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Resources transformation in Stronghold

Resources transformation in Stronghold

Mar 26, 2020, 10:3303/26/20

Resources transformation in Stronghold

Hi Team.

Could you please think for improvemnet of the resources transformation area in the Stronghold? 

We hit serious issues with setting the right time, according to our needs, for transformation. It is very dificult to get the time you want working with the slider, which is now the only one option for all players.

I believe we should get these things inproved for betters game play and player statisfaction. 

From my perspective any of below chages will help a lot:

1. Time duration for transformation to be selected/typed manually in hours/minutes

2. Fixed durations to be available like 1 hour, 1 day(24h), 1 week(168h)...etc 

So we can select the best option for us.

Thank you for your attention. 
