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Game in general

Game in general

Nov 14, 2018, 16:0311/14/18

Game in general

Palarium is a big company and makes a lot of money off the players here but the game itself is slow, riddled with bugs and loading issues. With a game this size I understand the occasional slow downs and maintenance but almost everyday is ridiculous specially considering the games does not get any better just more problems.

Some of the problems I've encountered is my settings being reset on animation, music etc..., I turn them off so the game will move / load faster(in theory)but it doesn't help, also the lack of being able to search the kingdom via the arrow keys should be a no brainer, yet you have to scroll over with your mouse or finger and half the time it pops up the question do u want to move here(irritating) or when I want to send out a raid w/o my hero or shaman(and I have to click the button every time yes I know everything is better when you use them(why not have a button that lets u stop this forever)). Also why do some pop up windows go away when u click on the background and others don"t???, makes no sense to me they all should go away and why is the cancel button so tiny (X) if ur hero or shaman is not on a march but if they are u have a big close button? most of these problems could be eliminated with a simple fix of clicking the background and be done with that pop up.

I also have twice(2x) lost men when attacking because the game kicks me out right after sending a raid and before I can reshield but palarium can't verify this so it didn't happen but if I want 70% of my troops back I have to spend gold.

I am getting fed up with the game lagging and problems.