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RoadMap official Mech Arena

RoadMap official Mech Arena

24 фев. 2022, 08:5224.02.22

RoadMap official Mech Arena


As we all know here, Plarium is a big and serious company. They have many employes and devs.

We are sure that, for such high level of profesionnalism, they know how to work for a long term developpement with their games.



Let's talk about Roadmap.

It is been many months I am playing this game and I have, now the serious feeling that they do almost nothing on their game.

What was the release of "news" things since months ? (Aka almost 1 year) :

- We got a bunch of new maps

- 2 new robots

- Pilots & Implants. (not all of them)

- 1 new weapon (same weapon but more energy isn't "new content" that is standard)

This is what we got for "months" of dev. 

What they announced and still got nothing :


- Matchmaking improvements.

These features (FFA, others pilots) are ready but they postpone on purpose.

What they never officialy announced :

- Clan

- Clan wars.

Let's have a talk about  Warpath, as an exemple. Here they way to give faith and trust for their playersbase :


We call it a roadmap : It is like a deal between players & devs : Players play, Players pay, Devs work seriously.

Plarium is lacking serious professionnal (and paid) CM. 

When we keep asking for matchmaking fix and clan/clan wars they NEVER OFFICIALY announce it.

They "are working" on "new events" and "ARK TORRENT SOUND BUG" we doesn't care 10000% about.




I am sure you are as profesionnal as Lilith.

Could you please do a roadmap with us and show us your profesionnalism, to respect your playerbase and give us hope and faith about the game we love.

Because professionalism isn't to release a video about what are the ressources of the game after 1 year of release (a bit late, isn't it) or picture of three for chrismas "event" or pets pictures ....

We don't see any improvements (AKA "real new feature" ) on the game FOR MONTHS. 

Share a roadmap, thanks a lot

I am to play with bot every day, more and more bots, less and less players. Come on, be active, bring back players. Do something ...

24 фев. 2022, 09:0424.02.22

Another exemple : 


25 фев. 2022, 14:5225.02.22

Yes, they never announced officialy clan

25 фев. 2022, 23:3025.02.22
25 фев. 2022, 23:32(отредактировано)

in a game with p2w issues we do not need ffa especially if ai takes spots in a match. the maps would have to be bigger as to not have people spawning on top of each other and the matchs last longer

27 фев. 2022, 15:0727.02.22

Now we have super BOT IA with zephyr legendary implants rifle or MD arc torrent legendary implants lol i dont even have all of that with my 6k garage 

28 фев. 2022, 05:5228.02.22

More often than not I'm seeing bots taking VIP spots at the end of the battle. But yet again - you can find realy strong bots terminator mode wiping everything around with those legendary implants and nearly maxed pilots or you get sniped by 3 bot at the same time from across the map or you'll find useless bots running in circles. Last ones mostly in your team...

I don't understand why Payrium is focusing on AI tweaks all the time instead of fix the matchmaking...

15 апр. 2022, 21:5315.04.22
15 апр. 2022, 22:07(отредактировано)

I'm gonna bump this thread because I really think it's a good idea.

Please plarium we need something to show you care about the community. You're always talking at us and us the same to you, or we're talking amongst ourselves. We can never talk with you, and only speculate on what your plans are for the game. You can see everything we say because you set up the communication channels for us. It's impersonal as hell. And we were once called beloved. I guess it was just once though, and actions sure speak louder than words. This community can't be beloved. It's not complete community. There's a divide in communication.

For this community to be beloved, it needs to be one community. Instead it's like there's two communities. Insiders and outsiders. It's not very fun being an outsider. And the longer I stay an outsider the less fun this game gets.

One more thing, if the divide between devs and community isn't bridged I think the community needs to be making demands. YOUR MOVE, PLARIUM!

19 апр. 2022, 07:1419.04.22

I'm gonna bump this thread because I really think it's a good idea.

Please plarium we need something to show you care about the community. You're always talking at us and us the same to you, or we're talking amongst ourselves. We can never talk with you, and only speculate on what your plans are for the game. You can see everything we say because you set up the communication channels for us. It's impersonal as hell. And we were once called beloved. I guess it was just once though, and actions sure speak louder than words. This community can't be beloved. It's not complete community. There's a divide in communication.

For this community to be beloved, it needs to be one community. Instead it's like there's two communities. Insiders and outsiders. It's not very fun being an outsider. And the longer I stay an outsider the less fun this game gets.

One more thing, if the divide between devs and community isn't bridged I think the community needs to be making demands. YOUR MOVE, PLARIUM!


FlooCommunity Manager
22 апр. 2022, 12:3222.04.22

xTSAVx, thank you for the thorough description of your idea! It is true that the development process is complex and sometimes our priorities can be modified to accommodate certain issues. That is why at the moment we are not planning to introduce the Road Map type of content. Currently, we’ve got several means of sharing the team’s plans and progress, the main ones being Dev Notes (“What we are working on” publications) and Dev Vlogs. Our yesterday’s Dev Notes can be found in the ”News and Announcements” section, while the Dev Vlog is currently in the works so it can be expected very soon. 

We appreciate your feedback and we will definitely take your comments and idea into consideration.