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Best Hero Gear to craft in the Forge (Proguide)

Best Hero Gear to craft in the Forge (Proguide)

May 8, 2018, 22:5505/08/18

Best Hero Gear to craft in the Forge (Proguide)

This is a guide on the best Armour to craft for your Hero which will give you the maximum boosts for the most important game mechanics in my opinion, The list will include all Armour types for your Hero, Which are Helmet, Armour, Weapon, Boots and Amulets, Note it is possible to have the same amulet in both Amulet slots. Some of the best Armour for your Hero could be standard equipment,Invader equipment and Special equipment. In my option it is best to only ever Craft Legendary Equipment which will give you the maximum boosts and you will be able to add the maximum number of gems to your Armour which is 3 and you will be able to add a Rune to the Armour too which you can only do if the Armour is Legendary. A lot of the Armour I am yet to craft as I do not have all the materials yet at Legendary Level but I believe the wait will be Worth it. Some of the best ways to get standard material is to do a lot of task refreshers as you can sometimes get material as well for doing tasks. You should try and buy task refreshers from the clan store if you are in a clan. Also another good way to get standard material is to farm resource tiles the Level 6 tiles are the best as you have a chance to get Legendary material. Try to farm the tile which will give you a specific material for example if you need Elixir go to a food tile or if you require a Diamond go to an Iron tile, Please note that a Silver or Gold tile can give you any of the 16 Standard materials. Another Excellent way is to purchase coffer's of Legendary Materials which can give you any of the 16 standard materials. Please note you are not Guaranteed to Get Legendary material from the coffer you may  only get Rare or Epic. Invader equipment is a lot harder to get than standard equipment the only way to get it is to attack invaders yield invader lairs or umber lairs or yield level 7 resource tiles when they are available. Please note that you can only receive Barbarian and Centurion Material from the Level 7 tiles. Now too the Special equipment, The Only way to craft Special equipment is to have a clan stronghold, as well as this your stronghold must have the Arms Guild building constructed too. Once your Stronghold has this Building you will have to study special drafts which can only done by the clan chief or an Elder. There is a total of 50 drafts which can be studied once each draft is studied all clan members can craft the specific Equipment providing they have all the material. Special equipment is generally crafted by a mixture of standard material, Invader material and you will also have to craft standard and invader Armour as this is also required to craft the special Stronghold Armour. Once you have all the standard/invader Material and Standard/invader equipment that you are going to use they will all be combined to make your new special Armour, If your Armour that you are going to use has gems and runes encrusted in them remove them with the rune/diamond knife as they will be destroyed when your new special Armour is crafted.

Food Production

(Helmet) Jarl's Helmet 360% (Standard Equipment)

(Armour) Heathen's Armour 330% (Standard Equipment)

(Amulet) Golden Boar (300%) (Standard Equipment)

(Weapon) Heavy Axe (210%) (Standard Equipment)

(Boots) Hakkon's Boots (180%) (Special Equipment)

Building Speed

(Amulet) Bjorn's Goblet (56%) (Special Equipment)

(Amulet) Victor's Bracelet (49.5%) (Standard Equipment) I Recommend Crafting this First before you Craft Bjorn's Goblet as it is easier.

(Armour) Bjorn's Armour (37.5%) (Special Equipment) 

(Helmet) Bjorn's Helmet (32%) (Special Equipment)

(Weapon) Bjorn's Spear (30%) (Special Equipment)

(Boots) Hakkon's Boots (30%) (Special Equipment)

Attacking Invader's

(Boots) White Boots (Hero's Offense 4.4%) (Hero's Endurance 4.8%) (Weaken Invader's 4.4%) (Invader Equipment Royal Guardsman)

(Amour) White Robe  (Hero's Offense 4.4%) (Hero's Endurance 4.8%) (Invader Equipment Royal Guardsman)

(Helmet) Guardsman Helmet (Hero's Offense 4.4%) (Hero's Endurance 4.8%) (Weaken Invader's 4.4%) (Invader Equipment Royal Guardsman)

(Weapon) Sword Of Vengeance  (Hero's Offense 4.4%) (Weaken Invader's 4.4%) (Invader Equipment Royal Guardsman)

(Amulet) Plated Gauntlet (Hero's Endurance 4.8%) (Weaken Invader's 4.4%) (Invader Equipment Royal Guardsman)

Learning Speed

(Amulet) Olaf's Seal (35%) (Special Equipment)

(Weapon) Harald's Blade (33%) (Special Equipment)

(Boots) Harald's Greaves (30%) (Special Equipment)

(Amulet) Falcon Figurine (30%) (Standard Equipment)  I Recommend Crafting this First before you Craft Olaf's Seal as it is easier.

(Amour) Hakkon's Cloak (28%) (Special Equipment)

(Armour) Daredevil's Armour (25.2%) (Standard Equipment) I Recommend Crafting this first before you craft Hakkon's Cloak as it is easier.

(Helmet) Sigurd's Hood (24%) (Special Equipment)

Resource Yielding Speed 

(Boots) Boots of the North (21%) (Standard Equipment) Only Available from the pack of the north bank offer for brand new towns only and very recently for low level towns level 16 or less

(Helmet) Helmet of the North  (21%) (Standard Equipment) Only Available from the pack of the north bank offer for brand new towns only and very recently for low level towns level 16 or less

(Armour) Armour of the North  (21%) (Standard Equipment) Only Available from the pack of the north bank offer for brand new towns only and very recently for low level towns level 16 or less

(Weapon) Axe of the North (21%) (Standard Equipment) Only Available from the pack of the north bank offer for brand new towns only

(Boots) Haakon's Boots (12%) (Special Equipment)

(Helmet) Centurion's Helmet (10%) (Invader Equipment Centurion)

(Armour) Centurion's Armour (9%) (Invader Equipment Centurion)

(Amulet) Centurion's Ring (9%) (Invader Equipment Centurion)

(Weapon) Centurion's Dagger (8%) (Invader Equipment Centurion)

Troop Training Speed

(Weapon) Sweyn's Flail (28%) (Special Equipment)

(Helmet) Ragnar's Helmet (27%)  (Special Equipment)

(Amulet) Sweyn's Locket (26%)  (Special Equipment)

(Armour) Ivar's Jacket) (21%)  (Special Equipment)

(Boots) Bjorn's High Boots (15%)  (Special Equipment)

Defending Your Town and resource tiles with all troop types

(Armour) Lynx Hide (Troop Defense During Defense 24%) (Troop Health During Defense 24%) (Troop Offense During Defense 24%) (Invader Equipment Lynx)

(Boots) Stealthy Boots (Troop Defense During Defense 24%) (Troop Health During Defense 24%) (Troop Offense During Defense 24%) (Invader Equipment Lynx (Invader Equipment Lynx)

(Amulet) Lynx's Fang (Troop Defense During Defense 24%) (Troop Health During Defense 24%) (Total Health 12%) (Invader Equipment Lynx

(Helmet) Fur Hood  (Troop Defense During Defense 24%) (Troop Offense  During Defense 24%) (Total Defense 12%) (Invader Equipment Lynx

(Weapon) Serrated Blade  (Troop Health During Defense 24%) (Troop Offense During Defense 24%) (Total Defense 12%)

Attacking Armour for all troop types

(Armour) Saracen's Breastplate (Troop Defense During an Attack 24%) (Troop Health During Attack 24%) (Troop Offense During an Attack 24%) (Invader Equipment Saracen)

(Helmet) High Turban (Troop Defense During an Attack 24%) (Troop Health During Attack 24%) (Troop Offense During an Attack 24%) (Invader Equipment Saracen)

(Amulet) Enamel Ring (Troop Health During Attack 24%) (Troop Offense During an Attack 24%) (Total Health 12%) (Invader Equipment Saracen)

(Boots) Emir's Shoes (Troop Defense During an Attack 24%) (Troop Health During Attack 24%) (Total Defense 12%)  (Invader Equipment Saracen)

(Weapon) Saracen's Sword  (Troop Defense During an Attack 24%) (Troop Offense During Attack 24%) (Total Defense 12%) (Invader Equipment Saracen)

Hero's Experience 

(Helmet) Fur Hat 40% (Invader Equipment Hun)

(Helmet) Ragnar's Helmet 35% (Special Equipment)

(Armour) Steppe Caftan 30%  (Invader Equipment Hun)

(Helmet) Plate Helmet 30%  (Invader Equipment Khazar)

(Weapon) Khazar's Bow 22% (Invader Equipment Khazar)

(Weapon)  Pride Dagger's 20% (Invader Equipment Cave Lion)

(Amulet) Golden Bracelet 20%  (Invader Equipment Hun)

(Boots) Wanderer's Boots 19.2%  (Invader Equipment Khazar)

(Amulet) Sweyn's Locket 18%  (Special Equipment)

(Amulet) Inlaid Belt 18%  (Invader Equipment Khazar)

Warrior Capacity

(Weapon) Killer's War Hammer 66% (Standard Equipment)

(Armour) Killer's Chainmail 57.6% (Standard Equipment)

(Amulet) Sweyn's Locket 50% (Special Equipment)

(Helmet) Flaming Helmet 44.4% (Standard Equipment)

(Boots) Ice Boots 36% (Standard Equipment)

(Boots) Bewitched Boots 34.8% (Standard Equipment)

Nov 10, 2018, 01:4811/10/18

Thank you! This is a very helpful list indeed!! 

Nov 10, 2018, 11:1811/10/18

Yes very nice ... one other thing I recommend as the possible listing like you did the learn and build amulets is the learn armor ... the Daredevil's Armor gives 25.2% learn bonus which is almost as much as the Haakon's Cloak which gives 28% and requires only regular material so is worth making in my opinion.  Actually I have not even bothered making the Haakon's Cloak because I do not find the increase to be worth it.  Maybe I need to look and see if I already have the material just by chance to make it since I have tons of material from trying to get that one piece I need for something ... lol.

Nov 10, 2018, 11:2111/10/18
Also I would like to say that when first starting I do recommend making some basic standard learn and build equipment at unusual level ... it gives you 50% of the bonus for about 1.5% of the material and can be a big help when first starting out.  After that though yes I only recommend making legendary equipment.
Nov 14, 2018, 08:5911/14/18
Nov 14, 2018, 09:00(edited)
Which pieces are best for gaining hero's experience? I saw that the Hun's set includes a couple pieces to serve that purpose... Are there others? I'm really hoping for like... A cozy pajama set for my lady warrior to snuggle into while I grind through task refreshers, but I'd settle for some cute boots or a sparkly amulet. ;)
Nov 14, 2018, 09:2511/14/18
Nov 14, 2018, 09:35(edited)

I had prepared something like the OP early on for myself ... mine also includes hero experience equipment ... so I will go ahead and list it here ... many also have bonus for training ... maybe it is not complete because I only wrote down the best and what I though I might be interested in making ... maybe there are some special equipment missing, maybe I check that out later and edit if that is the case.


Plate Helmet (Khazar invader) 30%

Fur Hat (Hun invader) 40%

Ragnar's helmet (special equipment) 35%


Steppe Caftan (Hun invader) 30%


Khazar's Bow (Khazar invader) 22%

Pride Daggers (Cave Lion invader) 20%


Wanderer's Boots (Khazar invader) 19.2%


Golden Bracelet (Hun invader) 20%

Inlaid Belt (Khazar invader) 18%

Sweyn's Locket (special equipment) 18%
Nov 15, 2018, 11:4511/15/18
Nov 15, 2018, 11:47(edited)

CIM said:

Yes very nice ... one other thing I recommend as the possible listing like you did the learn and build amulets is the learn armor ... the Daredevil's Armor gives 25.2% learn bonus which is almost as much as the Haakon's Cloak which gives 28% and requires only regular material so is worth making in my opinion.  Actually I have not even bothered making the Haakon's Cloak because I do not find the increase to be worth it.  Maybe I need to look and see if I already have the material just by chance to make it since I have tons of material from trying to get that one piece I need for something ... lol.

lol I made The Daredevil's Armour just 3 days ago now and I have just seen your reply about it in this post, I had only just found out about the Daredevil's Armour and I can't believe how good the learning speed increase is for only a level 32 standard equipment I wish I had known about it earlier and as you said there is barely any difference between it and Haakon's Cloak which I am yet to make. I will edit the post accordingly.

Nov 15, 2018, 11:5711/15/18
Eleria said:

Which pieces are best for gaining hero's experience? I saw that the Hun's set includes a couple pieces to serve that purpose... Are there others? I'm really hoping for like... A cozy pajama set for my lady warrior to snuggle into while I grind through task refreshers, but I'd settle for some cute boots or a sparkly amulet. ;)
I will add that equipment to the guide lol.
Nov 15, 2018, 12:0411/15/18
Unfortunately the first post of a thread can not be edited ... :(
Nov 18, 2018, 13:3711/18/18
CIM said:

Unfortunately the first post of a thread can not be edited ... :(
I was allowed to edit it lol.
Nov 18, 2018, 14:0911/18/18
Nov 18, 2018, 14:22(edited)

Then they may have fixed that bug.

I was going to post here before now..

I tried to find the excellent graphic that some Russian did about all the best equipment to forge.

I dont think it had Heros experience listed ,but it is very well done and worth looking at,even though it only contains the information that the game already gives you, which  I thought everyone already knew about,it seems not everyone does. 


It is possible that recent updates have made some of the information less relevant, but it will likely only have affected the special items.

Nov 22, 2018, 13:5711/22/18
Laird Brinni said:

I will add that equipment to the guide lol.
Thank you kind person! Your next comment said you were able to edit your first post to include the best gear for Hero's Experience (I think), but I'm not seeing it. :/ Did it revert? Thanks again! :)
Nov 23, 2018, 08:3411/23/18
Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

I will add that equipment to the guide lol.
Thank you kind person! Your next comment said you were able to edit your first post to include the best gear for Hero's Experience (I think), but I'm not seeing it. :/ Did it revert? Thanks again! :)
Sorry I only added the Daredevil's Armour to the Guide I will add the Hero's Experience Armour as soon as possible Eleria.
Nov 24, 2018, 07:5811/24/18

I made a Vikings War of Clans tool that calculates every piece of material and invader needed to make any piece of hero equipment, including the new special gear. Find it here

Dec 13, 2018, 13:2912/13/18
Tess said:

I made a Vikings War of Clans tool that calculates every piece of material and invader needed to make any piece of hero equipment, including the new special gear. Find it here

I haven't been able to try this out yet but I've seen good reviews in your other post. Thanks Tess! :)
Dec 14, 2018, 19:5312/14/18
Eleria said:

Tess said:

I made a Vikings War of Clans tool that calculates every piece of material and invader needed to make any piece of hero equipment, including the new special gear. Find it here

I haven't been able to try this out yet but I've seen good reviews in your other post. Thanks Tess! :)
Hi sorry it took so long Eleria I have added it now and also warror's capacity as well.
Dec 17, 2018, 04:5812/17/18

Laird Brinni said:

Hi sorry it took so long Eleria I have added it now and also warror's capacity as well.

Don't apologize! THANK YOU! for doing what I was thoroughly too lazy to do myself! 😂 You're my hero! 

Erm.. Lemme squeeze in this unwelcome note, cuz I bet it already crossed your mind... 

It may be prudent to add a little disclaimer to the "resource yielding" bit for, you know... *cough* Gear of the North *cough*. Unless you're refusing on principle,  and if so... you have my support either way.  

Anywho! Just an idea, no rush or obligation... If you'd like to expand this list sometime, you could add in the best gear for lumber, Stone, iron, and silver production for all those hyperfarmers. Then, maybe, work in something for each of the troop types  specifically for people who only have access to Standard & Invader equipment, since the Special equipment kinda speaks for itself in those categories. 

Cheers! 🍻
Dec 18, 2018, 07:5112/18/18
Dec 18, 2018, 07:52(edited)
Eleria said:

Laird Brinni said:

Hi sorry it took so long Eleria I have added it now and also warror's capacity as well.

Don't apologize! THANK YOU! for doing what I was thoroughly too lazy to do myself! 😂 You're my hero! 

Erm.. Lemme squeeze in this unwelcome note, cuz I bet it already crossed your mind... 

It may be prudent to add a little disclaimer to the "resource yielding" bit for, you know... *cough* Gear of the North *cough*. Unless you're refusing on principle,  and if so... you have my support either way.  

Anywho! Just an idea, no rush or obligation... If you'd like to expand this list sometime, you could add in the best gear for lumber, Stone, iron, and silver production for all those hyperfarmers. Then, maybe, work in something for each of the troop types  specifically for people who only have access to Standard & Invader equipment, since the Special equipment kinda speaks for itself in those categories. 

Cheers! 🍻
My Pleasure Eleria  Yes I will be adding the north gear to the list too as hopefully all players will be able to get it soon at least I hope they will, Great idea about the other rss I have accounts that hyper farm all the different rss so it is very useful to know, The lynx and saracen gear are still the best invader gear for attacking and defending with and they work for all troop types including scouts but there are still some pretty good standard equipment for different troop types which I was using myself before I got the lynx and saracen gear, I still use lynx gear for traps in my town as it covers all the troops but for attack and tile traps I use killer special gear. 
Jan 12, 2019, 10:1101/12/19
Laird Brinni said:

My Pleasure Eleria  Yes I will be adding the north gear to the list too as hopefully all players will be able to get it soon at least I hope they will, Great idea about the other rss I have accounts that hyper farm all the different rss so it is very useful to know, The lynx and saracen gear are still the best invader gear for attacking and defending with and they work for all troop types including scouts but there are still some pretty good standard equipment for different troop types which I was using myself before I got the lynx and saracen gear, I still use lynx gear for traps in my town as it covers all the troops but for attack and tile traps I use killer special gear. 
Happy belated holidays! I hope they treated you well. Thank you for the continued updates to your list, your hyper-farming fans can't wait for the rest! 😜
Feb 12, 2019, 09:3302/12/19
Feb 14, 2019, 07:02(edited)


Feb 14, 2019, 14:2802/14/19
My heart is blue with longing for you.