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Beloved community?

Beloved community?

30 дек. 2021, 17:4430.12.21

Beloved community?


How beloved are we? You just released pilots without our consent or our input when you knew it could upset a large portion of the players. Just how "beloved" are we when you don't even value our input? I don't look forward to anything in 2022, because the only positive things you've done in 2021 are take action against hackers and name size code abusers. You haven't done anything else but monetize the game to high heaven and do a bunch of ridiculous gacha events.

No clans, no matchmaking, not even basic freaking changes to AI which have been pushing players into enemy fire unreasonably targeting real players making the game a chore to play. Not to mention their ridiculous hacker-like accuracy and laser-like focus on real players because it's already been mentioned A MILLION TIMES and it's still unaddressed. Players aren't allowed to hack only the game is. Not saying players should be allowed to hack just saying you need to fix the AIs already they're way too frustrating.

How come you keep taking a-coins from the flow into the in game economy and replacing their sources with p2p coercion when we have been begging and pleading you to stop? How beloved are we if you make changes to an already established economy so you can squeeze us for money? I thought events rewarded active players. Well they reward us only until plarium wants money. Then you gotta pay. If you have max items because you bought it all the way to max already you still have to pay because you gotta get an impossible amount of blueprints. You had 2 weeks where you had both deathmatch mania and specialization spree for 300 a-coin. Deathmatch mania was quite accessible to f2p in those weeks and for specialization spree maybe you had to pay. I thought maybe f2p and pocket change could keep getting as much as 400 a-coins a week like we had been and p2p could possibly get 300 more. But instead now we're getting 200 from events, and you might have to pay for 300 more. Are f2p players beloved at all, or even p2p, or even the whales? We've been called beloved. Oh that's so nice. No wait you don't love us, you love the $$$ associated with us. That's what it seems like. You meaning plarium of course not you as individuals.

You have a large portion of players from war robots and you knew pilots rang alarm bells in our heads and all you did about it was say you think you did better and just "give it a chance" and released it before partners could even test it and give their feedback. And you could have at least done that if you weren't going to ask for ours. Are we beloved?

When the only things that ruin our experience in this game that you've acted on are hackers and name size code abusers, and you mess with the in game economy to coerce people to spend, and you don't seem to value our input, how beloved is this community?

10 янв. 2022, 23:4810.01.22

Are we beloved, or does plarium truly only think of the game as a money making machine? BUMP!

12 янв. 2022, 03:4512.01.22
12 янв. 2022, 03:46(отредактировано)

they were reffering to their beloved "WHALES" 

f2p are just fodders for 

AlinaCommunity Manager
20 янв. 2022, 14:4520.01.22

Are we beloved, or does plarium truly only think of the game as a money making machine? BUMP!

Of course, you are 🙂  And we meant what we said. We understand that not everything is so well-balanced as all of us would love to see it. But we're working on the aspects you've mentioned in your post (Pilots, matchmaking, Clans, AI improvements, etc.) to make Mech Arena better and better. However, this is going to take some time because good things always take a while, remember that. I hope you'll see some good changes in the nearest future 😉

20 янв. 2022, 17:3120.01.22
23 янв. 2022, 04:32(отредактировано)

Of course, you are 🙂  And we meant what we said. We understand that not everything is so well-balanced as all of us would love to see it. But we're working on the aspects you've mentioned in your post (Pilots, matchmaking, Clans, AI improvements, etc.) to make Mech Arena better and better. However, this is going to take some time because good things always take a while, remember that. I hope you'll see some good changes in the nearest future 😉

Thanks for the response. My concerns regarding the in game economy weren't addressed. But you can do that in this thread because it's the one I really want to see a response to. I want everything touched on this thread addressed in detail. Nothing glossed over. I'm well too aware good things take time, because it seems the bad things are taking priority. So I also want less bad things. Can that be done? And how much time does it take to give us back some freaking f2p earnable a-coins in events? https://plarium.com/forum/en/mech-arena/702_game-discussion/610570_so-i-m-told-this-game-isn-t-pay-to-win--but-it-looks-like-war-robots--what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it/

21 янв. 2022, 22:4721.01.22

I play on android and almost every match play lagging is prevalent, ill be running 45fps and out no where during a mech fight it drops yo 1-15 fps and i end up destroyed.

21 янв. 2022, 22:5121.01.22

Sorry  Alina,  but  I  just  don't belive  you.    The  evidence  is  clear  that  Plarium is  only  interested  in whales.    I  don't  think  anyone  playing this  game  expects  it  to  be  entirely free.    That  would  be  unrealistic.    But  the  rampant greed  Plarium  is  engaging in  is  killing  this  game.    I  am  a  casual spender:  $5-$10/month-ish.    I  do  this  out  of  respect  for  Devs  and  for  the  entertainment  value  I  derive  from  playing.    My  paltry  spending  is  swallowed  up  by  whales.    So,  I  now  play  100%  for  free.    It's  bad  enough  getting  trashed  by  the  whales  you  court,  but  I'll  be  damned  if  I'm  gonna  pay  for  the  privileg.

25 янв. 2022, 10:0425.01.22

Of course, you are 🙂  And we meant what we said. We understand that not everything is so well-balanced as all of us would love to see it. But we're working on the aspects you've mentioned in your post (Pilots, matchmaking, Clans, AI improvements, etc.) to make Mech Arena better and better. However, this is going to take some time because good things always take a while, remember that. I hope you'll see some good changes in the nearest future 😉

So is it fair for me to match with this whale? 






P/s : I can't even afford disc launchers and carbine, not to mention about brickhouse.

AlinaCommunity Manager
28 янв. 2022, 15:1828.01.22

Thanks for the response. My concerns regarding the in game economy weren't addressed. But you can do that in this thread because it's the one I really want to see a response to. I want everything touched on this thread addressed in detail. Nothing glossed over. I'm well too aware good things take time, because it seems the bad things are taking priority. So I also want less bad things. Can that be done? And how much time does it take to give us back some freaking f2p earnable a-coins in events? https://plarium.com/forum/en/mech-arena/702_game-discussion/610570_so-i-m-told-this-game-isn-t-pay-to-win--but-it-looks-like-war-robots--what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it/

I'll have a look at the topic, thanks.

AlinaCommunity Manager
28 янв. 2022, 15:2028.01.22

Sorry  Alina,  but  I  just  don't belive  you.    The  evidence  is  clear  that  Plarium is  only  interested  in whales.    I  don't  think  anyone  playing this  game  expects  it  to  be  entirely free.    That  would  be  unrealistic.    But  the  rampant greed  Plarium  is  engaging in  is  killing  this  game.    I  am  a  casual spender:  $5-$10/month-ish.    I  do  this  out  of  respect  for  Devs  and  for  the  entertainment  value  I  derive  from  playing.    My  paltry  spending  is  swallowed  up  by  whales.    So,  I  now  play  100%  for  free.    It's  bad  enough  getting  trashed  by  the  whales  you  court,  but  I'll  be  damned  if  I'm  gonna  pay  for  the  privileg.

It's okay not to believe me. I share what I can with you here and then it's up to you whether to believe me or not. I understand it has been a bumpy ride with us. But we strongly believe that Mech Arena has huge potential and we plan to work on it further. Hopefully, you'll see some good changes soon.

28 янв. 2022, 15:5528.01.22
28 янв. 2022, 19:07(отредактировано)

Of course it has a potential but you're just wasting it if every change you bring to the game is making all the "beloved community" go rage! 

Of course it's a bumpy ride if you do things that are contrary to what all the community wants and hopes for! Furthetrmore you cut all the good things making everything behind a paywall! New content? Nope, pay up first. Uprgades? Nope, pay up first. Wanna win matches? Gues what - we'll place you in a battle against a player with twice the squad power. Wanna resources? First spend more than you'll get for completing the event. Bumpy ride you say...

31 янв. 2022, 01:4531.01.22

Alina,  it  is  not  up  to  me  as  to  whether I  believe you  or  not.    It  is,  in  fact,  up  to  YOU.   If  you  are  honest  and  up  front,  you  earn  my  trust  and  that  of  the  community.   You  will  be  belived.    If  you  feed  us  lies,  platitudes and  propaganda,  you  will  not  be  believed.    It  is  as  simple  as  that.    Plarium  pulled  in  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  in  2021.    So  the  evidence is  clear:  we  don't matter.    Not  trying to  be  a  thorn  in  your  side,  I  just  detest  being  lied  to.    

31 янв. 2022, 21:5831.01.22

It's okay not to believe me. I share what I can with you here and then it's up to you whether to believe me or not. I understand it has been a bumpy ride with us. But we strongly believe that Mech Arena has huge potential and we plan to work on it further. Hopefully, you'll see some good changes soon.

I've been hoping for good changes soon since launch.

2 фев. 2022, 21:5502.02.22

The  game  made  the  company hundreds  of  millions   in  2021.    I  would  say  it  met  its  potentia.    Dang  it.    

5 фев. 2022, 19:3905.02.22

Panda:  data  was  for  2021.    The  2022  earnings  are  not  out  yet.    

6 фев. 2022, 07:5906.02.22


6 фев. 2022, 08:0006.02.22


6 фев. 2022, 13:0006.02.22

Bro, would you please stop spaming like it's a chat or something?

23 фев. 2022, 06:3923.02.22

100% agree I hate the new bots...😣 Im getting bot teams vs pay to wins in tournament. lancer bots cant even jump and they never fixed ARKs/cheetahs mines dealing damage to mechs that just spawned in...




28 фев. 2022, 14:1228.02.22


28 фев. 2022, 14:1328.02.22

100% agree I hate the new bots...😣 Im getting bot teams vs pay to wins in tournament. lancer bots cant even jump and they never fixed ARKs/cheetahs mines dealing damage to mechs that just spawned in...



