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Worse than matchmaking issues right now: Balance, and the delusional approach to it.

Worse than matchmaking issues right now: Balance, and the delusional approach to it.

16 апр. 2022, 08:2416.04.22

Worse than matchmaking issues right now: Balance, and the delusional approach to it.

The balance in this game is retarded. So little risk involved in using rocket mortars yet they kill like crazy. They're so oppressive in matches, battles quickly devolve into taking out other rocket mortars users and abusing them yourself. Everyone has them, everyone can use them. Almost everyone does use them, but it isn't fun. And if you don't use them, it's not fun either. It's intentionally putting yourself at a disadvantage. When people do custom matches they ban rocket mortars. Every new weapon introduced to the game, with the exception of disk launchers, is completely overshadowed by rocket mortars. Hardly any of it is worth unlocking.

With radius implant, there is no skill in using rocket mortars. Before we had to carefully aim at our targets depending on their speed. In front of them if fast and behind them if slow. We depended on the flight times of lower ranges to get more rockets to hit, and there was a lot more risk in that. Only skilled users could reap the rewards of the high kill score. Radius implant removes that need for risk and skill. The only skill leftover from using rocket mortars is a skill non-specific to the weapon. That's alternating fire. Anyone can use it now. How people use it in game? Sit where you're most likely to stay hidden, spam rocket mortars at the middle as bots will conglomerate there because they can't see you, the real player they're always looking for. Fix the indicator, maybe real players are saved a little so we're not getting mysteriously blasted by super radius mortars. Doesn't change the fact that there's not even an effective check for rocket mortars. Forget a hard counter, there's not even an effective check.

If you expect to balance this with new content I think you're kidding yourselves. I wanna guess you won't nerf because it creates another controversy and that's regarding paying players who've already spent money on the item. It might seem like making players spend more money to get their hangars up to spec. But instead you seeming expect to try and make people pay to survive the rocket mortars META with new items and you buff them and hope they get more usage. But then you're shitting on f2p.

I sort of get it. I'm a gamer afterall. When I have fun with something I'd hate to see it NERFed. I mean I don't have fun using rocket mortars but that's just me. Usually in games it's better to buff things than it is to nerf things. Often times the situation is a character or item has some already existing checks that can be turned into counters with a buff. There is no check for rocket mortars to buff though. In a situation where a character or item is so overpowered and has no effective checks, A COMPETENT GAME DEVELOPER NERFS IT! And on top of that, if I did have fun with the weapon, I'd still want it nerfed because it's not just ruining other people's fun but it's objectively bad for the game. Even people who have fun with it are gonna get bored eventually because the lack of variety.

But maybe the concept of a NERF is scary. War robots has had controversy around NERFs. Usually though, that's because they go too far. And they never NERF the newest items. And because of that they also have their fair share of controversies around downright oppressive robots or weapons. Pixonic is almost competent, which isn't saying a lot but it's a lot more competent than plarium.

If you're still not convinced, rocket mortars are most often put on killshot. A mech that's supposed to be a scout mech. Why? It's one of few mechs that can outrun rocket mortars now with the radius implant. And the most dangerous thing to a rocket mortars user is actually other rocket mortars users, and not close quarters users like prior to pilots. This fast mech has been completely removed from its niche because of how effective rocket mortars are on it.

Every buff so far has been absolutely pointless but it seems you only buff to try and sell things. In this way the approach to balancing, while different from war robots, shares a problem with it. It's centered around monetization. You will not make a good game that way. You will not avoid controversy that way. You're just going to create more. Both of your games have made a joke of game balance.

18 апр. 2022, 17:4218.04.22

I think a good way of balancing mortars would be to buff the speed of all mechs by 2km, BUT The 66% Radius implant with fei is 100% broken when maxed... The aoe passes through roofs and walls. about nerfs... they nerfed long arms reload time then buffed 12s damage by 25% stalker also got that 25%hp buff. All assault weapons need buffs Arachnos is trash "Balance, and the delusional approach to it"👍

18 апр. 2022, 19:0018.04.22

I think a good way of balancing mortars would be to buff the speed of all mechs by 2km, BUT The 66% Radius implant with fei is 100% broken when maxed... The aoe passes through roofs and walls. about nerfs... they nerfed long arms reload time then buffed 12s damage by 25% stalker also got that 25%hp buff. All assault weapons need buffs Arachnos is trash "Balance, and the delusional approach to it"👍

It would certainly help to buff all mechs by 2km/h, but it would be a lot more work than just nerfing the radius increase.

21 апр. 2022, 04:4221.04.22
21 апр. 2022, 04:44(отредактировано)

People are still complaining about RM's? Have you met our lord and saviour DL's. These are the most cheesemuffin noob launchers in the game coupled with other cheesy mechs. This game has never been about skill. It's an auto aim mobile game with power  creep ffs 😆 

21 апр. 2022, 10:0621.04.22

People are still complaining about RM's? Have you met our lord and saviour DL's. These are the most cheesemuffin noob launchers in the game coupled with other cheesy mechs. This game has never been about skill. It's an auto aim mobile game with power  creep ffs 😆 

Yeah if only DLs could save you on two arches

21 апр. 2022, 19:0221.04.22

I'm not a fan of mortars or the broken ass javline 4's.  I say the Jav4 because they can take my Redox out in 1 shot with a 4k damage rocket, but my 75k combined damage of my Longshot 8&10 seems to never be able to take anyone out one shot.

Hmmm... I do find it a fun challenge going out and hunting the mortar whores and javline jockys. lol 🤗

FlooCommunity Manager
22 апр. 2022, 10:0522.04.22

Guys, Weapons rebalance truly is one of the major topics these days. In the nearest future, we are planning to review and make changes to some of the Weapons (this concerns Rocket Mortars and Disc Launcher Implants, too). However, our aim is not to nerf any that are thought to be close to OP, but rather to balance out the ones that are somewhat weaker. 

This information can be found in our latest official "What we are working on" post: https://plarium.com/forum/en/mech-arena/854_news/31430_what-we-are-working-on-04-21-22/