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Abusive moderation

Abusive moderation

Feb 12, 2022, 18:5902/12/22

Abusive moderation

Hello 🙁

I've been harassed for more than a month on Vikings by a player who knew how to manipulates in such a way that I broke the rules of the game out of exhaustion. According to the Plarium Support Team, I should accept the fact that they reinforce the harasser in his objectives to harm me. I have several unjustified/misjustified account restrictions during this month.

"The purpose of harassment is to harm the psychology of a given person". 

Yet I am a resilient person, my harasser succeeded several times since the Plarium Support Team gives him reason. I have broken the rules in the past in order to defend my honor by responding to this form of violence. I had accepted my first ban but I didn't block this player for many reasons at this time. 

I can no longer accept sanctions from Plarium Support Team in regarding this situation :

Although I have been very careful about my behavior following the first blocking of my main account, I haven't stopped being wrongly banned since the first time. I'm still receiving the same pre-recorded answers from the support. However, the reasons the support relies on to moderate my account are less and less valid, until I am banned for absolutely no valid reason today. 

The only reason I'm currently banned is because of the misunderstandings following the translation from my native language to English. Given that there is no support in my native language, the Support Plarium Team did not understood the subtleties of my language and mistakenly thought I was insulting.

I continually ask for the details of the reasons which led to sanctioning me without ever obtaining answers detailed enough to be useful.

In addition, this player has never been banned for his insults, which have been proven at the Support Plarium Team. I phonned twice with this player who does not hesitate to insult the support (in the eyes of the members of his clan), while having many courteous exchanges for several years with the support team

Wish you all a good game. ⭐


Feb 13, 2022, 14:5802/13/22

Block anyone who sends you abusive messages and stop sending messages of your own to plarium.

Feb 16, 2022, 13:1702/16/22
Feb 16, 2022, 13:17(edited)

Other players cannot get  directly involved with your arguement with another player, or the game owners.

We cannot take sides as we have no evidence, and in any case, Plarium have the fiinal say, because its their game.

You have the right to be upset by bad behaviour, how you deal with it is another matter. 

Try not to get angry with another player, this is what some of them thrive on,especially if it distracts you from the game, and makes you make mistakes.

If Plarium misunderstood what you wrote to them, consider these.

 Many languages, especially English can be complex. 

 English might not be their first language.

Translation services make mistakes.

Instead of writing your messsage in your own language and translating the whole thing.

Keep sentences short, use the simplest words you can.

Rather than trying to tell Plarium what happened, take a screen shot of the events, send this to them ,and let them decide if it breaks their rules. 

Feb 17, 2022, 00:4702/17/22

if all else fails, use drakkers & move kingdom