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Table that shows where you can find Barbarian' and Centurion' equipment.

Table that shows where you can find Barbarian' and Centurion' equipment.

Jun 30, 2017, 07:2206/30/17

Table that shows where you can find Barbarian' and Centurion' equipment.

Brave warriors!

We have made a handy table that shows where you can find valuable Invaders' equipment.

Jul 3, 2017, 12:2307/03/17
Yes I received some epic and legendary items from farming these Gifts of the God's resource spots.  Plus they yield tremendously fast.  I just love them ... lol!
Jul 10, 2017, 11:5307/10/17
What is gift of the goods? extra payment equipments?
Jul 14, 2017, 09:3407/14/17
sswelifrl said:

What is gift of the goods? extra payment equipments?
it's special rss locations that appear if you will win the KvK Revenge 
Nov 20, 2019, 13:3511/20/19

sswelifrl said:

What is gift of the goods? extra payment equipments?

What are the eqipment levels?  Are they listed from weakest to strongest as well as the creatures to attack ?

Nov 20, 2019, 14:2411/20/19

This information is somewhat out of date.

The gift of the GODS, not Goods , is the reward given to the kingdom winning the event called kingdom v kingdom revenge.

The table refers to only two invaders  that at the time of the post had ceased to be regular features on the global map.

This is no longer the case, they appear now mostly, if now not exclusively, as just  24 hr invaders in rotation with the other regular game invaders.

The materials mentioned are only to be found and only with luck, from yielding from the special fast L.7 tiles.

They are not extra payment,  there are no levels, and they are not listed  in order of strength and there are no creatures to attack

If by levels you mean from simple to legendary  there is no guarantee on the quality of anything that drops from any tile , there isn't even a guarantee that you will get any item.

If you want these  items you need to attack the  specific invaders themselves, the relevant  composite Uber, or buy from the clan store.
Jan 18, 2024, 02:3301/18/24

where? there isnt any of the tables on anything

Jan 18, 2024, 15:2801/18/24

Many tables that could be viewed by most players have either been removed or will not open.

If you really need the answer. look in clan store, or click on the invader when present on the map, or the uber invader that contains barbarian and centurion. I can't remember which ones they are. 

Note, it is not guranteed that you will get them as the drop is random, and the odds are against you being succesful.