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May 27, 2022, 15:4005/27/22


Why would  when buying special Blue packs the 100$ ones impaticular the Ruinic Coin pack  offerring 5 mil 5 hundred 25 thousand  Cions  for 99$  US dollars after buying 4 of them  the next pack availabler is for 1 mill  Runic Cions and this special as well as the rest is for 1 week and 2 days..  can someone tell me possibly WHY  ... 

May 27, 2022, 18:1005/27/22

No one here, including the administrator, will likely be able to give you the definitive answer  that you are looking for. 

The officials will tell you the offers are designed especially for you,that they have no influence on what the offers you get are, and,that sometime in the future you might get an offer that suits you.

The rest of us, based based on gathered opinion,and older advice might say,that it is your buying habit that is the reason things have changed in an unfavourable direction for you.

You could try searching the forum, or the internet for previous ideas on how best to organise your purchases and hope it is current and works favourably for you.

May 27, 2022, 18:4405/27/22

It is a curious marketing strategy.  Essentially packs get more expensive as you buy more of them.

The price will come back down again if you do not buy any for a week or two.

May 28, 2022, 00:4205/28/22

TY for your responses but still the piont uis  i bought 4 100 dolar packs and on the 5 time it lowered the  ammount of runic cions everything else stayed the same..   this suggests game is  fixed in that  progression is limited to the chance that you will  PAY  to recieve  the right  pack ...  again  suggests  game fixing,, so now i cannot  gain the required 40 mil runic cions which i have the money for but will not purchase a lower value pack for the same amount of money..   Really Palarium..   this is how business is done.. 

May 28, 2022, 02:0805/28/22

the question i would ask is this item you seek really going to improve your stats as much as you think it will that it warrents buying right now,would you not be better off earning these coins in events and purching it at a later date?

I assume you have a pretty well developed account,hence questioning the benefit of this item,of course it is your money and you are free to spend it as you wish but to me the notion of spending such an amount on something that is likely to offer you very little in return is something i have trouble understanding