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Hero energy level dropped? Finished a secret achievement?

Hero energy level dropped? Finished a secret achievement?

Apr 18, 2020, 19:0704/18/20

Hero energy level dropped? Finished a secret achievement?

After an accidental logging off,a stalled and restarted relog,I find my hero has lost its usual energy level and is in fact overloaded, so not gaining any free energy.

I find that I have a secret achievement which I thought had malfunctioned, because previously it wasnt there.

Now the other posts mentioning this loss of energy is clear to me.

I am no programmer and dont have the faintest idea how to rectify that aspect, however, a quick fix, that worked for me  just now on Firefox browser was this.

Removed hero equipment by replacing with something else, restored what I had and, VOILA! hero energy was back to old maximum.

Hopefully a  temporary solotution for all.

Do not know if it works for other browsers as the secret achievement hasn't even registered on my Google kingdom account.

Unless some get lost again.

Next post could be my MILLENNIAL.

Still way behind our illustrious front runner though.

Apr 19, 2020, 17:4504/19/20


Thank you for the information provided.

Our specialists are aware of the situation and are already working to resolve it.

You can try to take off and put on any of the Hero's Equipment, this can help in this situation, while we are working on its solution.

If we need additional information, we will contact you.

Remember that we are always happy to answer your questions about the game and you can contact us at any time.

Thank you for understanding.