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Yielding Stats and knowledge

Yielding Stats and knowledge

Mar 18, 2018, 06:2903/18/18

Yielding Stats and knowledge

Hey guys, I have seen many people ask questions about how to yield faster and what to do with yielding set and which material we get from which tile so here i am going to try answering them at my best

Firstly for getting yielding set you need to get following equipments to yield faster and in much more capacity.

Centurion's Helmet-17%

Centurion's Dagger-15%

Centurion's Calceus-15%

centurion's Armor-16%

Centurion's Ring-16% each x 2 = 32%

All the above stats are incubated with Topaz which gives 7% bonus to Rss yielding speed which sums up to 95%

There are 2 skills in hero skill tree that gives yielding bonus which are Rss yield i & ii which if done at max gives 80% and 120% bonus totally 200% of it.

Then there are 3 types of knowledge in economic section which gets your yielding speed higher those are Spoils of War i, ii & iii. Doing Spoil of War ii & iii at max is not what i recommend as they are way too much higher rss demanding then their worth. But i say that do them up to lvl6 which gives 34.5% each and 66% from Spoil of War which totals to 135%.

So now here we have 95+200+135+50(from boost) = 480% of yielding speed plus we have 50% yielding boost which can be additional bonus to ALL marches with/without hero but it is more efficient on without hero marches as they get speed up of 50% but with hero overall speed up don't make much difference. which will be enough for you to empty a whole uber silver tile in 34 minutes. Plus we have shamans which is added bonus(tho i haven't tested it yet as i send 2 marches one with hero another with shaman to tiles). We also have Hackon's boots in special equipments which we can try but its bit costly and not much increase in points.

As in shaman we have 20% from its skills and from equipments we have 36%(without gems and runes).

Now for tile speed of giving rss. It is highest in lvl7 tiles and then decreases with decreasing lvl of tile. Invader tiles are slower than normal tiles but Uber tiles are bit faster or equals to lvl 7 tiles. But in same lvl tiles Food ones are fastest then comes Wood & stone then there is iron and slowest one is silver

Now for Which tiles gives which bonus in form of materials.

Farmland's(Food Tiles) - Cotton, Elixir, Feather, Leather & Rope.

Lumberjack's Shed(Wood Tiles) - Debris, Feather & Hide

Hewer's Camp(Stone Tiles) - Glass Granite & Leather

Iron Deposit(Iron Tiles) - Diamond, Lead & Steel

Silver Altar(Silver Tile) - Cotton, Debris, Diamond, Glass & Hide.

Warrior Capacity also is an important part in Yielding. More the capacity less the troops required. So if you can get less no. of troops with higher capacity and more yielding speed you face less loss and better result in short time.

Hope this helps and i will post other stuff sooner.

Update :-  As one of my clan's mate suggested that runes should be mentioned here. And yes we have a rune which gives 9% bonus to rss yielding speed and 6 of them makes 54% bonus tats equal to boost we have but getting this runes is bit difficult for new players so i suggest that leave them for now and focus on getting other runes firs which yu think is more important to your army
Mar 18, 2018, 07:4903/18/18

Good info.  I caution players that farming gear/hero skills are bad for production, so be careful about giving up more in production than you gain in farming.  During times where tile hitting happens yielding faster is beneficial, but not so much during peaceful times.  This all assumes that you are not at max capacity and not producing more rss in your town.

One big draw back to your farming set was Plarium's decision to really cut back on the appearance of Centurions.

I like Haakon's boots because they also have good capacity and more importantly great building speed, but I agree they are a more advanced goal.

Mar 18, 2018, 10:5303/18/18
pandastout88 said:

Good info.  I caution players that farming gear/hero skills are bad for production, so be careful about giving up more in production than you gain in farming.  During times where tile hitting happens yielding faster is beneficial, but not so much during peaceful times.  This all assumes that you are not at max capacity and not producing more rss in your town.

One big draw back to your farming set was Plarium's decision to really cut back on the appearance of Centurions.

I like Haakon's boots because they also have good capacity and more importantly great building speed, but I agree they are a more advanced goal.

Thank you for going through this and for your suggestion. Yes clubing your farming & yielding set is not what i intended to do but as you have mentioned they are bad for it and yes they are bad. I have my training set and yielding set merged and also my learning/construction set with yielding set merged. And for Centurion we dont have centurion in game more often but we had them few weeks back for 3 days and yet Avarin - Uber invader is replacement of Centurion. So we dont have deficiency of its equipments but we dont have direct access to those.
Mar 19, 2018, 09:4503/19/18

There is more easy way to farm centurion set. We need some "Clans Task Refresher", then we complete Clan Tasks and farm loyalty points. In clan store we can buy "Coffer of Centurion's Rare Materials" = profit

Mar 19, 2018, 16:0503/19/18
Apr 3, 2018, 07:52(edited)
Rocketman said:

There is more easy way to farm centurion set. We need some "Clans Task Refresher", then we complete Clan Tasks and farm loyalty points. In clan store we can buy "Coffer of Centurion's Rare Materials" = profit

Thats absolutely right Rocketman. Thanks for input here...:)
Apr 7, 2018, 02:0904/07/18
Once your hero is level 60 you can easy have enough hero skills to max out skills for farming (resource yielding I and II) , training troops (training speed I and II),  construction and knowledge upgrades (build I and II, learning speed I and II, construction cost, knowledge learning cost) and hyperfarming (depends on what you hyperfarm but you can max out at least 2 different resource type productions).  
Apr 7, 2018, 08:3504/07/18

There is also shaman equipment that has bonuses to help here ... resource yielding speed and warrior capacity ... and march speed bonus is nice also to help you beat out other's to the tile ....

I really like the centurian ring.  For the other pieces of equipment I don't use centurian when I farm ... I go for the following standard equipment with larger capacity bonus ... helmet - flaming helmet (44.4%), armor - killers' chainmail (57.6%) and weapan - killer's war hammer (66%).  I do like the Centurian helmet though, it has good capacity, resource yielding speed and marching speed bonuses, although my name in game is blazebo and I'm a bit attached to the FLAMING helmet, lol.   And yes I use the Haakan's boots.

Apr 7, 2018, 15:5304/07/18
Apr 7, 2018, 15:55(edited)

I was going post here a while back when I first saw  the Rocketman post .

Now I see there's been some additions, and possible continuing (hopefully) developments.

The Centurion and Barbarian are back  it seems, and now more often?. 

I remember one of my first posts was about the disappearance of the Centurion invader and how unfair it was to new players.

Since then  it has reappeared as part of the Invader hunt quest, the first time it did so I was very surprised and pleased.

I thought it was a programming error as some were leaving behind gold yielding lairs, a bit of a novelty and a welcome addition since gold invader lairs had been withdrawn some  time before,(  a misstep I think), the level 1 invader layers contained twice the gold of a level I gold mine,emptying it often resulted in a piece of invader equipment. both very welcome for a newer player.

I made sure I killed as many Centurions  as I could in case it was a mistake or a one of event, because in spite of what Rocket man suggests, acquiring  Centurions equipment materials is not as easy as he would suggest, particularly if you're a novice player, or anyone starting afresh in new kingdom.

If you have been played before, or for a long time, and very established, its all to easy  to forget how difficult it can be  for  beginners. 


The Clan Task Refresh is  available only to clan members,  costs 10,000, a lot of loyalty points,very expensive when you only get a few clan quests, and  cannot accumulate points fast enough to do as suggested, and profit.

Admittedly , later in the game as  the number of quests and quality increases, it may be more viable.

Keep in mind,  you still  have to get  enough points to pay for the Task  Refresh as well as the Centurions Coffer, then hope for the required material. 

Nothing really beats being able to attack the invader to get the items needed.

Please do not suggest attacking Ubers....... 

Apr 8, 2018, 04:3804/08/18

xyz said:

I was going post here a while back when I first saw  the Rocketman post .

Now I see there's been some additions, and possible continuing (hopefully) developments.

The Centurion and Barbarian are back  it seems, and now more often?.

Since then  it has reappeared as part of the Invader hunt quest, the first time it did so I was very surprised and pleased.

The Clan Task Refresh is  available only to clan members,  costs 10,000, a lot of loyalty points,very expensive when you only get a few clan quests, and  cannot accumulate points fast enough to do as suggested, and profit.

Admittedly , later in the game as  the number of quests and quality increases, it may be more viable.

Nothing really beats being able to attack the invader to get the items needed.

Please do not suggest attacking Ubers....... 

Yes...i would carry on adding suggestions here according to player says and will update this article to make it perfectly easy for novice players.

Centurion and barbarian were removed or sometime as developers thought it wont matter or maybe people didnt kill them like they do for lynx and saracen at some point of time. But after many suggestions and request and even need for yielding equipments they again included them. And in last 2 months i have seen them 3rd time yesterday.

One should never kill ubers till they unlocked t6 and have royal guardsmen's equipment set. Until then they take huge amt of energy which is total waste of time. But after this one should really go for ubers as they help getting 2-3 different equipments at a time.

Lastly...Thank you for your suggestions

Apr 8, 2018, 08:2904/08/18

Crime said:

One should never kill ubers till they unlocked t6 and have royal guardsmen's equipment set. Until then they take huge amt of energy which is total waste of time. But after this one should really go for ubers as they help getting 2-3 different equipments at a time.

i am lvl 26 city, 1 billion influence and i have not yet unlock tier 6 invader... 10 month in the game...

for specific invader, i found tier 5 perfect... give epic material and sometime legendary when do a critical hit... tier 5 have a good return for energy invested...

as uber, they are like 4 type of invader with a cherry on the top... each uber can drop 4 special gems that no other invader drop...

by example, the previous one, the pict, drop aquamarine gem who speed up knowledge... i have already a set of stronhold armor and a set of shaman armor filled with 12 of these gems

the actual uber longobard drop indicolite gem who speed up construction... not yet enough of them for my construstion stronghold gear

training gem euclase is only drop by gepid and the gem taafeite for all troop offense by avarin... most of the specialist gem defense/health are only drop by uber too...

from my personnal point of view, ubers are never a waste of time... they cost me 40k energy to kill but the return is very good
Apr 8, 2018, 10:1304/08/18
Apr 8, 2018, 10:18(edited)
I almost finished all my invader knowledge before I attacked level 5 ... before that I only attacked level 1 invaders and just used the energy I built up ... and yea as an invader I attack level 5 usually ... now my invader knowledge is complete and I rather attack ubers than anything else ... I tend to get much better drops from them compared to drops I get from doing 4 level 5 invaders ... and yes it is important to have invader equipment also for attacking them.  And you can do all your other invader knowledge without level 6 invader's being unlocked.
Apr 8, 2018, 11:2704/08/18
CIM said:

I almost finished all my invader knowledge before I attacked level 5 ... before that I only attacked level 1 invaders and just used the energy I built up ... and yea as an invader I attack level 5 usually ... now my invader knowledge is complete and I rather attack ubers than anything else ... I tend to get much better drops from them compared to drops I get from doing 4 level 5 invaders ... and yes it is important to have invader equipment also for attacking them.  And you can do all your other invader knowledge without level 6 invader's being unlocked.
In 2 accounts i did a calculated risk. Brought that super pack of energy with 2,4mil energy in both...both had lvl6 unlocked but none had royal guardsman's equipment. And then on cvc day with 10% less energy i started killing royal guardsman and result was i had to use 522k energy to make full set of them and 612k energy for spares(as materials to do special equipments) when i killed lvl6...but while killing lvl5 ones i had to use 726k energy just to make 6 equipments. So i would rather wait to get lvl6 ones unlocked first and then start killing them. But for ubers there is no comparison. They tend to make equiments faster
Apr 8, 2018, 11:4204/08/18
Nice experiment ... but took you longer to get to the ubers then and get those learn/build gems ... and those 3 knowledges needed right before that unlock lvl 6 take a long time ... so yea I can understand going that way but I also can understand deciding to use level 5 to get royal guard equipment and then go straight for ubers.  Both have their advantages.
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