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Vikings In Game Harassment

Vikings In Game Harassment

Mar 27, 2020, 20:4903/27/20

Vikings In Game Harassment

So I have been playing for a while now. And I really love this game. I have spent alot of money on this game as well.... But I have now reached a point where I feel I cannot play anymore. There is one player who runs his own clan whom has been nonstop harassing me. NOONE else tile hits but him. And he has been doing it to me nonstop for days now..... As well as sending me messages that he will not stop unless I pay him. Saying he is in the Russian mafia and and i need to pay him. Where ever i move he follows me. Sits his town down right next to mine. Cant do anything he is there. I wrote the company sent screenshots in and they say he has done nothing to violate terms of use and i need to just block him. But i cannot even play anymore. Only way to even get domain sheilds is package deals cant buy them with gold. So.... I am just screwed? I'm soooo upset. Can someone please help? I dont want to switch kingdoms I dont feel I should have to. He is a problem to everyone in the kingdom. Most just quit playing. I dont understand how this is ok with the game company? So instead of spending money to buy things in the game I should pay this person to even just allow me to be able play? I dont know what to do... I am so upset.  I dont want to stop playing but it's looking like I may have to.... :(  

And I am perfectly happy with competition it's what the game is about! I am watched and attacked by a ton of other people. But have never been harrassed like this. Being told that they are mafia and I need to pay. Ignore them and dont tile gather and they sit their town right next to mine no matter where I go. It's insane. Can anyone help me? 

Mar 27, 2020, 22:0503/27/20
i don't know why the company isn't dropping him, he is breaking the law, by using extrusions!
Mar 28, 2020, 18:1003/28/20

gremblin17 said:

So I have been playing for a while now. And I really love this game. I have spent alot of money on this game as well.... But I have now reached a point where I feel I cannot play anymore. There is one player who runs his own clan whom has been nonstop harassing me. NOONE else tile hits but him. And he has been doing it to me nonstop for days now..... As well as sending me messages that he will not stop unless I pay him. Saying he is in the Russian mafia and and i need to pay him. Where ever i move he follows me. Sits his town down right next to mine. Cant do anything he is there. I wrote the company sent screenshots in and they say he has done nothing to violate terms of use and i need to just block him. But i cannot even play anymore. Only way to even get domain sheilds is package deals cant buy them with gold. So.... I am just screwed? I'm soooo upset. Can someone please help? I dont want to switch kingdoms I dont feel I should have to. He is a problem to everyone in the kingdom. Most just quit playing. I dont understand how this is ok with the game company? So instead of spending money to buy things in the game I should pay this person to even just allow me to be able play? I dont know what to do... I am so upset.  I dont want to stop playing but it's looking like I may have to.... :(  

And I am perfectly happy with competition it's what the game is about! I am watched and attacked by a ton of other people. But have never been harrassed like this. Being told that they are mafia and I need to pay. Ignore them and dont tile gather and they sit their town right next to mine no matter where I go. It's insane. Can anyone help me? 

Dear gremblin17,

If you have noticed a player violating the game rules, please provide me in private messages with the following information about this issue:

  1. The number of the player's Kingdom and the coordinates of their Town or a screenshot of the player's profile.
  2. Screenshots illustrating the rule violation(s).

Thank you in advance and we are waiting for your reply.

Mar 29, 2020, 09:3803/29/20
are you in a good clan??? If you are why dont you ask your clan members to attack him back or you can form an onslaught. You can get him good this way. If your clan is not good enough try moving to a different kingdom. you can even report this to his clan chief if he is in a clan.
Mar 29, 2020, 12:5503/29/20
I am the highest level person in my clan at lvl 27 influence around 1,590,000,000. I am an Elder. Our clan is still fairly new. So everyone is lower level. And unfortunately he is the cheif of his own clan. I really dont want to have to switch kingdoms. I dont feel I should have to when he is harrassing not just me. I am happy where I am even the clans that are bigger than mine like the Ravenz Reborn, have the same problems with him it's not even so much the rest of his clan it's just him....
Mar 29, 2020, 16:0203/29/20
Mar 29, 2020, 16:08(edited)

Even if Ivar cannot help you,you may be interested in these two similar topics.

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

88 Replies

Players ruining the game

9 Replies

There may be others scattered about on the forum as well.

Oct 27, 2020, 12:4310/27/20

You are welcome to come to kingdom 858 and join my clan.  I am the chief of Nargun.  We are a clan of 15 members.  We have a great group and we would love to have you.  

Please message me if you would like to talk.

Dove X

Oct 29, 2020, 17:0310/29/20

Well thirteen year olds can certainly be a pain.  Best just ignored.  And certainly blocked.

I do not understand your comment that you have to pay money for shields.  Just keep about 100k in gold as a reserve and you will never have any problem keeping a shield in place.  Clan events will provide you with that much gold (and a certain amount more).  I commend Retreat, Large Coffer found in Item Store - Treasure.  You get a 24 hour shield and a relocation item at a good gold price.  As you will use the relocation items more often than the shield you will soon enough have a reserve of shields.

You like to yield.  Well don't for a while.  There are plenty of other in game activities to keep you busy.  After a week or so the pest's enthusiasm for following you around will fade.  When you return to it, work on hiding your troops when they are on tiles.  Don't yield close to home, don't yield close to other yields, yield different types of tile, try to send out your troops when the pest is unlikely to be online.  If you have the patience, watch a yield or two.  You can deter a tile hitter by being quicker to leave a tile than they are to hit.  (In this case, however, do get a life).  These are skills that can be applied in CvC, KvK, KvKr and Fury so it may even be good practice.  You can also tease the child by sending out numerous marches of ten, a hundred or five hundred troops.

In case it has not been said to you before in all but the most benign of yielding environments it is best to yield only with tier 1 troops and in lowish numbers - 8k is popular.