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Jan 28, 2019, 15:4401/28/19


The clan RSJLD works against the whole kingdom, as the leaders change so often, how to change his underpants Everyday. If you ask for a bonus from the place of power in English would only answer in Russian and then comes immediately to the blacklist. These forgive these calls namely not in the kingdom. Instead, attack the other troops in their own kingdom or when it comes to fighting in the kingdom then even the own people are attacked (FIELDS). Here should be pushed a bar and the regular change will be possible.

I also find it ridiculous that someone else claims that the person in question is not there until the first day and that people do not know him, only when the clan is open in the chat, but the person in question wrote the one he / she / it's the first day in its clan. Alright, if they want to keep the thing but DO NOT even give the BONIS and make only empty promises.


Ergo should Russian in open chat for all be prevented, this, however, also in the terms and conditions with register and if necessary in English per pn answers, since the texts for translation programs are not copied.

Because that's a game for the whole world and not just for the Russians.

In this sense LG

Jan 29, 2019, 15:3901/29/19
Jan 29, 2019, 15:55(edited)

Just like in real life, where you will find treachery,you will find that the game mirrors real life, and you will find treachery here too.

Both fortunately,and unfortunately, this is only a game, but none the less, a war game, and to some, all that matters is the winning.

Without mentioning anyone one in particular, it would appear that some have more  of a propensity for this kind of  behaviour.

You cant legislate the language that is written, and even if you could, it wouldnt change things for the better.

Some games are not run internationally, like this game is, but with different servers for different countries/languages.

This system would not stop the determined and multilingual, who have the mentioned mindset, from reeking the same kind of havoc you describe, but could possibly allevaite it considerably.

Feb 20, 2019, 16:3902/20/19
This guy complaining here is just sick. I have been the one responsible for giving reputes for the last month. I never ONCE refused to any person who asked me for a repute, no matter their nationality. But those guys of that Zdl clan NEVER EVER ASKED ME FOR A REPUTE. They only accusing me and writing threats at our wall. And in any case, we give reputes FROM THE GOOD HEART only, we don't have to! We hold the POP, and if anyone isn't happy about it, they may well go and take it for themselves, if they can. But they choose to run and complain everywhere instead.
Feb 20, 2019, 19:5902/20/19
Feb 20, 2019, 20:19(edited)

Lies I can also good Because the proof is available (other clan even) That you also on the basis of other people on the black list, other people do not even ask. In the further you have a contract between you and the clan Warriors Encore [WaEn]. But you only reputet you and the clan WaEn forgive you so you can grow up nicely. and others can see where the pepper grows. You can see that as well as you see something is over your butt. Attachment screen where you have one on the blacklist. Und nun sehe nicht Du scheust Dich nicht vor solchen anfragen....... 

Oh well, I have heard about the leader of my clan you wanted to give me a negertive repute, so you show that you are against our clan. and want to present false facts here.

Feb 20, 2019, 20:1202/20/19

Here you can see from yesterday a request for a repute, after an hour he is forgiven himself in the other kingdom WITHOUT forgiving the repute. And he can strangely no English because he only speaks Russian.

But if you wrote him in Russian, as you can see wait over 1 hour NO ONE REPUTE was forgiven ....

Here you can see that your clan is working completely AGAINST THE COMPLETE KINGDOM. According to the motto, what does the assi want? he can slip my back.

Feb 20, 2019, 21:5802/20/19

ningreennina said:

This guy complaining here is just sick. 
Obviously you do not see it, so put a proof in this case!
I have been the one responsible for giving reputes for the last month.
 I never ONCE refused to any person who asked me for a repute, no matter their nationality. 
This is nonsense see screen above your block
But those guys of that Zdl clan NEVER EVER ASKED ME FOR A REPUTE. 
How interesting that you can just say it WITHOUT any evidence. See also the other screens with your members of the clan THE NEWS ARE IGNORED AND YOUR OWN INTEREST is awakened.
They only accusing me and writing threats at our wall. 
What are the benefits if you PN IGNORED? AND ONLY THINKING ON YOURSELF? Why do you NOT provide your police authorities with any indication of threat?

Feb 21, 2019, 06:5602/21/19
Lyon- Get over it. This is a war game. If you want Reputes then take the PoP. By complaining you just might get a Negative Repute. That is what I would do to you if you kept on whining like a little baby. Suck it up and use your brain to formulate a plan of attack instead throwing a temper-tantrum like kindergarteners on a playground. You want Reputes? Then do something about yourself!
Feb 21, 2019, 08:5902/21/19
Feb 21, 2019, 09:00(edited)

Tnank you brother)) We had to add him to black list right, all he does is spamming and trolling us. Yesterday he s been spamming our wall using some bot for it, we have to report him, I hope he wiil get banned soon...

Freddy Mercury said:

Lyon- Get over it. This is a war game. If you want Reputes then take the PoP. By complaining you just might get a Negative Repute. That is what I would do to you if you kept on whining like a little baby. Suck it up and use your brain to formulate a plan of attack instead throwing a temper-tantrum like kindergarteners on a playground. You want Reputes? Then do something about yourself!

Feb 21, 2019, 10:4002/21/19
Feb 21, 2019, 10:54(edited)

ningreennina said:

Tnank you brother)) We had to add him to black list right, all he does is spamming and trolling us. Yesterday he s been spamming our wall using some bot for it, we have to report him, I hope he wiil get banned soon...


In the further you turn you the way it suits you in the nose.

Quote from another player from another clan: I personally want the kingdom to be united in one thing, and you have to make it grow for jnh, before you have to learn how to play with os on off and def and things like that, because nobody here really knows what they are doing.

Feb 21, 2019, 15:4802/21/19

ningreennina said:

Tnank you brother)) We had to add him to black list right, all he does is spamming and trolling us. Yesterday he s been spamming our wall using some bot for it, we have to report him, I hope he wiil get banned soon...

And I guessed before, that you are alone against the kingdom through your empty promises, and only thinking of YOUR clan.2 Giving our member bad shouts. Although previously friendly was asked and that is now 2 months so goes. I say so much about this other clan came a call with the following quote: and for your interest, this kingdom is good of new ones, so this goal: 0, that was the first message the second one was: Personally I want the kingdom in united to one thing, and you have to make it grow for jnh, before you have to learn how to play with os on off and def and such things, because no one here really knows what they are doing. I will not mention the nicknames of this player where the slogan came from, but there is also a photo with it. In my opinion, you show that you have NO INTEREST on a cohesion of the kingdom, but only think of you AND YOUR CLAN. Now here you point in this sense but open from the opposite, here you show only the interest of your clan and not the interest of the kingdom.

Now show the opposite of what I have written here, Please note in advance with the friendly inquiries, screens you see in the top of the post with the screens that were ignored and this here in the forum of you Obviously even ignored! Only in this context, you claim that you had spammed in your wall, only because the spam was not there for you! And here you OBVIOUSLY IN THE FORUM the facts TURNED!

And if you want to justify yourself here in the forum, what you are doing here, you should also see them things from both sides and NOT ONLY ONE page. You know how long I've been writing the problem with the CALL WITH YOU, and that's been 2 months where you have NOT received any calls.

By the last paragraph here in the post YOU prove that YOU are against the kingdom and in this sense ONLY THINK OF YOURSELF.

Feb 21, 2019, 15:5602/21/19
Feb 21, 2019, 15:58(edited)

By the way, the info comes over to me, that also other clans from our server vomits on your subscription, and that's why they want to change the server. Do you really want the server to be empty? then just go on clan ROSJELLD! As clap I applaud when it's time and YOU THEN all alone as a clan here on the server!

Because you can only distribute Pro but can not tolerate CONTRA

Feb 22, 2019, 01:2202/22/19
First off I want to say hey to everyone here, if you're from our kingdom  then you already know this screen name because I'm one of the biggest antagonist in our kingdom. And now let's talk business, First things first I want to clarify that we have NO TERMS OR NAPS with rsjld (we fight every 2-3 days) BUT EVEN THO WE FIGHT ANYTIME I ASK FOR A REPUTE I GET IT AS LONG AS ITS NOT OCCUPIED AND POP ISNT UNDER SIEGE!!! I wish I could share screenshots but I'm on a cellphone and it won't let me. So once again stop acting childish and ask nicely for a repute and you will most likely get it. As soon as one of their English translator is gets on line I intend on getting a repute tonight as long as it's not occupied they will probably give it to me like they ALWAYS DO!!! Stop 🛑 mesageing me asking me to check this forum (you guys are unreasonable and downright crazy) and if this makes ZDL remove us from their description as a NAP clan again (so be it, I Always speak the truth) and the truth is RSJLD are just playing the game like it was designed (they don't have to give anyone repute's but if you ask them nicely you will most likely receive the repute).
Feb 22, 2019, 01:2602/22/19
Oh and while I have had issues with rsjld and other clans, I AM NOT LEAVING THE KINGDOM!!!!!!! I intend on staying and finishing our sh RIGHT HERE IN THIS KINGDOM. Now please leave me out of this from now on, Just ask them nicely for the repute you need and you will probably receive it. I know anytime I ask I receive mine within 15-30mins 💯👍🏻😎.
Feb 25, 2019, 21:4402/25/19

I'll say it like this, whoever believes it will be happy. Because I am not so blue-eyed, and I have more human knowledge as you might think.

Feb 26, 2019, 07:3002/26/19
Feb 26, 2019, 07:33(edited)

Good Morning / Evening Kingdom mates !

some of you guys know me already ingame .. iam offial part of the leadership of TOP #1 clan at that kingdom.

**We CAN NOT confirm russians violated against made contracts ( they are sharing repute and stopped Tile war )

**PLS i beg you all.. stop drama and start growing

**UNITE with your kingdom mates! games has more to offer than immature catfight at HK

**Else we close POP and no1 gets candy 

Apr 7, 2019, 23:2404/07/19
@ninegreen. Do you still hold the POP? hahaha How does it feel now? The fact is that when you were holding the POP, you and your clansmen went on to attack anybody in the kingdom, including tiles! and make no mistake, I totally get the fact that it's a war game and you can basically steal anyone's ressources if they are unshielded, but what has been happening in K763 is that, your clan went on to attack everyone but when others zeroed your unshielded player you just step out and gave negative reputes to them, basically you thought you can farm off anyone you want but when others does the same you use bad reputes against them ! And also, you gave only good reputation to those who are willing to glorify you or kissing your feet, I have screenshot of you asking that. On top of that, you (i single you out) have an erratic behavior of a petty dictator, it is just pathetic, when other players go to your clan to discuss, you all suddenly cannot speak english, only russian, that's why there are frustration against russian players there, not that I condone it, but I understand, because you hide yourself behind stereotypes like "sorry, we russian drink a lot of vodka, I was drunk and I attacked your tiles" (those actually came out of your clans mouth, ridiculous!), so don't complain if others take your words for it. And now that bigger players are coming in the kingdom, you just got exposed. I saw you the other day posting in 763 line chat via otleg, claiming that k763 has been in peace before titans came, that's totally bullshit, everyone there knows how treacherous your clan are and you are only fooling yourself by claiming that k763 was in peace. I'm laughing my ass off seeing you failing miserably now! Nobody is stepping in for you because nobody likes your clan there. 
May 3, 2019, 16:4205/03/19
May 3, 2019, 16:47(edited)

@John  how true your words are. it corresponds to the fact.

May 23, 2019, 22:5505/23/19

If there are those POOR valor points, why do other clans have NO RIGHT DRANES? but is stubbornly pulled through? and savagely killed by those against ......

Jun 11, 2019, 17:0206/11/19
Lyon , I'm here for 1 reason. To tell you one more time , you keep starting drama and then blaming everyone else, well now you have my full attention. So re-evaluate how you play the game , or play it how it was designed (either way works for me). I promise you 1 thing thing , I will kill more of your troops then you kill of ours Facts (so you can act like a normal person and be reasonable or not). But I won't standby while you try to start needless and senseless drama over lvl8 tiles that you didn't help our kingdom win. 
Jun 11, 2019, 20:2006/11/19
Lyon said:

I'll say it like this, whoever believes it will be happy. Because I am not so blue-eyed, and I have more human knowledge as you might think.

Ive got a GREAT answer for you, use the DRAKKAR and leave that kingdom.
Oct 30, 2019, 11:3210/30/19
Who we can disable writing  on the clan wall ?