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Why I’m Backing Off MA

Why I’m Backing Off MA

22 март 2022, 00:4622.03.22

Why I’m Backing Off MA

Pilots,  I've been  playing since  Beta.    I  am  completely dumbfounded that  a  game  that  showed  so  much  promise  in  th e  beginning has  now  become  so  blatantly targeted  toward  PTW  players.    Plarium has  abandoned us,  the  casual spenders.    I  have  come  to  the  sad  realization that  I  simply cannot compete  with  players  who  spend  hundreds  weekly or  monthly to  compensate for  their  lack  of  skills.   These  whales  are  fed  FTP  or  or  casual spenders by  Plarium in  order  to  keep  them  happy  and  spending money.    And  Plarium,  a  global  company  with  over  $325M  in  2021  revenue,  obviously  doesn't  care  about players  who  don't spend  hundreds  a  month  to  play.    Greed  is  addictive,  and  Plarium is  mainlining  cash.    I'm  fine  with  profit,  and  I  have  no  problem with  spending  a  few  bucks  now  and  on  the  game...it  is  entertainment after  all.    But  it  isn't entertaining to  be  slaughtered by  whales  on  a  regular basis.    

The  easiest  fix  to  these  fundamental problems is  so  obvious:  fix  matchmaking.    Players  across  all  forums are  complaining bitterly about  this,  and  yet  Plarium  ignores  us...a sure  and  clear  indicator that  we  just  don't matter.    Instead  of  fixing what  we  complain about,  they  introduce items  we  don't want  (pilots)  or  new  weapons nobody  but  whales  can  afford.    I  believe that,  because of  this  one  fundamental flaw,  MA  is  on  the  downward slide.    It's peaked and  it's all  downhill from  here.    

So  I'm  basically done.    I  might  pop  in  from  time  to  time  when  I'm  really bored,  but  I  gotta  be  honest,  the  thrill  is  gone.    Plarium's  greed  and  their  refusal to  listen  to  us  has  killed  the  joy  of  playing.

22 март 2022, 06:4022.03.22

Still playing but I quit spending money a long time ago. I just said forget it and said if I can't get good matchmaking then I'll feed myself to whales until they occupy too many of my matches. But I'm not freaking paying for it. But I've seen what happens with these types of games before. Pay to win isn't just a problem that affects f2p and casual spenders. It affects everyone playing the game. It becomes a feedback loop. First it's the whales that dominate. Then when the disgruntled masses quit playing and feature creep comes in to boost the price of competing. Now only the whaliest whales dominate.

The active community becomes smaller again. In games with a commitment to matching you with live players, this feedback loop affects matchmaking times drastically. Plarium seems to have no such commitment. Have not declared any plans to remove bots from the game. Perhaps they're already prepared for f2p and casual spenders to quit. If you don't want to keep giving them as much money as they want they don't seem to care whether or not you stay.

They bloat the game with gacha and useless items and put most useful things at a really high premium.

FlooCommunity Manager
29 март 2022, 15:5129.03.22

Wobblygoat, I am sorry to hear that your disappointment over the game reached up to the point of you giving up playing Mech Arena. As it was said before, all changes that are introduced to the game depend on many factors and require different amount of time to be implemented. Players’ feedback is never ignored! I want to assure you that we see and hear all players' complaints and pass them on to the developers. 

I do hope that upon you visits of the Mech Arena in future you will make a note of the positive changes within the game. 

1 апр. 2022, 11:0201.04.22

Flo: I  did  just  log  in.    Was  greeted by  an  endless  set  of  popups  begging  me  to  spend  money.    AND...there's  a  new  weapon available  that  only  whales  can  afford.    You  may  have  'improved'  the  game,  but  only  for  those  who  can  afford  to  spend  hundreds  on  a  mobile  game.    No  fixes  to  matchmaking.    No  clans.    No  nerfing  of  all  powerful rocket  mortars.    In  other  words,  Plarium is  listening to  accountants and  not  players.    

I  did  appreciate your  response,  and  sincerely hope  that  your  peeps  in  Ukraine  are  safe.    

FlooCommunity Manager
8 апр. 2022, 13:5208.04.22

Thank you for your answer and for your kind wishes.

I do hope to see you in Mech Arena in the future and wish you all the best!