 24/7 such as Pop-up ads for the higher power weapons, upgrade sets, weapon upgrade specials, special coins for crate events. All dangeld out there for the guy who just lost to see and out of anger, buy. It doesnt matter where the money comes from, does it? It matters where it goes, right? Right where it belongs, in your pocket. All of it. And that is obvious by your marketing tactics, prices, and offerings. Greed. Pure unabashed greed. 

This is the first game I have seen with items in it that were over the $5 $10USD range and you left that range behind. One level upgrade from 5 to 6 on anything is now $50. That is just a single level upgrade. You get nothing more than that. FIFTY DOLLARS! ON A IMAGINARY CHARACTER IN A  GAME FOR A SINGLE LEVEL. Can you say sick immoral greed? 

29 апр. 2022, 19:0029.04.22

still no fix about a coins reverse, and about good offer, it was only 1 (20€ for 4000 coins)

1 май 2022, 09:2501.05.22

Today's offer :


Before last path, 99€ value 14 000 a coins

Nothing change , even when they said that they are sorry blablabla